Chapter eight

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The pain continued to grow worse in which I turned to chewing into my tail for comfort, the sound of the door opening caused me to tense up in fear. Biting further into my tail I refused to make any sound despite my wishes to call for any sort of help, I had obviously made some sort of noise however when I noticed a rather worried red and white mech peek around the corner. The moment he caught onto what was happening he raced to me side, I could care less what he did I just wanted this agony to end.

"If you had told me sooner I could have been more prepare for this!" He scolded angrily but soft enough not to attract attention, a soft hiss from me caused him to shake his head as he pressed a hand to my side where the pain was worst.

"I haven't done anything like this in who knows how long but I need you to cooperate with my every word," he ordered, having no choice I obeyed his words closely.

**Time Skip (cause I ain't doing that shiz)**

After hours of agony the pain finally ended, beside me two soft sails started up causing me to lift my exhausted helm to see what I had just created. Two small Predacon sparklings lay by my side one of which held BumbleBee's colouring and the other which held a mix of both our colours, Ratchet looked at me with soft but questioning eyes and I knew I had to answer for this sudden delivery.

"Do explain how this happened," he ordered with a hint of amusement in his voice, with a hiss from me he chuckled and helped me clean the fluids off the small sparklings. Ratchet soon left me alone with my brood but didn't take too long to return with energon for us all, thinking it over I felt fear spread through my spark at how the others would react.

"What if they don't like them!?" I fretted softly trying to keep our location hidden, Ratchet shook his helm with the first genuine smile I've ever seen cross his face.

"They won't hate them Tempest, we haven't seen sparklings ever since Cybertron fell into war, this is a change in tide for us, the main problem is your temper, from what I found out in the last day or so Predacon females tend to grow aggressive towards, how do I put it, intruders to their nest, I'm lucky I was here before you put yourself in a dangerous situation, it's up to you if you want anyone else here and I will keep them both a secret for as long as I can, no doubt Bee will come looking for you but the others are very much aware you are spark mates and Optimus has a taste for knowing everything going on in base, as does Arcee but she's not important right now," Ratchet explained, I nodded and looked down at my sparklings as they feasted on the small delivery of energon. We sat in silence for a while before Ratchet turned to leave, using my just about chewed apart tail I stopped him.

"The others have a right to know, tell them I want to see them all so I can personally tell them myself," I sigh, with a knowing nod he left without another word. I sat in silence as I waited for that door to open again, hiding my sparklings under my wing I rested my helm to regain some more lost energy. The moment the door opened I lifted my helm to look where the others slowly made their way in, my spark began to burst with worry but I calmed my fear seeing Bee there and I knew he would make the others see reason should they try and hurt our sparklings.

"You wanted to see us?" Optimus questioned, I nodded my head as I took a deep breath. Slowly and defensively I lifted my wing to reveal the small Predacon sparklings which earned many shocked looks but all of which soon turned to admiration for the small creatures, seeing strange figures they broke from their recharge and leapt between my front paws in an attempt to hide.

"They are ours!?" Bee almost screeched with joy through our spark bond, I chuckled and nodded which caused him to slowly but giddily make his way towards me. Ratchet moved off with the others to explain a few things while I spent time with my spark mate and our new sparklings, nothing would ever tear us apart now. The moment the others began to come over I lowered my gaze feeling bad that even I didn't know of this until it happened, a soft rubbing between my optics caused me to calm slightly.

"Ratchet explained everything he has learned to us, we will respect your space but I trust you will teach them the difference between right and wrong when the time comes Tempest," Optimus Prime explained, I looked down at my sparklings who had returned to their recharged state of slumber.

"Of course Optimus, you gave me a home when I needed it so I shall teach my sparklings the right path of good and helpfulness, but Predaking is going to be a problem if Megatron finds out," I almost begin to choke on my words saying that monsters name, the dark energon he implanted into my systems caused enough problems and he didn't need an excuse to torment me with it.

"No word will be said about them anywhere outside of base, they are of valuable knowledge to us given no Cybertronian was ever able to study Predacon young since we only know what data hasn't been corrupted," Optimus agreed, I nod before resting my helm down on the ground. The rubbing between my optics begins again and I know Bee will stay by my side tonight, thankful for his help I slowly drift into a state of recharge.

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