Chapter seven

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It had been about two weeks now since Ratchet so kindly informed Bumblebee and I of our strange bond, the three of us had agreed to keep it a secret until things got out of hand. The feeling of my body burning up caused me to stir, I hated the heat despite being able to spit fire I preferred cold days to boiling hot ones. Today felt too hot for my liking but I didn't dare complain, I might have softened slightly but I was still too proud natured for my own good. Lifting my helm I let out a yawn before looking around, seeing no bot nearby I stood and using a little cheat I learned from the small humans and Ratchets constant use of the thing I ground bridged myself somewhere not too far from the base. Finding a shady spot I felt somewhat cooler so to try and cool myself further I allowed myself to release some of my stored up air through my nose which left me cool enough to relax, it wouldn't be long before Bee found me since through what Ratchet calls our Spark Bond we could locate one another just about anywhere. A soft growling nearby caught my attention, lifting my helm from the cool grass I had rested it on I looked around. The moment I locked eyes with him I stood snarling, the large Predacon mech stalked from the bushes but everything about this was all wrong and with such a good ambush he had the chance to attack but instead revealed himself and now crouched meters away with his gaze locked with mine.

"What do you want!?" I snarled standing taller, he might have defeated me and earned my submission two weeks ago but now that I had my spark mate to think of I wasn't going to let him push me around easily.

"For a Predacon you aren't the smartest, hiding where the wind can carry the scent of your energon isn't the best move, plus I'm not here to kill or attack you, I just want to know why in the name of the all spark do you smell like that!" He hissed in reply, raising my head higher I watched his lower almost in a submissive way.

"I don't know what you are on about but you get the frag out of here before I chew your head clean off!" I snarl launching myself at him, Predaking simply braced for the impact and lay still below my talons and snarling jaws. Due to my confusion he wriggled free of my grip but instead of attacking or fleeing he began to stalk closer and when I didn't budge he placed his chin upon my shoulders, when I snarled he flinched backwards but repeated the action when I stopped.

"Get away from me!" I snarled lashing out narrowly missing him, further still be repeated the action and eventually I just eyed him cautiously.

"You stink of that scout," he grumbled mostly to himself, I snarled at the disgust in his tone.

"You leave Bumblebee out of this you Predacon scrap!" I growled, this caused Predaking to tense up before he launched forwards grabbing me by the back of the neck and pinning me to the ground. When his jaws connected with my neck I felt almost paralysed, my spark seemed to know before my head did what was going on and with that sent a distress signal to Bumblebee. I felt panic slowly rising in my chest when Predaking bit down harder, letting out an alarmed call I heard a ground bridge open nearby and hoped the auto bots had come to my aid. The sound of blasters and Predaking lurching backwards had me on my pedes in an instant, looking around I noticed the large Predacon had fled and I relaxed a little. The feeling of ease spreading through my spark signalled Bumblebee was near, the sight of the yellow and black scout caused my mind to ease as well.

"You alright!?" Bee fretted through our spark bond, I nodded as I gave a final look around.

"I had a feeling this would happen," Ratchet grumbled as he summoned a ground bridge, walking through it I gave a sigh and returned to my usual spot to rest. A worried beep caught my attention as Bumblebee walked over, he began to rub between my eyes and I gave a sigh as I relaxed and got comfortable. Slowly I began to drift off to sleep, the day's events had my head spinning but all would make sense and a lot sooner then I would like.

**Time Skip**

A few more weeks seemed to pass and I had pestered Ratchet for information on my kind to try and piece together what had happened, both Bee and I had done some rather unspeakable things that neither of us would bring up especially around the others. I had been just about banned from leaving the base until my energon cooled according to Ratchet but he was hiding more then he let on, snuggling into Bee he rubbed between my optics as usual which caused me to purr with delight. After that night with Bee my energon had cooled thank primus but it caused questions for everyone in my change of behaviour, rather than being snappy and hot headed I had calmed but grew protective. The sound of giggling caught my attention and I lifted my helm from Bee's grasp to look around, I relaxed the moment I noticed it was onl the human children laughing over their jokes.

"Go have fun Bee" I chuckled seeing his eagerness, with another enjoyable scratch between my optics he headed towards the human children to play what they called a Video Game. Standing up I began to head down the halls of the base hoping to find somewhere quiet to be, lowering my helm I took a sniff at the ground hoping no one had been down this way and when no energon trails came up I made my way into a large room filled with boxes and such. Blinking a few times I felt my spark luring me somewhere inside the room and so out of curiosity I followed its wishes, pushing a few boxes aside I found a nice hiding place. Circling a few times I laid down hoping for quiet but a sharp pain in my gut told me otherwise, letting out a soft hiss I caught onto what was happening and all those changes the past few weeks but I couldn't bring myself to make more noise then I needed to.

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