Chapter eleven

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Days seemed to pass since Megatron had killed Firefly and taken both Honeybee and I hostage against the Autobots, each day my dose of dark energon seemed to grow but I failed to care so long as they left Honeybee alone. The sound of footsteps and a door opening caught my attention, turning my helm I let out a snarl when I noticed it was none other than Megatron with his pathetic expert mech Soundwave.

"Good to see you awake my pet, I do hope you are ready for your assessment," he chuckled darkly, standing up I pinned Honeybee behind me making sure that the disgusting silver mech couldn't touch her.

"Oh calm down you pathetic creature, your sparkling will come to no harm so long as you obey me," he grumbled losing his amused expression, as I stared in his menacing purple eyes the pounding in my head began to start up once more.

"Lord Megatron might I come and watch the predacon? For study purposes that is!" Knockout questioned as he walked up behind the large gladiator, Megatron turned to face the red and white mech with a cautious gaze.

"I don't see why not, now Tempest, I will give you one chance to attack me, Knockout remove her energon muzzle," Megatron ordered, the small red and white mech was quick to obey before scrambling away to Soundwave's side. Feeling my strength return I gathered my legs and charged, the moment I got close however a sharp pain shot through my mind and body causing me to stumble and collapse writhing in agony. The closer Megatron came to me the worse it hurt, his eyes locked with mine and I could see a strange sort of pulsing in the purple colour that they held.

"Give in to your mind, don't fight your urges to kill, obey me and your pain will stop," Megatron cooed as he came closer still, a purple haze was beginning to cover my vision and I knew my sanity was slipping the more the dark energon tried to obey. Snarling I opened my jaws but no flame dared summon, the growing pain and the feeling of weakness finally caused my mind to cave and my body fell still awaiting the command from Megatron. I could hear him chuckling as he knelt down beside my head, the moment he stood up I felt my body stand with him. My blue eyes remained blue no longer as they pulsed with the same purple energon that had corrupted Megatron, the moment he moved towards Honeybee however my natural instincts overtook the dark energons need to kill and I growled letting Megatron know that was close enough.

"Despite the dark energon the instincts of a carrier are still stronger, interesting, come here beast," Megatron ordered, despite my best efforts not to he still had control over my mind and body. Glancing at Honeybee and the way Knockout kept glancing towards her with a worried expression I knew she would be safe for now, as Megatron turned to leave I followed him slowly losing my own mind to the dark energon as it seemed through my spark. When we arrived on the launch bay for the Nemesis I didn't take off like I normally would have but a simple look from Megatron and I had lowered myself to the ground as he grabbed ahold of the horns upon my neck before heaving himself up, hissing in annoyance I stood up feeling awkward with the new weight I had to carry.

"Lord Megatron are you sure this is safe!?" Knockout questioned in a worried voice, the former gladiator simply pulled my head backwards as he turned me towards the small red and white mech.

"The dark energon in her veins stops her from doing anything but obey me, question my motives again Knockout and I will feed you to the beast!" Megatron snapped, Knockout nodded before walking back inside the ship to probably check up on Honeybee like he usually did. The words Megatron spoke over the com link I ignored, Predaking and two of his clan soon joined us upon the launch bay before we spread our wings and took flight. Predaking kept his distance as did the others that flew beside us knowing very well that my hate towards the mech could easily get him killed, a shift in Megatrons attitude caught my attention and the hidden messages his energon sent me caused me to turn towards the ground and land. Lowering myself I waited for the former gladiator to dismount before standing once more my eyes scanning the area, Predaking landed beside us but the two other predacons circled around and landed in a nearby forest.

"Predaking I want you to scout the area while the beast and I await our new company," Megatron ordered, with a nod the large predacon mech took off to scout the valley. Within moments my spark began to burn and I knew Bumblebee must be near, my change in attitude and the connection Megatrons dark energon shared with mine alerted the dark overlord of the nearby presence. Lowering my helm I allowed my tracking radius to extend itself through the earth to the area around us, the moment I picked up an energon signal I lifted my helm and let out a low growl. Megatron chuckled and I began to grow slightly dizzy but his energon signals fixed themselves allowing for my confused mind to return to its hunting state, looking around I found my gaze locking with the one bot I hoped wouldn't be here.


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