Chapter twelve

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As quickly as we locked gazes I looked away, my dark energon was screaming at me to attack the small scout but my spark fought its evil intentions.

"I know you're there Autobots, your Predacon Fae is rather useful, her mind is too confused to properly fight the dark energon in which I control her with, such a fine thing to see, such a shame I had to destroy that poor sparkling, he would have made a fine decepticon," Megatron stated, the moment Optimus stepped out from the trees Megatrons control seeped into my mind once more and I was forced to lower to the ground until his energon signals told me to rise.

"Return the predacon fae and her sparkling Megatron, they have no quarrel with us," Optimus ordered calmly, the smell of the fresh energon began to drive my mind into a craze.

"Oh no Optimus, with this beast under my control your little scout won't hurt a fly, especially with his sparkling in our clutches, but I don't see a point in not letting you try to take her, would take the fun out of my day!" Megatron laughed, from the looks Optimus was pulling he was in a tough situation and any decision could end with the destruction of both his enemies and those he cared for.

"Tempest, return to us, Megatron is using you and...." he began before Megatron burst into a dark laughter and I rose sensing his energon signal changing, I could smell the fear in the primes spark and I enjoyed it.

"You think pathetic words will bring her back!? Oh Optimus you really are a pathetic fool! Tempest! Kill this pathetic Prime!" Megatron roared, without a second thought I charged towards the mech who stood confidently in his place. Before I reached him however a flash of black and yellow caused me to skid to a stop creating enough dust to block Megatron's view of the situation, shaking my head I locked eyes with my sparkmate feeling his every emotion.

"Tempest stop! Megatron is using you! Come back to us!" Bee cried through our bond, the pulsating in my mind began to slow but a flash of light sent Bee flying and my mind spiraling into its dark place once more.

"Stupid insect!" Megatron snarled, stepping back I shook my head wanting to do what my mind truly wanted and to help my true family but the dark energon took its toll once more and I stalked to Megatrons side before lowering myself as he mounted onto my back. Hissing I took off into the sky as shooting broke out, a blast to my wing sent me spiraling down towards the earth. Letting out a cry of agony I collided with a large rock with a thud, the grunt of pain from Megatron told me he had flown from my back but I continued to crash and roll down the hill until finally hitting the ground. My vision was blurred and my mind spinning, my main focus now was getting back to the Nemesis before Megatron hurt my sparkling. Standing up I looked around, when I noticed the great gladiator was gone I began to panic. Spreading my broken wings I attempted to take flight only to crash back down once more, the sound of many footsteps didn't phase me as I tried to get away and save my sparkling.

"Tempest calm down!" Arcee almost shouted, snarling I tried to take flight once more before choosing to run despite my torn circuits and armour. Megatron's energon signal told me he was already almost back to the Nemesis and no matter what tried to stop me I wouldn't stop until I knew my sparkling was safe, a sudden ground bridge in front of me sent me skidding through it and into a strange room filled with strange smells. Looking around I found myself calming slightly at the sight of Honeybee curled up in stasis, a great ruckus of shouting filled the halls and I was quick to wake Honeybee and hide her behind me. When Knockout entered the room instead of Megatron I could see the fear in his optics, when his gaze flashed from me to Honeybee and back again and that was all it took for me to realise what was going on. Jumping forwards I grabbed his arm before tossing him on my back before turning and grabbing Honeybee in my jaws, making sure I had her safely in between my teeth I took off down the halls knowing very well this was my only chance at escape. Turning a corner I thundered past Megatron and Starscream as I headed for the launch bay, my wings might be too torn to fly but I would be able to glide at the very least. Cannons firing near my head had me ducking as I launched out of the launch bay door and spread my broken wings before clumsily gliding towards the ground, it wasn't a pleasant landing but it would do for the moment. Charging forwards I knew I needed to get the three of us away safely, spotting a large and dense forest I crashed my way through before slowing and finally hiding us in a thicket of bushes. The scent of fear from both Honeybee and Knockout was driving my dark energon crazy but I needed to stay in control until we were safe, as the sound of angry voices drew closer I took a sharp breath before doing something that would probably get us all killed.

I sent out a distress signal.

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