Chapter one

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All I have known is pain....

I don't know how long I had been locked in this dark room but rust had taken its toll on my joints which were chained to the wall with ever lasting energon, nobody had entered nor left this cold dark room. Whoever was overseeing this used a command panel to torture me, I had long since grown used to the constant pain they caused me. Every time I started to gain my strength back they would drain it from me via a horrible shocking, I gritted my metal teeth as I felt electricity flow through my body. Letting out a hurtful whine I tried to break free, I was sick of the endless torture. The more I struggled the worse the pain got, humans believed we couldn't feel pain but we felt every last bit of it. I thrashed harder wanting the pain to end by freeing myself from my dark prison, finally the pain grew too much so I stopped and sat there sore and exhausted as I slipped out of consciousness.


I awoke to the sound of gunshots, I lifted my head weakly hoping whoever was attacking this place would save me. As the shooting grew closer I felt hope rising in my chest, I thrashed about with what little strength I had but the energon wouldn't budge. I tried to scream out but ages without proper use had destroyed my voice box, I looked back to faintly see my wings on my back and began to flap them about and swing my stiff rusted tail in an attempt to make noise. Thankfully I managed to knock over something nearby creating a loud bang, everything went quiet for a few moments before the shooting began again and I hear something running towards my room. The door flew open and I was blinded by light, a large figure stood in the doorway giving my eyes some relief.

"LORD MEGATRON THEY WON'T STAY BACK FOREVER WE MUST RETREAT!!!" Came a screech from nearby, so the figure in the doorway was called Megatron. Such an interesting name, I could see the purple glow of his tainted eyes which sent a shiver down my back. He grumbled something and shot the walls where the energon flowed from, I collapsed to the ground weakly. Two of his soldiers rushed in and picked me up by my arms, they dragged me from the room and down a series of hallways before dragging me onto a large ship. I was then thrown in a room that held just about nothing in it, I sat up against a wall to look myself over. I had major damage done to my outer exterior, I had no clue what circuits they had fried as I was no medic. Suddenly the ship shook and began to move, my eyes went wide as I thought I was going to die. After a few minutes I calmed down and sat back against the wall, I felt myself relax a bit thanks to the peace and quiet. Suddenly the door opened the one they called Megatron entered, he had a mean look to him but he saved my life in a way so I had to be thankful.

"What's your name?" He growled, a word nagged at the back of my mind like a parasite.

"M-my Name is Tempest," I croaked with my broken voice box, he seemed satisfied and left the room. Moments later he returned with another mech, this one was large and purple and had only a single visor/eye. He held a few tools in his hands which I assumed would be to fix me up, Megatron whispered a few things to him before leaving. He began to assess the damage done to me, he lifted my head and began to do something to my voice box.


Soon enough I was all fixed, I looked myself over as he left. I walked around the room to loosen my joints a little, I felt so much better after that stranger had fixed me. Transforming I noticed I didn't turn into a vehicle like the others but instead turned into a large dragon, in this form I could barely move around the room from my size. The door opening made me turn my head slightly to see who it was, I quickly transformed seeing it was Lord Megatron.

"Hmmmm you could be of great use to me, now follow me so you can get acquainted with the others before I put you to good use," he grunted, I followed him down a few large hallways and into a large control room. Heads turned our way and out of respect I lowered my gaze, I noticed a rather scrawny looking transformer and almost burst out laughing at his squeaky voice.

"Lord Megatron are you sure it is wise to trust this thing out of its cell so soon?" He questioned eyeing me curiously, that earned a laugh from Megatron.

"She owes me a great debt for freeing her, her kind always repay their debts, now Starscream are you going to question my choices further?" He dared, the scrawny one known as Starscream mumbled to himself as he waited for Megatron to continue.

"Now as I was going to say, she is going to infiltrate the Autobots base with a tracking beacon, it's small enough to not be noticeable to their stupid leader Optimus so she should be fine, I will leave the how and where to Shockwave since I have more important things to attend to," he ordered, the one eyed transformer whom I now knew as Shockwave began to type something into a large control panel. Lord Megatron soon walked out but his loyal lapdog Starscream stood there watching me, this began to bother me.

"Are you going to stare at me all day or are you going to make yourself useful!" I snapped sick of his staring, this pushed his buttons.

"Be quiet you lower classed creature or I will have you thrashed!" He spat back, sick of his taunting I transformed into my dragon and stared at him daringly.

"Test me again scrawny and I will break you down to scrap!" I growled, with a final glare he left the room. Transforming back I earned a few laughs from the few who remained in the room, I rolled my eyes and walked over to see what Shockwave was doing. Little did I know this mission was going to send me on a wild ride, I would be torn and tossed between sides neither knowing the others true secret.

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