Chapter two

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I paced around my quarters wondering about my mission, all I knew was I was going to act like a captured Rogue the Decepticons had found and I would send a distress beacon to hopefully attract the AutoBots into a false rescue mission. Every night once they all powered down I would return to Megatron with news and such of which he would use against them, seemed simple enough to me. The door opened and I focused my attention on Shockwave, he stood holding a small device in which I assumed to be the tracking beacon. He then forced it between two large plates of armour on my shoulder making me hiss in pain, that would get itchy soon enough. I then followed him out into a large room in which held an energon enforced cage, growling I hopped inside it and transformed into my beast mode. A muzzle was place upon my snout and energon was used to keep me submissive, my eyes narrowed as I began to feel more and more trapped but having a debt to Megatron for saving me I had no choice but to go along. After this we were ground bridged quite a distance away from the main ship, the troopers began to haul my cage back towards the ship when Starscream gave me a glare signalling I should send out my distress beacon. Doing so resulted in a shock of dark energon into my side, hissing I tried to return the attack but that only resulted in a much more painful shock. After a few minutes we finally emerged into a large open valley, I rested my head on my front paws growling in annoyance. Right on cue the ones my master named AutoBots burst from the trees shooting for the troops, I laid there slightly exhausted after so many zappings. Soon enough Starscream fled with what remained of the small patrol leaving me alone with these strangers, I lifted my head snarling when one tried to touch my side.

"Easy there BumbleBee we don't want to anger whatever this is," a large red and blue transformer eased, I narrowed my eyes when they started to open the door of the cage. Cautiously I left the cage never taking my eyes off my "rescuers", the smallest of the bunch, a yellow and black transformer whom I now knew as BumbleBee reached up slowly pointing to my muzzle. With a soft hiss I lowered my head, he quickly took it off and I stretched my jaws open in a loud roar. Everyone stepped back as I shook my plating and wings, I towered over them easily and they knew I could kill them so they took their time. The slightest movement made my head snap towards it, a small creature stood hiding behind one of the larger AutoBots.

"WOAH A DRAGON!!! COOL!!" Came an excited voice from the small creature, I snorted at its disrespect.

"Miko what are you doing here!?" The large bulky green AutoBot grumbled, I bared my teeth not liking how their numbers grew.

"Sorry Bulkhead base got boring, plus, you guys found a freaking dragon!" She exclaimed, hissing I went to attack the small creature as it's respect for the stronger lacked greatly. My talons were shoved away by the large bulky transformer as he protected the small creature, hissing in disgust I stepped back.

"Easy girl Miko means no harm, Bee get her back to base would ya?" Bulkhead soothed, the largest of the bunch whom was a red and blue transformer seemed to be studying me.

"Let's head back to base, best we take this creature with us since if Megatron wants something like this then he must be getting desperate," the red and blue transformer suggested, he reached a hand out slowly and respectfully. With a hiss I lowered my head to sniff his hand, his energon was good and clean which meant he had taken good care of the others in his team. He reached forward slightly more to touch his hand to my snout, I snorted but didn't move away.

"I'm Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, care to tell us your name?" He soothed rubbing my snout softly, I sighed and blinked.

"My name is no concern of yours, I have no clue of my origins as I awoke crash landed on this planet, what was that disrespectful creature that the small AutoBot took back to your base," I hissed as I sat back, he chuckled.

"That was a human, we work to protect the humans and this planet from the Decepticons and their ambitious leader Megatron," Optimus explained, I nodded when a large ground bridge opened up.

"Teach it to show respect and I won't kill it," I hissed as I followed them through the ground bridge, I was surprised at how well thought out the base was. I sniffed around curiously mapping everything out incase Megatron wished me to destroy it, I noticed not only one small creature but three of them all of which watched me curiously.

"Best you three head home, it's getting late and we don't need any more trouble tonight," Optimus ordered softly, I snorted and continued to look around. The base was a lot bigger then I had expected, one door I passed seemed to pull me towards it. Transforming into my bot form I opened the door and had a look inside, the room held many relics that had been hidden for many a Millenia. A particular object stood out to me, it's design looked like it was built to sit upon a Predacons head. Grabbing it I left the room to test it out, transforming into my beast mode I placed the armour upon my helm. The moment it connected with my helm it began to shift and transform into battle armour I had not seen since the very early days of Cybertron, pain suddenly shot through my head as the armour began to test me. Growling I shook my head trying to rid myself of it, eventually using my talons it fell to the floor catching the attention of a passing AutoBot.

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