Chapter three

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The AutoBot looked at me cautiously making me roll my eyes as I continued to look around, I barely fit in the base in my beast mode but I hated my bot form so I didn't care if I knocked a few things over. Voices down the hall made me snarl softly, soon enough they arrived at the room I was in making me mentally face palm.

"Agent Fowler it is not recommended you approach the Predacon," Came the worried voice of Optimus, I heard the human scoff.

"I know what I'm doing prime I'm not stupid," he grumbled as he began to creep closer, I bared my teeth showing my dominance but the human still approached. He showed no fear as he stood almost directly next to my muzzle, I gave him a sniff so I could keep his scent in mind for Megatron.

"She's got a few gashes here and there Prime, one looks bothersome but should be fine, she also has a few raised scales and I found a tracking device behind her front left leg under some of her armour," Came a rather annoyed voice from the shadows, I nibbled at the area as I remembered how itchy it was. The device fell to the ground and the base shook, my eyes turned to slits as I snarled at the roof.

"Agent Fowler I recommend you hiding for now while we deal with this," Optimus suggested, the small human nodded and took cover in a well hidden spot. I detected Starscream nearby which made me growl, the fool was meant to let me handle this.

"STARSCREAM WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU IDIOT!!!!" I snarled through our com link, I heard a chuckle from the other side as the base shook again.

"I'm only proving myself to my lord, you are pathetic and weak in your state, stand down and let me handle this like a proper Decepticon," he snarled back, furious at the insults I charged for the front of the base where the door was. It opened as I reached it and I took off to the sky flying after a now screaming Starscream, as I reached him I bit down on one of his jet wings. Ripping it from his side I sent him spiralling towards the ground, snarling still I dived towards him as he fled.

With victory in my claws I gave a triumphant roar, now he had witnessed not only the pain I had felt when he continuously shocked me but he would know better then to interfere with my missions. I turned back to where the AutoBots were watching, the blue AutoBot chuckled with a raised brow while the others looked purely shocked yet amused. Rolling my eyes I stalked back into the base, Starscream had almost ruined my mission and gave away what my true purpose was here. With a growl I chose a spot to lay in the corner of the base, I really needed a recharge and an energon stock up after being zapped a thousand times and Starscreams stupid ideas.

**Time Skip**

The sound of a ground bridge closing caused me to awaken, I'm not sure how long I had been in recharge but I noticed my wounds were fixed and a tube was attached to my side allowing energon to flow into my body. I let out a purr of approval before resting my head back on the ground, I also noticed the three humans doing something which had me curious so carefully I removed the tube from my side and slowly stalked towards them.

"Uhhhhh, hi girl," the smallest one greeted cautiously, I let out a huff to notice them doing something on one of the small monitors.

"Are you curious about what we're playing? Oh we are playing Raph's racing game," the tallest one explained, I watched them for a moment longer before going to explore yet again. It didn't take me long to run into the mech Optimus Prime, I lowered my head in which he reached forward and rubbed my muzzle in greeting.

"Good morning," he chuckled, I lifted my head and let out a soft purr.

"I must thank you Optimus, lending me energon was risky especially when I am still so new here, for that I share my name, my name is Tempest," I explain with pride, this earns a smile from him as I allow him to rub my snout yet again.

"Well Tempest, it is an honour to be in your presence, we believed all Predacon's were wiped out when Megatron hunted them down," Optimus observed, I lifted my head to sniff the air.

"I smell bad energon nearby," I grumbled but it seemed Optimus overheard and he nodded, shaking my neck plates I watched as the other Autobots gathered around.

"Arcee I want you and Bumblebee to go scout the area for any decepticons, Ratchet I need you to oversee the ground bridge, Bulkhead and I will be here for reinforcements should you find trouble," Optimus ordered, I huffed as I watched the tall femme bot and the smaller mech head through a ground bridge. Having nothing to do I began to pace, being in small spaces was never fun for a large Predacon like myself.

"Tell that Predacon to stop pacing before she paces a hole in the floor!" Ratchet snarled, growling I glared at him but he didn't flinch until I began to stalk closer in which he grumbled and looked away.

"Ratchet calm down, we all hate small spaces especially when they usually cause pain," Optimus stated referring to the cage they found me in, shaking my neck plates yet again I noticed Optimus holding his com piece and when he tensed I knew I was needed.

"Alright Tempest, I'm going to need your help, Megatron has a Predacon with him and they are heading for a nearby energon mine, would you give us a hand my friend?" He questioned as he rubbed my muzzle, I lifted my head and nodded before following him and the bulky green mech through a ground bridge and into the open where we stood overseeing the battle. Lifting my head I let out a mighty challenge to the large mech Predacon who stopped to return it, launching off the mountain we stood meters away from each other with burning eyes ready for the battle soon to come.

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