I don't wanna see you

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"SIDESWIPE, CLEAN UP THIS KITCHEN!" Sideswipe's mother yelled as he held his hands tightly over his head. He was drunk yesterday with Wheeljack and Optimus had to take him home. And believe me, he wish he was still drunk. "SIDESWIPE!"

"I'm coming mom dammit!"



When Sideswipe walked into his kitchen he was greeted by his step-father. "Bout time you woke up." Sideswipe growled. He never liked his step-dad. His real father dad in a war and his mother re-married to him. He always thought he was too......demanding. Even towards his mother. "What do you want mom?"

"I want you to clean the kitchen." Sideswipe looked towards the kitchen and saw a few dishes that need to be clean. He sighed in frustration. "Mom, what I need is an ice pack."

"You can get that later."

"Says the women who almost made me pass out while I was walking down the stairs." Sideswipe said with no regret. "Well it's not my fault you got drunk yesterday."

"Says the women who was too focus on her new husband and not me." And with that, Sideswipe had enough. He grabbed hover board and zoomed out of the house ignoring his parents' calls.


As Sideswipe hovered through the city, he grabbed his comm link and called Wheeljack. He was the only person who cared about him. Sure he made him drink but it was the only way to escape the world around him. "Hello?"

"Hey Wheeljack, it's me."

"Yo sup Sideswipe."

"Nothing good."

"Why what happened?"

"I wanna talk in person."

"Alright, you can head towards my ship and I'll be there shortly."

"Thanks man, you're the best."

"I know 😏."

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