The two duo troublemakers

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As Optimus walked down the sidewalk back home, he begin to think about Starscream. If Starscream wasn't in jail, then he might be bringing back the decepticons. He had to do something about it......but what?

When he arrived at the base and opened the door, he saw Ratchet working on one of his machines. "Finally!" Ratchet said as he rolled his eyes. Optimus smiled and walked over to him. "What did I miss?"

"Nothing much."

"Where are the younglings?"

"I sent them to Nichole." Optimus widen his optics. "Why?"

"Well, I told her I had some important stuff to get back at my old lab and I was gonna be gone for a long while. And as much as I hate those little troublemakers I couldn't just leave them alone." Optimus sighed. He was right. On the inside, they were his team/family, but on the outside, they were younglings. "You made a valuable choice old friend." Optimus said as he walked into the kitchen.

Once he did, he heard a shuffle sound. It sounded like running. "Well, I have to go now. Cya in the morning Optimus." Ratchet called out and he turned into his vehicle mode and drove out of the base. Optimus didn't answer back as he continued to listen for the same sounds. Then, he heard them again, but this time, it was.......laughter. Flemish laughter. Optimus knew immediately who it was. Although he only saw them twice. "Hannah, Queen, I know you're there."

Once he said that, he saw two younglings, one red and one yellow come out from under a cabinet. "Hi Optimus." Hannah said as she and Queen Bee nervously smiled. "What are you doing in here? Does Heatwave know you're here?"

"Uh....well, uh..."

"Yep, totally." Queen said as Hannah nudged her. Optimus snorted to hide his laughter. "So if I call Heatwave right now, he's gonna tell me that you two must've snuck in here into this base?" Optimus said now having his arms folded. The two femmes eyed each other as they only said one word in union. "........RUN!" Both femmes yelled as Queen went in one direction and Hannah went in the other. "Get back here." Optimus yelled as he decided to chase Hannah.

Optimus ran towards Hannah as Hannah ran faster. She new she couldn't outrun a Prime, but she can outsmart him. Once she saw a corner, she ran faster and faster until it was time to turn. When she turned, she used her servo to swing herself around to the other direction. Unfortunately for Optimus, he lost his footing and slammed into the wall. "Ouch! That hurt." Optimus said as he saw Hannah run off. Hannah turned around as she stuck her tongue out at the stumbling Prime. "Bye bye Prime." Hannah said as she ran faster. "You can run, but you can't hide!" He called out as he heard foot steps coming from another direction.

He turned around sharply and saw Queen Bee about to turn a corner. Once she saw Prime, she immediately kept going straight to the other direction. "Hey, get back here you little bee." he said as he found his footing again and started to run towards her now.

Queen was a fast runner like her brother so loosing Optimus wasn't a bit of a challenge. Soon, Optimus was about to grab Queen until she turned a corner and out of sight. Once Optimus reached that  corner, he looked both ways. He didn't see at all where she went. He decided to relax a little. "This was gonna be a lot harder than I thought."

3 hr. ltr.

Optimus was chasing the girls all day. He couldn't even get one minute of resting his legs without one of them appearing all of a sudden. Also on one attempt, they even tickled him. They just jumped out of nowhere and started wiggling there fingers all over his body. He was so gonna get them back.

Then, as he walked down tiredly through the halls of the base, he heard that femmish laughter again. He peeked his head towards the corner and saw both femmes walking casually together. They were both laughing. "I can believe we got him."

"Yea that was so cool." The second Hannah said that, both she and Queen were picked up by two large servos. They belonged to Prime. When the two femmes looked towards Optimus, they gulped. "Uh....hey have you been?" Queen smiled nervously. Optimus smirked a little creepy like. "Oh just fine."

"Y-You're not gonna attack us......are you?"

"Attack you, why of course not." Then, he tossed both of them in the air and caught them again but this time, with only one servo. "But I still got you, and now I'm gonna return the favor." Once he said that, he wiggled his finger down both Hannah;s and Queen's stomachs as they laughter joyfully. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Optimus HAHAHAHAHAHAH please HAHAHA stop!"

"Aw but you didn't stop when I asked you."


"That's the idea Queen." he said as he then went down to tickle there feet. Queen only giggled but Hannah laughed to the rooftops. "Hehehehehehehe, no not there." Queen said while Hannah was howling with laughter. Then, he moved up towards there armpits. Now it was Hannah's turn to giggle and Queen's turn to howl with laughter. Optimus laughed along with them until he saw oil tears in there eyes. Optimus rolled his optics and stopped his tickle attack. "Alright, you're free to go." he said as he place them back on the ground.

The two femmes started to breathe again as they looked up at Optimus. "That wasn't.......fair."

"Well it wasn't fair when you did it to me." he said as he helped them up to there feet. "Thanks for playing with us Optimus." Queen said as she hugged his leg and Hannah did the same. Optimus felt some heart rising into his face. He was blushing again. "You know I still have to call Heatwave right?"

"Can we wait a little longer?"

"Please?" Optimus thought about it and smiled. "Sure."

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