Violence doesn't work here

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Daddy Wheeljack and Dinobots


Wheeljack jumped about five feet in the air when Prowl's voice blared through his comn link, dropping a glass he was holding and causing it to shatter on the floor. He groaned in slight annoyance, waiting for his audio receptors to stop ringing before answering the obviously distressed Praxian. -Jesus Prowl... maybe turn it down next time so I don't go deaf?-

-Listen here! Grimlock is upset and he's destroying the fraggin' place! Get your aft down here and deal with him! He's your creation so you're responsible for him!-

Wheeljack just wanted to bang his head on the table right then and there, but he didn't. He sighed heavily and rubbed his optics. -Alright, I'm coming! Don't get your tailpipe in a twist...- He replied with a huff, ending the comn before Prowl could reply and darting out of his workshop.

He ran down the hallway, trying his best not to run into anyone. He skidded to a stop when he reached the room where the Dinobots were usually kept, flinching when he heard a loud crash. He went over to the door and peered in, optics widening when he saw Prowl trying to deal with Grimlock.

"Me Grimlock not stupid! Me Grimlock smart!" The Dinobot leader roared, swinging his tail and narrowly missing Prowl's head.

"Grimlock, if you don't calm down I'm gonna use this on you!" Prowl shouted, holding up his taser.

Wheeljack rushed forward and quickly yanked Prowl away from Grimlock, pinning him against the wall by his shoulders. "Are you insane?! Violence doesn't work in these types of situations!" He growled, not wanting Prowl to hurt Grimlock in any way.

"Then you better do something or I wi—HEY!" Prowl yelled as Wheeljack shoved him out the door and slammed it closed.

Wheeljack huffed and turned around to face Grimlock, who was busy raging around the room. He drew in a deep breath and calmed himself down, approaching his creation cautiously. "Hey, Grim. It's me, Wheeljack. Remember?" He said in a soothing voice, holding his hands up a bit to show that he meant no harm.

"Wheeljack think Grimlock stupid!" Grimlock snarled, whipping around to face Wheeljack and baring his sharp denta.

Wheeljack almost jumped in fear, but he knew Grimlock wouldn't hurt him. He swallowed nervously and kept his hands up. "No I don't, Grim! Who told you that?"

"Slug did! He say Wheeljack think Grimlock stupid!" Grimlock growled, steam erupting out of vents on his snout.

"Oh geez...." Wheeljack sighed, shaking his head. He looked up at Grimlock and tilted his head a bit. "Hey... you know Slug didn't mean it. He's just messin' around. You know what I really think? I think you're one of the smartest Dinobots ever."


"Of course! I gave you a smart processor so you could be smart just like me!"

"So... Grimlock not stupid?"

"No. Of course not, buddy."

Grimlock seemed to relax and calm down after Wheeljack said that, that angry gleam in his optics fading away.

Wheeljack sighed in relief, but yelped a bit when the Dinobot grabbed him and hugged him tightly.

"Me Grimlock thank Wheeljack for thinking that Grimlock smart!" Grimlock said happily, still clutching Wheeljack's small frame against his chassis.

"You're welcome, Grim." Wheeljack managed to sputter out, pretty much getting crushed by Grimlock's bear hug. "Hey bud... could ya maybe put me down?"

"Oh! Me Grimlock sorry!" Grimlock apologized, letting go of Wheeljack and stepping back. "Wheeljack Okay?"

"Yeah, I'm alright." Wheeljack chuckled, getting up and brushing himself off. "You are something..." he mumbled, a big grin on his face as he looked up at the towering Dinobot leader.

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