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Jasmine walked downstairs, pausing in the living room and glancing to the left and seeing Akane in the kitchen.

Jasmine: "I suppose you're the one who brought me home?"

He just shrugged, back still turned as he tended to whatever it was he did. Making coffee or something, probably.

Akane: "Jimmy called. I retrieved."

She rolled her eyes. It figured. Some days she felt like a burden for him. Akane was paid well, of course, but she felt like all her oddball behavior was uncalled for. She just couldn't help herself some days, though.

~General Narration: Angel~

Once again, Angel had a blue envelope resting in her purse. Orion was certainly persistent, she'd give him that, but a letter every day? Was he really going to write that frequently?

She sighed, walking down the street when her phone rang. It was Jasmine.

And she'd had a bit of a slip last night . . . She listened intently over the hum of activity. Apparently there'd been a . . . situation. And Jasmine had used the strings again . . . she sighed, knowing she'd only done it with the safety of the girls in mind. But now she had more to do.

After everything was explained in detail, Angel continued her walk, stopping by the lawyer office she'd made far too many visits to, breezing up five stories of stairs and knocking on the large, wooden door embroidered with a gold plate reading "Thomas Miller".


An audible groan came from inside, followed by series of footsteps until the door finally opened, revealing a tall brunette man with brown eyes in a black suit.

Tom: "What is it, Angela?"

She scoffed, examining her nails in mock superiority.

Angela: "Don't you know? Why do I EVER come knocking at your door?"

He sighed, putting a hand to his forehead.

Tom: "Jasmine had another slip?"

Angel smiled, looking up at him.

Angela: "And we have a legal run to make, so suck it up, take the money and perform your duties as the best lawyer in Cali! That status is EXACTLY why your duties are needed in the first place, so get over it, you get paid better than any other lawyer in the country, Sweetheart."

He nodded, knowing it was true. This was the only client that he had frequently dropped all other things for.

Sadly enough, it was rare that he saw the client herself. It was usually only Angela that he saw. He hadn't seen Jasmine herself for months.

They made their way to the set, and waited for girls know as MYT. Tom was never particularly thrilled about these runs, but he had made the effort to get the job done.

They'd been waiting for a few minutes by the time the girls had shown up, and they'd obviously been in some crazy conversation, something about 'zen' when they noticed Angela and her companion.

Angela: "Hello girls."

She said as they approached. Tanisha stared in confusion, but no one said anything about the the presence of Thomas.

Meggy: "Hi, Angela."

Yistina: "Hi-hi!"

Yistina chirped. Angela gestured to the brown-haired, brown-eyed man at her side.

Angela: "This is Tom. Jasmine's lawyer."

She was interrupted by the Thomas. She usually was when she was informal with titles. Which is why she always made a point to call him "Tommy" instead of "Mr. Miller".

Tom: "I would really prefer if you called her Ms. Brookes, Angela."

He scolded.

Angela: "Shush, Tommy. Anyway, Tom and I are just here to talk to you about last night. Jasmine said you may have seen some . . . unusual things . . ."

All three laughed nervously.

Yistina: "Weird? The only weird thing is that creepy lady that keeps stalking us!!"

She chirped. Angela raised an eyebrow at Yistina.

Angela: "I didn't say weird."

Yistina: "Unusual and weird kinda mean the same thing!"

Yisty shrugged, as if it were no big deal.

Angela shrugged back.

Angela: "Whatever the case, you've been informed of the consequences if any . . . 'weird' information about Jasmine goes on some underpaid tabloid. And if you have any questions, you can ask me or . . .Tommy, here."

She grinned, and the thirty-some year old groaned.

Yistina: "Mums the word!"

She made a motion, zipping her lips. Meggy nodded in agreement.

Meggy: "Heaven forbid."

Angela nodded, convinced there would be no trouble.

Angela: "Good. I didn't expect any trouble from you girls, but it's our protocol to protect her. The world . . . is still too judgemental."

Things were too complicated with Jasmine in general to let word out. Meggy nodded in agreement along with Yistina and Tanisha. Angel knew it wasn't easy for them, either. She dealt with her own amount of difficulty, hiding her . . . condition, but it was harder for Jasmine, being on camera all the time. But it was the only thing Jasmine felt she could do. It filled the void.

Meggy: "So, uh, what scene are we doing today?"

Meggy couldn't help but ask, trying to change the subject.

Angela: "Minor scene for you guys. I wouldn't be surprised if you leave early."

She shrugged. It wasn't really a big deal.

Angela: "Daniel will have the details for you."

Meggy: "Okay."

Meggy shrugged and walked over to Daniel, seeing him chug down an espresso.

Meggy: "Uhm, 'scuse me? I was just wondering which scene me and the girls were doing today."

Daniel quickly opened a notebook, flipping through it, hands twitching slightly. Just a sign that he'd had too much caffeine and not enough sleep.

Daniel: "Just give me a moment . . ."

Meggy stood, patiently waiting. Daniel suddenly burst into a grin.

Daniel: "Ah! Here it is! You'll be doing the outer lab scene today! You're spying on the lab, you fake a few emotions, climb and descend a manufactured fire escape, and then you should be going home before three, maybe two."

Meggy nodded.

Meggy: "Okay, sounds good to me!"

She walked back to the girls.

Meggy: "Lab scene today. Sorry girls, you two are sitting this one out."

Yistina: "Naaaaw! Okay. I'll just doodle!"

Yistina whipped out her sketch pad and paper and began to draw. Tanisha sighed, grabbing a book, one of at least three, from her bag, flipping it open to the marked page and began reading.

Meggy, as she knew she'd have to, reported to the dressing rooms and had her makeup and hair done, yet again looking eighteen. A black tank top, plain hoodie, jeans and sneakers were added to a very casual look. Meggy walked back onto the set, ready. She got into position, crouching down and holding a pair of binoculars, waiting for Daniel to give her cue. Meggy kept her eyes focused on the 'inside' of a laboratory. It was dark inside, but a few lights were on to make it dim enough. Suddenly, a dark figure crept in and began to sift through things.

Meggy: "Huh . . . ?" She mumbled, peering harder. But as she did . . .

???: "Security!"

Meggy whipped her head around, seeing the 'security personnel' open the door just a couple feet away!

Meggy: "Oh great."

She turned and quickly scaled down the escape, leaping a couple times before hitting the ground and taking off.

A second door opened on the ground, figure appearing, pausing at the sight of her.

???: "Excuse me? Are you that girl from the club? What on Earth are you doing out here?"

Meggy screeched to a halt.

Meggy: "Oh no-."

She began her lines but stopped, eyes landing on Jasmine's arm as it turned back to human, concealing the metal underneath.

And that's when the script was broken. Jasmine recognized the spacious look in Meggy's eyes, but didn't expect what came next . . .

Meggy's eyes widened, her voice dropping to a murmur. 

Meggy: "You're . . . you're her . . . You're my . . . my . . . my mother . . ."

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