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Last Time on Transformers: War On Academy City.......

"That is why you got to get our son to safety. His safety is our number one priority. That is what it means to be a parent. To protect their children. We will stay here to fool this Lockdown. By staying here, he would think that everyone is still in the house." Said Jax.

"But...." Said Past Breakaway. The past version of him couldn't argue anymore as he saw the determination in the humans eyes. The Past Breakaway slowly extend his arms out to the Young Alex. He gently picked him up.

Jax pulled down a lever and a passage way to the surface opened up. Breakaway transformed into his vehicle form and flied out of there. He flied about a great distance away, out of Lockdown detection range.

He then heard a large explosion from where he left. The Past Breakaway then transformed back into his robot form and landed right next to a tree. He gently placed Alex right up against it. The Past Breakaway slowly stood up and transformed back into his vehicle form and filed back where his house once was.

Breakaway ended the hologram as he knows Alex can guess the rest already.

"Megatron will pay for this!" Said Cliff. Bee nodded his head and made some angry beeps.

"That Con really needs to learn not get innocent people involved." Said Sideswipe.

"And that is why we need this Allspark Fragment Breakaway. To find the Allspark before Megatron does." Said Optimus.

Breakaway opened up the lid on the glass container and pulled out the Allspark Fragment and handed it Alex. He put it in his pocket.

Alex then got an alert on his phone. When he read it, it says something about giant robots causing destruction on the Texas highway. That can only mean one thing.

"Decepticons!" Said Optimus.

"They are up to something." Said Ratchet.

"We can't just stand here and do nothing." Said Drift.

"Breakaway. Are you going to join?" asked Mikoto.

"Of course I am. I need to get those Cons a piece of my mind." Said Breakaway.

"Great. Alex If you would." Said Mikoto. Alex nodded as he went to the same lever that opens up the passage way.

Alex pulled down the Lever and the secret passage opened up again. All the Autobots transformed into their Vehicle forms and rolled out of there. They begin to head to where the Cons are at the moment.


In Space............. Earth Upper Atmosphere.............

A large space alien craft came out light speed and hovered in the upper atmosphere of Planet Earth. It was Lockdown ship

IN the control center the being that is known as Lockdown is sitting in control chair but the shadows hide what he looks like. All you can still see is two green eyes.

"I hope you have a plan Megatron." Said Lockdown as he was communicating with Megatron on command rooms screens.

"I do. In fact, it is already in motion. We have caused some destruction on a large road that the humans called a highway. They will arrive soon." Said Megatron. As it was clear that he was on the Texas highway.

"Excellent. Make sure you keep Optimus and this female human distracted." Said Lockdown as he hanged up the communication to Megatron.

Lockdown look at the planet from his chair as he was close to collect what he was order to. "I am coming for you... human girl and Optimus Prime." Said Lockdown.

Lockdown as reached Planet Earth. The Truth of that day of what really happened to Alex Parents were revealed. The Autobots are heading to were the Cons are.


Texas Highway........

"We are close to where the Cons are. Just a few more miles to go." Said Crosshairs still in his car form.

"Good. I am itching to crack a few Con heads." Said Hound.

"Me as well. After learning what happened to Alex parents, I have tons of anger building up inside of me." Said Ironhide.

All the Autobots that have a car form were driving on the not so busy highway. As for the ones that have a somewhat of a flying vehicle form, AKA Dante and Breakaway, they are up in the clouds.

Alex is riding inside of Bee car form. He is still in shock. After everything he has learn, the most shocking of it all was that his family knew about the Transformers before he did. And most surprising fact of all is that the Cons hired a Bounty Hunter to kill any humans that might pose a threat to the Decepticons.

This causes Alex to be angry. and tighten his fist. He promise Megatron will face justice for his crimes.

Suddenly a explosion happened right next to Bee car form as a missile was trying to strike him. Alex peak out of the car to see Starscream firing at them.

"Breakaway, Dante your up!" Said Alex.

Breakaway then comes out of the clouds and fired a ton of missiles at Starscream. One of them was able to hit his wings, forcing to transform back into his robot form and crashed into the ground. Dante then landed on Starscream back  and kicked him away.

Starscream got back up and formed his right hand into a saw blade. He ran towards Dante but he was punched away by a robot form Breakaway

"We will stay here, you stop Megatron!" Said Dante.

"We can handle him!" Said Breakaway as begin to handle Starscream.

The rest of the Autobots continue to drive on the highway to stop and find Megatron. Suddenly, Deception solider appeared out no where and tackled Jazz, Hound, Ironhide, Crosshairs, Ratchet, Drift, and Sideswipe and begin to fight them.

"Autobots!" Said Mikoto as she turned her head back from where she is sitting on Arcee with Kuroko at the back end holding onto her.

"We are fine!" Said Hound

"Just go!" Said Crosshairs as he shot down a Con between the eyes.

Drift slices through a few Cons with his sword. "Don't stop my friends. We will be fine!" Said Drift. The other Autobots were now facing their problems while ones in car form continue to drive.

Suddenly a missile a most hit Bee. It was a red car that almost looked like his car form but a different brand.

"Who is that guy?" asked Uiharu as she looked out of Cliffjumper car window. "He almost looks like Bee!"

"Uiharu get back in here!" Said Saten as she pulls Uiharu back into the car.

"Whoa!" Said Uiharu before she was dragged back into her passenger seat.

Just as another missile strike almost hit them, it hit a bunch of cars head of them. Acting quickly, Arcee, Bee, Cliffjumper and Optimus all transformed into their robot forms as they jumped into the air. 

The humans were tossed into the air because of this. Optimus was able to grabbed them and transformed back into vehicle mode with the humans in the passenger seats.

Bee, Arcee and Cliff turned their hands into the signature weapons and fired at the new Con. The new Con transformed and it was Stinger.

"Great a Con copy cat that has the same design as you Bee." Said Cliff as he notice the similarities between this Con and Bee.

"I am much more cooler and a better design than Bee could ever be. For example I can speak he can't." Mocked the mighty Stinger.

Bee got angry as he fired his weapon at the Con who simply dodged it and turned his right hand into a his own version of a cannon and fired at Bee. They will be busy for a while.

Optimus was then hit by a energy projectile by a certain arm cannon. The humans were knocked out when the blast forced Optimus to transformed back into his robot form. He diged his foot into the road to slow him down.

When he finished sliding across the road, he slowly look up at Megatron as his face formed a metal mask over his mouth as it shows he is serious now.

His right hand turned into his Energon blade as Megatron draws his sword from his back. The two Transformers clashed each other in a major sword fight.

The humans had to get out of the way when Megatron sucked punched Optimus in the face, causing to be sent flying where the humans were hiding.

Optimus rolled across the ground and quickly recovered as he parried his blade against his sword against Megatron sword.

"You have no soul Megatron!" Said Optimus. "You would kill innocent humans just to get what you want!!"

"That is why I have no fear!" Said Megatron as he sliced the Energon Blade in half, making it useless. "You die!" Said Megatron as he throws away his sword and begins to fist fight Optimus.

"Optimus!! Stop him!" Said Alex as he screamed out Optimus name.

Optimus slide kicks at Megatron's feet and causing him to trip. Acting quick, Optimus got on top of Megatron and begin to punch him in the face.

"This is the end for you Megatron!" Said Optimus as he plans to end this war once and for all. Or so he thought.

A single bullet flied through the air and right through Optimus Prime right side of his chest. Pieces of his armor were either destroyed or sent flying. He slowly turned around were the bullet was fired from and got off Megatron.

Alex, Saten, Uiharu, Mikoto and Kuroko looked to see a huge metal alien ship hovering close to the ground and was approaching them. They heard something huge approaching them. They saw a metal figure walking through a wall of smoke with the ship in the background.

 The girls and Alex went to hide behind some abandoned vehicles on the road. Mikoto was the last to try to hide but the moment she tried to run, a metal net was shot towards her and she was trapped in the net. This metal figure picked up the net and begin to hold her like a prize trophy. She saw the metal being and it was Lockdown.

Lockdown face begin to transformed into a large and long cannon and fired a bullet at Optimus as he was knocked down to the ground completely injured.

"OPTIMUS!!" Shouted Mikoto as she was worried that he was shot by this Transformer without any mercy.

"He isn't dead human." Said Lockdown. "But he won't be moving for while." The way this guy talks is getting on Mikoto nerves.

"When I get out of here I will fry your circuits!" Threaten Mikoto. The moment she tried to sent her electricity through the metal net, the metal net just neutralized her powers.

"But how!" Asked a scared Mikoto Misaka.

"I made that net just for you. I don't care what abilities you have but that net was design to cancel out your powers." Said Lockdown as he was close the injured Prime.

Mikoto was now scared as she was in the hands of a truly experience hunter who knows how to handle his targets.

Megatron slowly got back up to see Lockdown down coming. He smirked evilly and transformed into his vehicle forms and flies away. In the air, he made this signal to his Cons.

"ALL DECEPTIONS! Fall back! The plan was a success!" Where the other Autobots were fighting, all the Cons transformed and drives or flied away from the Autobots. This leaves the Autobots confused.

Back on the ground, Optimus tries to get up but the pain was to much for him to endure.

"You should have know Prime. Your loyalties to these humans will be the downfall of you. It will always betray you." Said Lockdown as he kneel down right next to the injured Optimus.

"Who sent you here?" asked Optimus.

"Megatron may have hired me to capture you and this girl... "Lockdown paused to raised his trapped human he has in the metal net. 

"But who do you really think? Do you think you were born?" asked a sarcastic Lockdown with a evil giggle.

Lockdown hen stood up. "No. You were built. And your creators want you back." Said Lockdown as he revealed who really sent him to find Optimus. 

A green visor formed over his face. "We all work for someone!" Said Lockdown. The bottom of the larger ship opened up as a another ship open up and his medium ship hovered above Optimus.

It released a huge net that trapped Optimus. Lockdown hopped into the Medium Ship with his human prize.

With Lockdown piloting the ship now it begins to lift Optimus into the air.

"Oh my god! They got Mikoto and Prime!" Said Uiharu as she begin to be worried

"Mikoto! Optimus!" Said Saten

"NO!" Said Alex and Kuroko as they begin to run towards their friend. Kuroko tried to teleport but the ship fired a net at Kuroko that seemed to trap her and Alex at the same time. Some how the net is cancelling out her powers.

"I can't get out!" Said Kuroko as she struggles to get out of it.

"This net is somehow neutralizing your powers." Said Alex. The both of them turned their heads to Optimus and the ship that had Mikoto in it.

"Mikoto!! Optimus!" Cried out Kuroko and Alex.

"Alex! Warn the Autobots!" Said Optimus as he was now being carried to Lockdown main ship with Mikoto trapped as well.

"NOOOOO!!!!" Shouted Alex as he slammed his fist into the ground in anger. The others could only watch as they watch their friends be taken away by a Bounty Hunter.

This was not a good day. Optimus and Mikoto are now trapped on Lockdown ship. Can the rest of the Autobots save them both? What is Lockdown giving the Cons as their payment?


To Be Continued..........

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