The Truth

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Last Time on Transformers: War On Academy City........

"Autobots roll out!" Said Optimus as he transformed into his vehicle form and drive into the ground bridge portal.

All the Autobots followed suit and followed Optimus. This time Ratchet and Dante are going as well. Thanks to a little remote control device to call forth a portal back to their base when they need to.

Alex got into Bumblebee car form. Arcee transformed into her vehicle form and Mikoto and Kuroko hopped on. Cliffjumper transformed into his car form and the got in as he drive into the portal.

The girls look at the landscape to see that they are in Texas.

"Wow!" Said the girls.

"Pretty." Said Uiharu.

"Beautiful." Said Mikoto

"I know. It makes you wonder why tornadoes likes to cause chaos in this area." Said Saten.

"That is a good question." Said Kuroko.

Bee got ahead of everyone as Alex as leading them back to where his old home is. He just hopes the answer that he seeks and the Allspark Fragment is there.


On Decepticon Ship........... With Knockout........

"And done!" Said Knockout as he finished wielding a new Transformer together. He placed a huge metal tube were on the Transformer chest.

"Now to begin Energon transfer." Said Knockout.

Knockout pulled down a lever on the wall. Energon was traveling through the tube and into the Transformer. The new Transformer body was twitching as Energon was still pumping into him.

Knockout pull the lever up and the process stopped. The new Transformer body was lifeless. Suddenly, its left hand finger moved a little bit. That left hand slowly closed into a fist. The Transformer jumped up from the operation table it was on and stood straight up.

"Its alive!" Said Knockout as he was proud.

"Where am I?" Asked the new live Transformer as he looked around to figure out where he is.

"You are on our ship the Nemesis. My name is Knockout. You are the newest member of the Decepticons and to help us destroy the Autobots!

"My body feels strong and powerful." Said Stinger as he flexed his hands.

"Ah yes that little thing. I molded your body design after a certain Autobot but improved the said design and made sure their weren't any.... weak points in your body." Said Knockout.

"What is my name?" Asked This new Transformer.

"I shall call you..... Stinger!" Said Knockout.

"Stinger..... I am Stinger! A Transformer that will destroy any Autobots!" Said the new Transformer named Stinger.

"Wonder full. Now come this way! Lord Megatron will be pleased to see you in our ranks Stinger." Said Knockout as he was walking out of the room. Stinger begin to follow Knockout.

A new Decepticon has been created by Knockout. A powerful Bounty Hunter is coming. Alex struggles to head back to his old home to find the answers he seeks. Will he find the truth of that day?


At Alex Old Home.............

The Autobots and the girls have arrived at the location of Alex old home. Or what is left of it. All that is left is burned support beams and debris everywhere. What even more surprises that it was once big enough to have two floors and be about 4 yards long in width.

Nature has begun to grow moss and plant life on the damage pieces of the old house.

"Well this is my house. Or whats left of it." Said Alex as he slowly got out of Bee car form. The girls walked right next to Alex as it pains for him to see his old home.

All the Autobots transformed back into their Robot forms. 

"Whats the plan now?" asked Ironhide.

"Well I could throw a grenade to clear some of the debris." Said Hound. He was about to pull that grenade out but Optimus stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Hound. This is Alex old home. Don't do something too dangerous." Said Optimus

"Sorry." Said Hound.

"Well, if the Allspark is here, it is probably underneath all this ruble. " Said Alex.

"Well what do you suggest?" Asked Dante.

"Well, we are going to have to clear everything until we find it." Said Alex.

A while later, all the Autobots and humans were moving the debris of the damaged house. Alex was trying to lift a huge metal support beam. The girls rushed in and help him get it out of the way.

"Man that was heavy." Said the girls. 

"No kidding." Said Alex.

When Ironhide removed a large chunk of debris, he saw something strange. The concrete where the garage was gone and what was underneath it was large flight of stars going down and the hallway is large enough for something like the Transformers to walk into.

"I found something." Said Ironhide.

Everyone walked to see what Ironhide found. Alex was surprised that something like this was underneath his home.

"I don't remember that being a part of the house." Said Alex.

"Oh!  A secret tunnel. Your father must have been wanting to hide something very important. Maybe the Allspark Fragment." Suggest Uiharu.

"What ever is done there, we must be on our guard." Said Optimus.

"What was my parents hiding?" asked Alex.

Everyone begin walk down the flight of steps. As they continue to walk down, they were shocked of how well the metal and everything else was in perfect condition.

They eventually stopped when they saw a massive door blocking their way. The girls and Alex tried to push it open but it won't move an inch.

"Its locked." Said Alex.

"Why did you dad even built this place?" asked Mikoto.

"Yeah. She has a point. What was your dad trying to hide?" asked Uiharu.

"I don't know." Said Alex.

"Stand back! I will get it open." Said Ironhide as he pointed his weapon at the door. 

"Ironhide wait! The door could be..." Said Alex as he tries to warn Ironhide

However just before he could, the walks beside him opened up to revealed to large metal hands. It grabbed Ironhide arms and hold him up in the air.

"What happening!?" Said Ironhide.

"That is what I was trying to warn you about. This place could have security measures to stop people from like breaking down the door!" Said Alex.

"Alex do you have any idea of how to get Ironhide down?" asked Optimus as some of the Autobots tried to pull down on the metal arms to free Ironhide.

"Um... maybe with a voice password?" suggest Alex.

"Okay. Let me try. Let Ironhide go?" said Uiharu but nothing happened. Instead, a small metal hand grabbed her and begin to spin her around like a spin top.

"Uiharu!" Said Saten

"That didn't work!" Said Alex.

"Security deactivated?" asked Mikoto. A metal wash tub fell on top of her head. "Ow!"

"Mikoto are you alright?"asked Arcee.

"I am fine. Alex you try." Said Mikoto.

"Me!" said Alex as he points to himself. "Oh alright."

Alex took a deep breath and let it out. "Security Systems. Deactivate!" Said Alex. Everything was quiet as Alex to see if that would work.

"Voice identification confirmed. Security measures disabled." Said a female computer voice. Ironhide was back on the ground and Uiharu was placed on the solid ground again. Though she is extremely dizzy at the moment.

The massive doors slowly opened up. What as behind there was a gigantic hanger room. The lights came on as it revealed what was in the room. Their was a large computer room. Also in the room was a brown like fighter jet.

Right next to the fighter Jet, their was a large glass container that held...

"The Allspark Fragment!" Shouted Alex as he ran to the large glass container. The moment he got near the glass container, the Fighter Jet twitched as it begin to transform. A hand emerge from the transforming Fighter Jet and slammed right infront of Alex as it stopped him in his tracks. This is Breakaway.

"Stay back human! Stay away from the Allspark Fragment!" Said Breakaway as he transformed his right hand into a sniper rifle and point it at Alex. Breakaway heard the sounds of guns being loaded.

"You first punk!" Said Ironhide as all the Autobots pointed their weapons at Breakaway. At this moment, everyone was at what is called a standoff.

"Who are you?" asked Optimus.

"My name is Breakaway. And I am guarding this Allspark fragment from intruders like you. I don't know how you got past the security systems but you all are not getting you hands on this Fragment." Said Breakaway.

"Ummm... Actually.." Paused Alex as he got Breakaway attention. "The Security systems turned themselves off when I asked them"

"Impossible! The only way for that to happen if it recognize the voice of a family member that once own the destroyed house above.........." Said Breakaway. Breakaway then realized something

"Wait. Are you the son of Jax Draco?" asked Breakaway

"Yeah that is my father." Said Alex.

"Sorry. I had no idea." Said Breakaway as he turned his weapon back into his hand. Everyone put away their weapons

"You knew my father?" asked Alex.

"Yeah. I know about him since I was first activated. I still remember it like it was yesterday." Said Breakdown as he sat down.

"Your father was famous for fixing all types of vehicles. Military and civilian vehicles. He was also great a finding mysterious items or artifacts. One day, when he was just using his metal detector in his yard out back, he detected something in the ground. When he dig it up, he found this very Allspark Fragment." Said Breakaway as he pointed to the Allspark Fragment that is in the glass container.

"He had no idea what to do with it so he just put in his pocket to study it later. In this large room we are in, this is where he would fix any large vehicles that are brought here in a secret passageway. Their were some vehicles in here that were just meant to be left here as they no longer work." Said Breakaway.

"On that same day, he was working on a truck, the Allspark Fragment accidentally fell out of his pocket and bounced across the floor. It eventually stopped when it bumped into a Fighter Jet. Your father watched as the Fighter Jet transformed and I was born. " Said Breakaway

"But how is that possible?" asked Saten

"The Allspark Fragment was the cause of your birth." said Optimus Prime.

"Huh?" asked the girls.

"Yes, what you said is correct. Even separated from the Allspark itself, a Fragment has enough energy to turn a human vehicle into a Transformer." Said Breakaway.

"Okay now we got an idea of how you were born but what did my father do when he saw you transformed for the very first time?" asked Alex.

"He panicked of course. And so did I. We both eventually calmed down and you father asked what and who I am. When I was born, the Allspark fragment contain history of our past and what happened on my home planet Cybertron and it transferred that info into me. I told him what I am, what my kind is called but I told him that I didn't had a name." Said Breakaway.

"He gave me the name Breakaway. He didn't view me as a alien but a kind being. Even after telling him all I know, he was still kind. His wife found about me later but she wasn't scared at the very least. I stayed in this place and over the years, you were born and your father was a happy man." Said Breakaway

"But it wasn't later until everything changed. When you were just about 5 years old, I intercepted an encrypted communication from a Transformer. It wasn't later I found out that the Transformer was talking to someone named Megatron. And this very same Transformer was called Lockdown." Said Breakaway.

"Lockdown." Said Optimus

"Who is that?" asked Kuroko

"A dangerous Bounty Hunter. No Autobot or Decepticon is foolish enough to face him in battle." Said Jazz.

"And here were the story takes a twist. Megatron hired Lockdown to eliminate any humans that might be a threat to the Decepticons. Lockdown found his target alright. Your family Alex." Said Breakaway.

Alex was lost for words. He didn't know about this before and lets just say he is speechless at the moment.

"I tried to tell your parents to take your son and leave while there is time but.... it is best you see for yourself." Said Breakaway eyes glowed as he showed every a hologram memory.

"You got to get your family out of here!  A Bounty Hunter Transformer named Lockdown is coming here. I don't need to go into details but you and your family are in danger." Said the past Breakaway.

The man that is known as Jax shocked his head. "Even if we leave, we would still be killed no matter what." Alex mother slowly walked up to him, with a sleeping Young Alex in her arms. Alex gasped of what he is seeing.

"That is why you got to get our son to safety. His safety is our number one priority. That is what it means to be a parent. To protect their children. We will stay here to fool this Lockdown. By staying here, he would think that everyone is still in the house." Said Jax.

"But...." Said Past Breakaway. The past version of him couldn't argue anymore as he saw the determination in the humans eyes. The Past Breakaway slowly extend his arms out to the Young Alex. He gently picked him up.

Jax pulled down a lever and a passage way to the surface opened up. Breakaway transformed into his vehicle form and flied out of there. He flied about a great distance away, out of Lockdown detection range.

He then heard a large explosion from where he left. The Past Breakaway then transformed back into his robot form and landed right next to a tree. He gently placed Alex right up against it. The Past Breakaway slowly stood up and transformed back into his vehicle form and filed back where his house once was. 

Breakaway ended the hologram as he knows Alex can guess the rest already.

"Megatron will pay for this!" Said Cliff. Bee nodded his head and made some angry beeps.

"That Con really needs to learn not get innocent people involved." Said Sideswipe.

"And that is why we need this Allspark Fragment Breakaway. To find the Allspark before Megatron does." Said Optimus.

Breakaway opened up the lid on the glass container and pulled out the Allspark Fragment and handed it Alex. He put it in his pocket.

Alex then got an alert on his phone. When he read it, it says something about giant robots causing destruction on the Texas highway. That can only mean one thing.

"Decepticons!" Said Optimus.

"They are up to something." Said Ratchet.

"We can't just stand here and do nothing." Said Drift.

"Breakaway. Are you going to join?" asked Mikoto.

"Of course I am. I need to get those Cons a piece of my mind." Said Breakaway.

"Great. Alex If you would." Said Mikoto. Alex nodded as he went to the same lever that opens up the passage way.

Alex pulled down the Lever and the secret passage opened up again. All the Autobots transformed into their Vehicle forms and rolled out of there. They begin to head to where the Cons are at the moment.


In Space............. Earth Upper Atmosphere.............

A large space alien craft came out light speed and hovered in the upper atmosphere of Planet Earth. It was Lockdown ship

IN the control center the being that is known as Lockdown is sitting in control chair but the shadows hide what he looks like. All you can still see is two green eyes.

"I hope you have a plan Megatron." Said Lockdown as he was communicating with Megatron on command rooms screens.

"I do. In fact, it is already in motion. We have caused some destruction on a large road that the humans called a highway. They will arrive soon." Said Megatron. As it was clear that he was on the Texas highway.

"Excellent. Make sure you keep Optimus and this female human distracted." Said Lockdown as he hanged up the communication to Megatron.

Lockdown look at the planet from his chair as he was close to collect what he was order to. "I am coming for you... human girl and Optimus Prime." Said Lockdown.

Lockdown as reached Planet Earth. The Truth of that day of what really happened to Alex Parents were revealed. The Autobots are heading to were the Cons are.


To Be Continued............

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