Figuring Out The Next Clue

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Last Time on Transformers: War On Academy City......

The group are at Kongou Airlines private airport as they gang was near a private plane. Janie was in a dress that Febrie used to wear. Saten and Uiharu were crying their eyes out as they just can't get over that they will miss Febrie.

Janie and Febrie will be going to a faculty over seas to get fixed and possible get rid of the poison in their bodies.

Mikoto used her ability to destroy any records of Shinobu that were not too bad. And after swallow her pride, she asked Mental Out, a Level 5 Esper, to wipe out out any Academy City Underworld members of any memories that are related to Shinobu in order to life in peace. It still doesn't make it feel better that she asked the woman. It is still upsetting Mikoto stomach just thinking about it.

Everyone waved Shinobu, Febrie and Janie goodbye as they got onto the plane and were being transported to somewhere.

The STUDY organization is no more as they are placed behind bars now. Shinobu can now work on saving the girls as she knows she is no longer alone. Everything is peaceful again, for now.


Decepticon Ship.........

"They failed." Said Starscream.

"Clearly. It would seem that these humans failed to complete their plan. But at the very least we got the parts they did promise they give us." Said Megaton as he watched footage of STUDY failed plan. While Megatron is upset by this failed attempt, he is glad that were able to get something out of this.

"Well on the bright side, now I got more spare parts for a little project I am working on." Said Knockout as he was carrying damage parts of dead Decepticon solders.

"What project?" asked Barricade

"Oh just a new Decepticon." Said Knockout as he left to go work on his little project.

"What are we going to do now my lord. Clearly these so called Espers are clearly we didn't expect from these tiny creatures." Said Starscream. Megatron kept looking at the footage until the footage paused at Mikoto battling the Powered Suits.

"Soundwave, it is time to call 'him'. I am sure he would be pleased to make a deal with us." Said Megatron.

Soundwave begin to walk over to a communication terminal and begin to try to contact this person that Megatron is talking about.

"What... Master please reconsider! Why contact 'him' of all Transformers? No one in the cosmos would dare face him." Said Starscream

"Ah... but you forget Starscream. I made a deal with this being once before. I made a deal with him that if he gets rid of anyone that might help the Autobots find the Allspark on Planet Earth. Naturally he got rid of a human family that made contact with a Transformer." Said Megatron.

"But Lockdown of all Transformers. You must see why it is so dangerous!!" Said Starscream.

"Again Starscream you failed to see the big picture. He has something we need to complete Operation: DR." Said Megaton.

"I know my lord. But there must be some other way to get what we need without contacting him." Said Starscream.

"There is no other way Starscream. Soundwave, how goes the process of contacting Lockdown?" asked Megatron.

"Connection to Lockdown achieved." Said Soundwave as he was able to contact Lockdown.

"Excellent! Pull him up on the monitors." Said Megatron.

"As you command Lord Megatron." Said Soundwave as he did as Megatron order him to.

"What do you want Megatron?" Said Lockdown as he was presented on the large screen. His entire figure was in shadows. Only green eyes were shown.

"I come to strike another deal with you bounty hunter. I know were Optimus Prime is. We will help you capture him. Also as a bonus, a human being that has unique powers. In return, we would want a million of those 'special items' you got in that ship of yours." Said Megatron.

"Why would I care about a little human?" Asked Lockdown.

Soundwave showed a hologram of Mikoto Misaka releasing lighting from her body and her Railgun Signature move. This got Lockdown attention as this human would be some interest to his creators.

"You got yourself a deal Megatron. I will arrive near your location in about 1 Human days." Said Lockdown as he turns off his communication with Megatron.

"And I look forward to it Lockdown." Said Megatron with a evil smirk.


Autobot Base......The Next Day..........

The next day as the incident with STUDY has been taken care of. By that time, the information to the next Allspark Fragment was fully ready inside of Mikoto mind.

Right now she was sitting in a chair at the Autobot base with a metal cap that has tons of wires on it that the wires connect to a projector. All the Autobots and the other girls are here.

"And can you explain this to me again? Like why I have this thing on my head?" asked Mikoto.

"I told you before. I made this prototype device to make the information to the next Allspark Fragment that inside of your head and make it project itself. This way, a lot of less headaches for you." Said Alex as he was making some adjustments to the projector.

"And you test this out first right?" asked Mikoto. Alex paused what he was doing. "Yes of course I did." Said Alex. He then finished the adjustment and went to Mikoto. He then flipped the switch on Mikoto metal cap.

The projector turned on as it present the Transformer alien language. The Autobots that were in the base at the moment were amazed that Alex could create this.

"It says "No matter how far you go or how far you want to forget, you will one day come back."" Said Optimus as he read the language. 

This information made Alex flinched a little bit that Mikoto notice.

"What does that mean?" asked Arcee. Bee shrugged his shoulders.

"It clearly means a location for somewhere on this planet but where?" Asked Hound.

"Alex you know don't you?" asked Mikoto. This caused Alex to look uneasy before answering her.

"It is talking about me. It is talking about my old home." Said Alex.

"Why would this upset you?" asked Ironhide.

"Because that house is gone. It was got destroyed in a failed experiment my father was working on. My parents didn't survive." Said Alex.

"Where were you during all that?" asked Ratchet.

"I remember sleeping in my bed. When I heard large explosion sound, I found myself outside. I ran back to my house to see it was destroyed and gone." Said Alex.

"From there, the locals said that the explosion was caused by a failed experiment for a car that my father was working on." Said Alex.

"Ironically, that was the same day I meet Bee after all that." Said Alex.

"So that is why you never talk about your parents." Said Saten

"Yeah." Said Alex.

"It must have brought you tons of pain to see your parents gone." Said Uiharu 

"Yes." Said Alex in a sad tone.

"And you feel like you wish you got ton know what your parents were wanting to tell you." Said Kuroko.

"Yep. I just don't know if I can go back. I don't know if what I find there would affect me about the truth that day." Said Alex.

"I know this pains you Alex. But sometimes, we can't outrun our past. We must face our fears if we are able to move forward." Said Optimus Prime.

This causes Alex to see that Optimus is right. "Alright lets go to my old house. It is in Texas." Said Alex.

"Ratchet prepare the Ground Bridge." Said Optimus Prime.

Ratchet got the Ground Bridge online as he punched in the coordinates that Alex told him where his old home is. 

"Autobots roll out!" Said Optimus as he transformed into his vehicle form and drive into the ground bridge portal.

All the Autobots followed suit and followed Optimus. This time Ratchet and Dante are going as well. Thanks to a little remote control device to call forth a portal back to their base when they need to. 

Alex got into Bumblebee car form. Arcee transformed into her vehicle form and Mikoto and Kuroko hopped on. Cliffjumper transformed into his car form and the got in as he drive into the portal.

The girls look at the landscape to see that they are in Texas.

"Wow!" Said the girls.

"Pretty." Said Uiharu.

"Beautiful." Said Mikoto

"I know. It makes you wonder why tornadoes likes to cause chaos in this area." Said Saten.

"That is a good question." Said Kuroko.

Bee got ahead of everyone as Alex as leading them back to where his old home is. He just hopes the answer that he seeks and the Allspark Fragment is there.


On Decepticon Ship........... With Knockout........

"And done!" Said Knockout as he finished wielding a new Transformer together. He placed a huge metal tube were on the Transformer chest. 

"Now to begin Energon transfer." Said Knockout.

Knockout pulled down a lever on the wall. Energon was traveling through the tube and into the Transformer. The new Transformer body was twitching as Energon was still pumping into him.

Knockout pull the lever up and the process stopped. The new Transformer body was lifeless. Suddenly, its left hand finger moved a little bit. That left hand slowly closed into a fist. The Transformer jumped up from the operation table it was on and stood straight up.

"Its alive!" Said Knockout as he was proud.

"Where am I?" Asked the new live Transformer as he looked around to figure out where he is.

"You are on our ship the Nemesis. My name is Knockout. You are the newest member of the Decepticons and to help us destroy the Autobots!

"My body feels strong and powerful." Said Stinger as he flexed his hands.

"Ah yes that little thing. I molded your body design after a certain Autobot but improved the said design and made sure their weren't any.... weak points in your body." Said Knockout.

"What is my name?" Asked This new Transformer.

"I shall call you..... Stinger!" Said Knockout.

"Stinger..... I am Stinger! A Transformer that will destroy any Autobots!" Said the new Transformer named Stinger.

"Wonder full. Now come this way! Lord Megatron will be pleased to see you in our ranks Stinger." Said Knockout as he was walking out of the room. Stinger begin to follow Knockout.

A new Decepticon has been created by Knockout. A powerful Bounty Hunter is coming. Alex struggles to head back to his old home to find the answers he seeks. Will he find the truth of that day?


To Be Continued......

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