Chapter 11: New day

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Location: Tukson's Book Trade
Timeline/Period: Volume 2

3rd pov

As (Y/n) visit the shop to browse. Tukson came to the counter.

Tukson: "Welcome to Tukson's Book Trade. Home to every book under the sun. May I help you?"

(Y/n): "Ah yes, I would like to sell a copy of my books to you."

Tukson: "And what would you sell here?"

(Y/n): "A copy of this."

As Prime handed the book to Tukson, it showed; a cover with a face. Spikey teeth, green eyes, horns and the title reads; 'Chaos bringer: Book 1'.

Tukson: "Interesting. Well I better start making copies. And your name young man?"

(Y/n): "Prime."

Tukson: "That name sounds familiar. Oh no, not that guy. If he finds out what group I was, I'm dead. Well. Interesting name but do you need anything else?"

(Y/n): "Ah yes, I need books of 'Love and War', 'The Fallen Huntsman', 'The Guardian of Remnant', 'Forgotten memories' and 'Arc V Prime'. If you have them."

Tukson: "That's a lot. Alright, I'll be back."

When Tukson went to the back room, (Y/n) explores the rest of the shelves.

(Y/n): "Hmm, so many to read. What else."

He soon heard the voice through his com.

Perceptor: "Might I suggest searching his name."

(Y/n): "Alright, search him up."

Perceptor: "I also suggest that you have to keep an eye out. Someone's coming."

(Y/n): "Thank you."

The door rings as both Emerald and Mercury entered the room. Tukson came to the counter with the books Prime ordered.

Tukson: "Alright sir, got the books you needed... Well ma'am, what can I help you miss?"

Emerald: "Just browsing. Actually, I was wondering if you have a copy of 'The Thief and The Butcher?'"

Tukson: "Yes we do."

Emerald: "That's great!"

Tukson: "Uh, do you want it?"

Emerald: "Oh yes please."

Tukson passed a copy from the shelve as he's worried from Emerald, Mercury and Prime. Out of the ordinary, they both left.

Tukson: "That's a close one. Should be considered lucky. Otherwise-"

(Y/n): " Otherwise what?"

Tukson: "Oh, uh..."

(Y/n): "Calm down, your not dead. Now explain to me what's the relationship between the three of you?"

Tukson: "And why should I tell you? You're not going to kill me?"

(Y/n): "You can tell me because I'll save everyone from suffering. I seek good people to support our cause and our goal. People like you who's willing to change. You can trust me because I'll give protection to you."

Tukson: "Even though you are younger than me, how do you know all of this?"

(Y/n): "Age doesn't matter, experience the past will change the future. Are you with me?"

Tukson: "Ah, what the hell, count me in. I do hope you promise it."

(Y/n): "Now, where do we begin?"

As the screen stays too fade away, (Y/n) remembered something.

(Y/n): "Ah scrap, I forgot. Do I need to pay for the books?"

Location: Beacon Hall
Timeline/Period: Lunch time

Velvet's pov

I still wonder where could (Y/n) be? What should I do? All of my thoughts were interrupted by Coco.

Coco: "So... Still thinking about him?"

Velvet: "Umm..."

Coco: "Don't worry so much about it, everything will be fine."

Velvet: "But he's done everything for me and I didn't. After the incident, I-"

Coco: "Stop. Just don't worry. You're special to him and that he will do anything to protect you. "

Velvet: "But what should I do?"

Coco: "Probably get him a gift. He is mysterious. Speaking of which, there he is."

I turned around to see him walking towards us.

Velvet: "Prime! How's your trip?"

(Y/n): "Interesting to say the least, so I've got some books that you might like and I left it in your room."

Velvet: "Really? What is it?"

(Y/n): "It's-"

Random student: "Food fight!"

As it was called, food was thrown at me. I turned around and hope it doesn't hit me but Prime blocked it. An energy shield was covering my team. So much mess that he had to escort us until it's safe.

(Y/n): "Stay safe team, I am coming back."

I saw him return to the cafeteria with his weapon to what I assume that he may stop the mess.

(Y/n)'s pov

I see both team RWBY and team JNPR except Jaune as well as Pyhrra fighting each other while a huge mess was all over the cafeteria. I walk towards him while defending myself.

(Y/n): "Jaune, status report. Who caused this?"

Jaune: "Uh... Nora started all this mess and now Pyhrra and I tried our best to take cover."

(Y/n): "Good work Jaune. The responsibility of a warrior is to take cover. Now I suggest getting out of here before more mess comes in.

Jaune: "Uh Prime."

(Y/n): "Something wrong?"

Jaune: "Take-"

Pyhrra: "-Cover!"

3rd pov

Ruby soon used her semblance and dash through the cafeteria. My armour locked up and was stationary whereas Team JNPR hit the wall hard. All the food hit the team and luckily none hit me. All the chaos soon disappeared as Glynda arrived in an angry mood. She cleaned up the mess and back to original positions.

Glynda: "Children, please. Do not play with your food."

While both teams settled down, Yang came crashing down the roof. The students except Jaune and Pyhrra laughed. This angered Glynda until Ozpin calmed her down.

Ozpin: "Let it go."

Glynda: "They're supposed to be the defenders of the world."

Ozpin: "And they will be. But right now they're children. So why not let them play the part? After all, it isn't a role they'll have forever."

Before Ozpin could leave, he remembered something.

Ozpin: "Oh and Prime, do please go to my office whenever possible."

(Y/n): "Understood. Although I must return immediately Ozpin."

Ozpin nodded as he left the cafeteria whereas (Y/n) returned to team CFVY.

Location: Warehouse
Timeline/Period: Night

3rd pov

Emerald and Mercury returned to the ware house with White Fang soldiers working. They both walked up to Roman in somewhat a happy mood.

Roman: "Oh look, she sent the kids again. This is turning out just like the divorce."

Emerald: "Ugh. Spare us the thought of you procreating."

Roman return to his usual mood.

Roman: That was a joke. And this just might tell me where you two have been all day.

Roman show a piece of paper that Emerald was holding. She was shocked that she didn't noticed till it's too late.

Emerald: "What?"

Ronan: "I'm a professional sweetheart. Pay attention, maybe you'll learn something. Why do you have this address?"

Emerald: "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Roman: "Yeah, I would. Now, where have you been all day?"

Mercury: "Trying to clean up your problems. Until that 'guy' ruined it."

Roman: "That guy? The same one that ruined my raid. Well, what did he do?"

Emerald: "Just ordered books."

Roman: "Anything else?"

Emerald: "We left before he became suspicious but I doubt he noticed it."

Cinder: "Good, let's keep it that way and I do hope next chance you get, do elimate any loose ends."

Roman: "I'll be sure to do that next time."

Cinder: "Now, about this guy..."

Location: Beacon, (Y/n)'s room
Timeline/Period: Night

(Y/n)'s pov

Velvet's resting on my bed, reading one of the books I left in her room. She was excited when she found out it's one of the latest books released. I was next to her, brushing her hair softly while I was checking the report on Tukson. After 10 minutes in, she slept. I decided to visit Ozpin but not before giving her a kiss.

(Y/n): "Sleep well dear, I'll be back."

As soon as I reach Ozpin, he working.

Ozpin: "Ah Prime, I would like to discuss about the dance upcoming."

(Y/n): "Go ahead."

Ozpin: "While we have the schedule ahead, I'll like you to perform some music."

(Y/n): "Why me?"

I said it in a calm voice while knowing Ozpin, he'll do something drastic.

Ozpin: "Letting you perform will not only get the people's attention but it will let someone I know be... A bit more respectful to say the least."

(Y/n): "What genre of music do I need?"

Ozpin: "Anything you choose. Should not affect the outcome of performance."

(Y/n): "And what about team CFVY? I've heard they doing the setup later in the day."

Ozpin: "I was going to give them a mission but it could be delayed till the dance is finished. Also, I do hope when he comes, try to be respectful."

(Y/n): "Don't make promises you can't keep Ozpin. Goodnight."

(A/n: First things first. The story feels a bit short in some scenes but I had to get this done. Next, Merry Christmas and apologies for not updating soon. Got life to do. Also, other stories and more chapters to work on. New story maybe released after volume 4 of RWBY. After watching RWBY volume 7 latest episodes, got to make huge changes for my story of you don't mind. Won't tell other than volume 7 will be different for mine.

A gift for you all readers.)

1550 words.

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