Chapter 12: His will

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Location: Beacon, Ozpin's office
Timeline/Period: Morning, V2 EP2

3rd pov

So many Atlas Ships at Beacon. While it is amazing that Ironwood brought his military with him, Prime wasn't happy.

(Y/n): "I can understand why Ironwood may come here but why bringing the military when you need me Ozpin?"

Ozpin: "A good question, but he'll answer it."

(Y/n): "Why you-"

Beeping can be heard from Ozpin's table, he turned around to greet Ironwood.

Ironwood: "Ah Ozpin, Glynda and Prime. Glad to meet you, somewhat to you."

(Y/n): "Feelings mutual. Not really."

Glynda: "I'll be leaving, are you coming Prime?"

(Y/n): "No."

Ozpin: "Now, any reason on why you brought your fleet in Vale James? I'm a bit concern of why you chose to do it."

Ironwood: "Well, concern is what brought them here."

Ozpin: "I understand travel between kingdoms has become increasingly difficult but we don't need this many ships. Besides, we've already have Prime."

Ironwood: "But what Qrow said is true, you'll need an army. And look at him, he has no army here. Just himself."

(Y/n): "Actually, I do have an army Ironwood. Ready to be deployed at any moment. The enemies may know about your forces but not mine. You are giving them the advantage."

Ironwood: "How can you be sure Prime?"

(Y/n): "Others had it. I was merely told. And I am more prepared for this."

Ironwood: "Maybe I should've not given the Dark Spark as you have called it, to you."

(Y/n): "If that was the case, we will have war."

Ozpin: "Enough. Prime, you are free to go."

(Y/n) grunts as he left his office.


Location: Library, Beacon
Timeline/Period: Afternoon

As (Y/n) left Ozpin's office, Team RWBY and Team JNPR excluding Ruby was playing a board game in the library. The battle wen in Yang's favour as she battled Weiss. Jaune, on the other hand, was reading an archive on the Transformers: History. He made sure no one can look at the book except Pyrrha. She had no understanding on their history. Life, death, spark, stasis.

Jaune: "So, what happened after that..."

Jaune whispered quietly but not enough for Pyrrha to hear.

Pyrrha: "What happen after what Jaune?"

Jaune: "Ah, sorry Pyrrha. Prime wanted me to understand all of this so he can make me one of his next warriors."

Jaune whispered to Pyrrha's ear making her understand a bit.

Pyrrha: "So, what topic he gave you anyway?"

Jaune: "History... but this is very interesting compared to Professor Port's class. Their history and knowledge is incomparable to ours. They lived more than millions of years old. They fought longer than us and they know more than meets the eye."

Pyrrha: "But how do you understand this?"

Jaune: "Prime and his other Autobots taught me about it."

Pyrrha: "But shouldn't you be worried about our studies?"

Jaune: "Don't worry Pyrrha, I got this under control. I think."

All the chatter ended when Jaune's communication device came active.

(Y/n): "Jaune, I need you here in my room. Also, bring Pyrrha with you."

Jaune: "Understood Prime. Well, friends I've got to go. So... See Ya."

Pyrrha: "Wait for me."

The couple left leaving just Blake, Yang, Weiss, Ren and Nora. Jaune and Pyrrha came to Prime's room to have a discussion. 

Blake: "Where are they going?"

Weiss: "Probably somewhere. Probably Prime's room."

Yang: "Why his room? Cant he at least interact with us?"

Blake: "He might, if you're not there."

Yang: "Blake, you're suppose to be on my side not his."

Blake: "I know, but he wouldn't let you interact to him for the first time. He also wouldn't let you help him find Velvet. And judging by your attitude, you somewhat hate him."

Yang couldn't argue with the points being made. She was right.


Location: (Y/n)'s room
Timeline/Period: Afternoon

3rd pov

Both Jaune and Pyrrha were in his room with both Autobots and Decepticons in it. Prime was working on a project called "The final phase."

(Y/n): "Evening Jaune and Pyrrha. Do you know why you're here?"

Jaune: "Uh, no."

Pyrrha: "Same here."

(Y/n): "Jaune, you're here because you made progress since the incident. Not only you stayed active with study but your combat abilities improved. These two warriors will put you into test. They will see if you're ready for next phase. Are you ready Jaune?"

Jaune: "I'm ready."

(Y/n): "Good, we'll see you in the arena. Pyrrha, you can participate but if you do, you act as support."

Pyrrha: "Understand. But please, don't go too hard on him."

(Y/n): "That depends on Jaune himself."


Jaune was standing in the arena, in the middle with Pyrrha.

(Y/n): "Jaune, your task is to survive from both Optimus and Megatron. Understand?"

Jaune: "Yes."

(Y/n): "Now, what difficulty would you like? Easy, medium or hard?"

Jaune: "Uh, easy..."

Pyrrha: "Jaune, you have been training since the incident. I think you should go for medium difficulty."

Jaune: "Are you sure Pyrrha? I mean sure a challenge but I'm fighting against both leaders of Cybertron."

Pyrrha: "But you were trained by not only me but Prime as well."

Jaune thought for a few seconds. If he could show that he has made progress, he may learn more from it. What's left to lose?

Jaune: "Alright Pyrrha. Prime! Difficulty set to medium!"

(Y/n): "Understood. Optimus, Megatron, dual wield melee weapons active and difficulty set to medium. Jaune, would you like some assist?"

Jaune: "No."

(Y/n): "Alright Jaune. Pyrrha, please leave the field or stay out of his way."

Pyrrha complied to (Y/n)'s request.

(Y/n): "Field zone set. Activating battleground, Exodus."

The field Jaune was in changed to Exodus; standing on the ark, space surrounds them and the portal in front of him. Behind him was Cybertron, beautiful yet broken. Explosions everywhere as Jaune was drawing both his shield and his sword. Optimus using his Energon Axe with his left hand and his main sword, on his right. Megatron, carried both his Energon Mace and his sword as well. No fusion cannon required as he does not need to defeat Jaune.

(Y/n): "Begin!"

Optimus launched towards Jaune with his sword going for a direct strike. Jaune blocked with with his shield, later with his sword against his axe. He felt so much strength coming from Optimus' weapons. Jaune avoid Megatron's mace barely as he ducked then rolled. Optimus attacks Jaune spinning clockwise while Megatron in anti-clockwise.

Pyrrha who was observing from the high ground, awe as the battle continues.

Pyrrha: "From what i can tell, Optimus and Megatron, as you said it, both with different colours yet somehow fought in unison. How?"

(Y/n): "They were brothers once, enemies and now, brothers again. It's been too long since they worked together."

Pyrrha: "And what about Jaune?"

(Y/n): "Jaune seems to hold longer than before. To what I can see, he's on the defensive. It would be a miracle if Jaune can pull this off and turn the tides."

Jaune was blocking as much as he could. He hoped there would be an opening so he could strike.

Jaune: "Hopes this works."

When Optimus and Megatron was about to attack, Jaune parried both of them using his shield. The parry stumbled both of them, Pyrrha was shocked and (Y/n) was impressed. His training almost paid off.

Jaune took this moment and strike at Megatron first. He did consecutively attack with the hit combo of 5 until he was forced back by Optimus.

Jaune: "It worked. If  I can do it again, I might win."


Location: Outside of the arena
Timeline/Period: Before Jaune's fight

Ruby's pov

After Jaune's call, I followed him back to (Y/n)'s and leaned against the door, overheard that Jaune will be fighting in the arena. I hide while they go to the arena and followed them without them noticing me. Please (Y/n), let me help you.


I took a peep watching Jaune fight in an unknown location. His battle between two robots. I want to help him but I don't want to be in trouble.

From what I can tell, Jaune is getting better. His strikes are getting better than before. Using his shield as an advantage, he blocked and strike at the red robot. The red robot block and strike with his axe. Jaune slide under him turn and got his stance ready.

(A/n: Best I could get...)

Jaune rushed through with his battle cry. He first attack the red guy in front of him, blocked with his shield against the silver robot on his left. After his battle cry, his turned around and got his stance ready.

His actions are so impressive, I want to get closer. 

(3rd pov)

Prime was watching the battle. It was getting better as the battle continues. Pyrrha was still impressed on how long he lasted for. All of that came to a stop when Ruby collapse through the door. Getting annoyed from Prime, he called in an Autobot guard to escort her. Pyrrha was upset once she saw Ruby. 

Pyrrha: "Still have a grudge against them?"

(Y/n): "Still."

Pyrrha: "Could've let her watch this battle. So why kick her out?"

(Y/n): "You already know my reason for it."

Jaune was down to his last breath. Heavily panting but still focused, he went for one final strike. He charges with his shield and his head behind it. He missed as Optimus sidestep then hit him with an axe, on his back. 

(Y/n): "Congratulations Jaune, you lasted for 15 minutes and 6.6 seconds. Not only you lasted longer but your skills have improved."

Optimus removed his weapons and helped Jaune stand up.

Megatron: "Not bad for your skills. Maybe next time, I should give you a harder challenge."

Jaune: "Isn't it hard enough?"

(Y/n): "Since your incident with Cardin, you've improved. Your improvisation skills are good and your knowledge of the combatants are also good."

Jaune: "Thank you."

(Y/n): "Now, your future training will continue with Pyrrha but you'll be training with me."

Jaune: "I feel so honoured right now."

(Y/n): "You should be. You're the second I'd trained."

Jaune: "Who's the first?"

(Y/n): "Velvet."

Jaune: "Oh."

(Y/n): "Well, your training is now complete. Have a good day Jaune. Pyrrha, I hope you've learned something from this."

Pyrrha blushed at this comment. She still love Jaune and now, she can take the next step.


(A/n: Sorry for major delay. So much studies but got this chapter now. 10 more chapters in production and another 5 coming soon.)

1759 Words.

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