Chapter 7: Time to Jazz

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This story has been suggested by @GeorgeSteenborgIII

Anymore? Please, tell me and I would like to hear it.
Location: White Fang base facility
Period/timeline: Day 6, midday

Jazz pov

(Y/n) sent us on a scouting mission. Apparently, he has concerns about the white fang. Something that he doesn't know but sent us. Also (Y/n) said he needs to build a base for the transformed so we can prepare for something. He would do it but got school to do. More of both recon and stealth mission to do.

Cliffjumper: "Hey Jazz, we're at the drop zone."

Jazz: "Thanks for the ride Sideswipe!"

Sideswipe: "Just make sure to call me once your done."


3rd pov

WF1: "Hey."

WF2: "Yea."

WF1: "Ever wonder why-"

As WF1 almost finished his sentence, he was dead.

WF2: "Barry?"

WF2 saw Barry lying on the ground unconscious.

WF2: "He's fast but I think he's out. Dammit."

Tap tap.

WF2 turned around just to be knocked out.

Cliffjumper: "I thought that they were tougher."

Jazz: "Get a move on Cliff. We got to finish the fight."

As they were moving, they see plenty of dust enough to get plenty of power. But ahead of the supplies was guards, even the big fannus.

Jazz: "Even a titan or a leaper could defeat that big guy. Hey Cliff, think you place the bomb? Should create the entrance."

Cliffjumper: "On it Jazz."

While Cliff plant the bomb, Jazz was checking the new location for the Transformers' base.

Jazz: "Sweet, now we need is security and power source."


WF3: "We are under attacked! Defensive formation now!"

WF4: "I'll get Adam sir."

Jazz: "Ah scrap. Cliff stop him while I get inside."

Cliffjumper: "Roger roger."

Once Jazz was in, Cliffjumper called in reinforcements to wipe out the remaining forces.

(Jazz pov)

It's bigger on the inside! Well it's something to what I expected.

WF3: "Hands in the air whoever you are!"

Well they not in far range but close. Time to have some fun.

I kicked the soldier's gun with my right hand, then did a one hand stand spinning and dodging every bullet though I have my shield. Next, I transformed my left arm to a scatter blaster, returned to stand up position and shot every White Fang soldiers within 5 metres. More reinforcements came.

Jazz: "More fun for me!"

(5 minutes later. A/n: you come and think of a really cool scene.)

As I pass through the storage room, I came across something. Something that's looks unique. Coloured with pink and grey, shaped like the dark spark but more clean. I picked it up and put in my chest for storage. After that, I continued running past everything. More White Fang cane and tried to shot at me. I dodged while shooting with Subsonic Repeater. I still kept firing until I reach my destination. As soon as I opened it, it revealed machines.

Jazz: "Bet Prime can modify this to produce energon."

I move it but damm this is heavy. Nonetheless it was easy.

(10 minutes later)

Jazz: "Almost got it.... And......... Done. Hey Cliff, are you done on your end?"

Cliffjumper: "There wasn't done minor setbacks but we got that covered. How's your end?"

Jazz: "You won't believe what I've found. I got this machine that produces stuff if Prime modified it. And I got this spark."

Cliffjumper: "Sweet, now we are done here. Let's return to base."

Location: West of Vale
Period/Timeline: Day 6, evening
Jazz's pov

Going to our new base with air transportation will take a while but no threats had come, for now.

Soldier: "Atlas ship in our direction 6 o'clock."

I spoke too soon.

Jazz: "Let me talk to them."

The soldier pass me the microphone.

Jazz: "Attention Atlas. State your purpose here or leave before we use extreme measures."

Ironwood: "This is General Ironwood and we're here to take what you have. Give us the machine and we'll leave you."

Jazz: "Negative, we cannot give you what you need."

Ironwood: "If that's the case, then open fire!"

Jazz: "How much fire power they have?"

Soldier: "Compared to us, not much."

Jazz: "All right. Send air support but not big ships. Must not show Prime's full power. Intercept then and I'll be there."

Soldier: "Alright take defence."


Jazz: "Alright! Move! Move! Move!"

The defence of the transportation and Atlasye had yet to succeed as they losing forces and capturing the machine. As for me, well I'm in the Atlas ship taking on those who fire on our transport. Nothing more.

Atlas soldier: "Stop whoever you are. You're surrounded. Give us the machine."

Jazz: "Sorry, not possible."

Transformed into my scatter blaster and shot him. I ran through many guards shooting at them in the coolest way ever.

I reach to the bridge and shut off the the guns with minimal forces.

Jazz: "Alright, take the ship down now."

Soldier: "Sir yes sir."

As they were firing the ship with full power, I safely get out from the ship and grapple hook to my transportation.

Location: Transformer City, South of beacon
Period/Timeline: Day 6, night.
Jazz's pov

After two battle with the White Fang and Atlas, we're returning to or new base with giant walls. And cities file with Transformers. Both Autobots and Deceptions working together to build a new home. And a lot easier thanks to my team holding it the machine.

Jazz: "Come in Prime, do you read me?"

Optimus: "I hear you Jazz. How was the mission?"

Jazz: "Had some trouble but nothing too serious."

Optimus: "Was Atlas was part of it?"

Jazz: "Unfortunately, yes."

Optimus: "(sigh) I must inform (Y/n) about this. Take the machine to the city and let the scientists do the rest."

Jazz: "Will do sir."


(Y/n)'s pov

I was called by Optimus to come to the city. I also informed of an incident to Ozpin about Atlas. Though Ozpin was not happy about it. After that I took a good look at the new base. Judging by the looks of the people, they were happy. I see armies matching in synchronised movement. I see transportation for scouting and attacking. Then I reach the headquarters where both Optimus and Megatron talk about the idea for our future.

(Y/n): "I guessing that something good happened?"

Megatron: "In a way, yes. We have something that might stop the White Fang for good in a big way."

(Y/n): "Hit me."

Optimus: "We have the enigma of combination. The power to create combiners."

(Y/n): "To create combiners... Get the lightning squad ready. We have a gift for them."

Optimus: "Alright. Grimlock can you read me?"

Grimlock: "What you want?"

Optimus: "Bring your team here, we have something for you."


Grimlock: "Prime, we're here."

Optimus: "Grimlock, Snarl, Sludge, Swoop and Slug. Today you are the first Autobot combiners to ever achieve. Grimlock, step forward to receive it."






(Y/n): "Transform and rise up."

Sludge is right leg.
Snarl is left leg.
Grimlock is torso.
Swoop is right arm.
Slug is left arm.

(A/n: There is no combiner for the fall of Cybertron but replace with looks for this combiner with fall of Cybertron. Like replacement.)

As they transformed, they grew bigger than the combacticons and looks stronger.

Volcanicus: "I. Am. Volcanicus!"

(A/n: This was request by @GeorgeSteenborgIII. Sorry is this is short but make a few announcements. 1, I got war for Cybertron meaning any character in there will be part of the fall. Like a brute or Energon repair ray. 2, I have a gift for velvet in this story which is created by me but don't judge with the app I use;

This app is called Blocksworld. Don't judge me. Instead of blue, it's brown. Is a combination of Mandalorian armour and Spartan armour.
3, this story after Rwby season 3, where the Transformers is taking down the main threats while defending their home. That is all and sorry is it's short.)

1347 words

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