Chapter 8: Jaundice

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And back to Rwby story. I may or may not messed up the timeline but who cares. Also, some Velvet time moment.
Location: Battle arena, Beacon
Timeline/period: Rwby chapter 11

3rd pov

While the battle between Jaune and Cardin is almost at an end. Prime is sitting on the back of seats, (A/n: don't care where.) working on his new city, checking status on the campaign; to get many human and faunas to support them on order for next phase to begin.

Cardin: "This is the part where you lose."

Jaune: "Over my dead-"

Before Jaune can finish what he says, he was kneed into his stomach causing him to fall. At the last second, Cardin was about to finish him until the time runs out.

Gylnda: "Cardin, that's enough. Students, as you can see, Mr Arc's aura have now dropped into the red. In a tournament style duel, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle and that the official may call the match. Mr Arc, it's been weeks now please try to refer to your scroll during combat. Gauging your Aura will help you to decide when it is appropriate to attack or when it's better to move to a more... defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a beowolf, now would we?"

Cardin: "Speak for yourself..."

Glynda: "We have enough time for one more match. Now who would like to volunteer it?"

Cardin: "I would."

Glynda: "You sure? If so, who would it be?"

Cardin: "I am. And I choose... You."

As he pick Prime; still working, he looked up to see everyone looking at him.

Gylnda: "Prime, do you wish to fight?"

Prime: "No."

Cardin: "Aww, too chicken to fight me."
Scenario 1 (A/n: I may use more like this in the future.)


Using a Throwback Blaster and shot him quick, his aura depleted into 0.

Prime: "Don't piss me off or you will be dead."

The students were afraid of him due to his cold voice. As the bell rang, he walked out.

Glynda: "Remember students, don't mess with him and also remember that vital festival is in a few months so please be ready."
Scenario 2

Prime: "You don't remember me beating you to death?"

Cardin: "But not this time."

Prime: "Instead of fighting me, you will be fighting someone else. If you don't stand a chance from beating, I guarantee you will fall before us... Megatron! Time to teach him a lesson."

All the students look back to Cardin with Megatron (In human size but robot design) behind him. As Cardin turns, Megatron had a mace, ready to fight.

Cardin: "You don't scare me."

As Cardin strikes first Megatron blocked it.

Megatron: "You fight well, but you will not beat me."

Cardin: "Just a tin can-oof"

Before Cardin finish what he said, Megatron punch him right in the gut, grab mace then kick him. Cardin look up to see Megatron holding both maces.

Megatron: "If you want it, get it."

As Cardin charges towards Megatron, throwing a first punch but not before Megatron caught it as he drop Cardin's mace. Cardin was shocked. Megatron kick him again and activate ability mode: Hover smash.

Megatron: "Fall!"

Megatron smash into Cardin causing his aura to go red. He transformed his left arm to Riot Cannon, shot him and smash him with his right mace making unconscious. Cardin is defeated.

Glynda: "And that's the match. Remember students, don't mess with him nor Prime and also remember that vital festival is in a few months so please be ready."

Location: Dining Hall, Beacon
Timeline/period: Rwby chapter 11, lunch

(Y/n)'s pov

Looking for velvet, while avoiding those girls. At last, I found velvet just outside of dining hall.

(Y/n): "Hey Velvet."

Velvet: "Oh, P-Prime. I was w-wondering if you *inaudible*"

(Y/n): "Could you please repeat what you said to me?"

Velvet: "C-Could you hang out with m-me?"

(Y/n): "Just you?"

Velvet nods.

(Y/n): "Let's find a seat. Shall we?"

Velvet: "Ok."

So, I led her outside of dining hall while avoiding the girls. After that, I showed her the garden where it's more quiet. We chat about the school topic. Then she said something that surprised me.

Velvet: "During one of the battles you fought, those robots, what are they?"

(Y/n): "Come to my dorm when school's finish, ok Vel?"

Velvet blushed as (Y/n) called her Vel. As Velvet was sitting next to me, she leaned on me for some rest. I adore the cuteness of her as she rest.

(Y/n): "Vel, lunch is about to finish soon. Do you want me to escort you?"

Velvet: "Yes please."

With a smile even though I've got a mask, I carried her like a bridal style. Still, she blushed when I carry her.

(Y/n): "Where's your next class Vel?"

Velvet: "History with Dr Oobleck."

(A/n: I use this website to refer the Beacon subjects. )

(Y/n): "Alright, I shall take you there."

(3rd pov)

As Prime dropped off Velvet, he then find this class: Gun Handling and Design. Although he does not used them, it may be beneficial to learn just in case. As he entered the class, he was greeted by his teacher. As the lesson continues, he paid attention closely for designing weapons. From increasing the durability of the weapon to minimizing the weight.

Teacher: "Alright students, provided with the equipment given to you. Let's see if you can create a gun. Time start now."

As time began, using his knowledge, he quickly create the gun with unique touches to it. Less than 5 minutes, he's done. Students was shock; less than 5 min.

(Y/n): "Done."

As the teacher examines it, Prime stayed calm.

Teacher: "Very interesting I say so myself. Your design young Prime, is unique. It is something different. Alright then. Class dismissed."

As the day ends, Prime finds Velvet walking around the dorms trying to find Prime.

(Y/n): "Hey Vel."

Velvet: "P-Prime. Can you take me to your dorm please. I want to know about those robots."

(5 min later)

As both Prime and velvet walked towards his dorm. His front door has cybertronic tech.


(Y/n): "Till all are one."


The door opens for both Prime and Velvet. As Velvet walked in, she was awe-inspiring. All the technology she never saw. From holograms of the metal planet, to live robots; both red and purple light. Then the door behind her closed.

(Y/n): "As you can see here, this is just merely the tip of the iceberg. So any questions before returning to your dorm?"

Velvet: "First question, who are those robots? What is this planet being displayed? What do you mean by tip of the iceberg? What's their history? Can you design the armor for me?"

(Y/n): "Those robots are called Autobots and Decepticons, also known as The Transformers. The planet that you currently see is called Cybertron, their home. There are more Transformers in different class. Their history will be download to your scroll soon. And the armor? Well, any ideas for the design?"

Velvet: "Thanks for the information. And the design... Well, something brown, armor that provides me durability, some thrusters, space for my weapon."

(A/n: basically the image from previous chapter.)

(Y/n): "Alright Vel, I'll get my bots to start producing the armor. All I need is your size and height."

Location: Rooftops of Dorms, Beacon
Timeline/period: Rwby chapter 11, night time

After checking Velvet and given her the data about the Transformers, I've decided to call it a day. After all of that, I go to the rooftops to admire the night. Then I heard this when I was standing next to the doorway.

Pyrrha: "We can train up here after class where no one can bother us."

Jaune: "You think I need help?"

Pyrrha: "N-no! No, that's not what I meant."

Jaune: "But you just said it."

Pyrrha: "Jaune, everybody needs a little push from time to time. It doesn't make you different from the rest of us. You made it to Beacon, that speaks volumes of what you're capable of."

Jaune: "You're wrong. I-I don't belong here."

Pyrrha: "That's a terrible thing to say, of course you do.."

Jaune: "No, I don't! I wasn't really accepted to Beacon."

Pyrrha: "Wh-What do you mean?"

Jaune: "I mean, I didn't go to combat school. I didn't pass any test. I didn't earn my spot at this Academy. I lied. I got my hands on some fake transcripts and I lied."

Pyrrha: "What? But why?"

Jaune: 'Cause, this is what I've always wanted to be. My father, my grandfather, and his father before him were all warriors. They were all heroes. I wanted to be one too. I was just never good enough."

Pyrrha: "Then let me help you."

Jaune: "I don't want help! I don't want to be the damsel in distress! I want to be a hero!"

Pyrrha: "Jaune. I-"

Jaune: "I am tired of being the lovable idiot (A/n: *cough* Caboose *cough*), stuck in a tree while his friends fight for their lives! Don't you understand? If I can't do this on my own... Then what good am I?"

I've decided to step up for this.

(Y/n): "So that's what happened during your initiation. Stuck in a tree like a cat."

Jaune: "P-prime... Just please, leave me alone."

(Y/n): "First of all, no. You need help one way or another. Beside, I had no help when I was young. You need to take it."

Jaune: "But-"

(Y/n): "No buts. How about this; If you could train with Pyrrha and improve your skills, I'll train you in a ways of a Prime."

Jaune was surprised when heard the offer as well as Pyrrha.

(Y/n): "Train with us and you don't have to worry. There is nothing to fear. When you train with us, you'll learn the secrets of us. Learn something new, you may even save what you love in the future."

Tear came from Jaune.

Jaune: "I-I need to take some time."

(Y/n): "Jaune, you are not the only one who failed. Come on Pyrrha."

We left Jaune to make up his mind. Before returning to our dorm, I ask her this.

(Y/n): "You like Jaune, don't you?"

Pyrrha: "H-how did you know?"

(Y/n): "I keep my observations active but if you like him, make sure you have a chance to show your feelings. From one to another; protect him with all of your will, my friend. Goodbye."

Location: Forever fall, Outside of Beacon
Timeline/period: Rwby chapter 13, Day time

3rd Pov

Glynda: "Yes students, the Forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peaches asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest. And I'm here to make sure that none of you die while doing so. Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at four o'clock. Have fun!"

(Y/n): "Too easy."

As Prime was collect saplings near the cliff, Cardin and his team along with Jaune; were hanging out doing nothing while Jaune collected saplings.

Cardin: "Hey. Great work, Jauney boy. Now that wasn't too hard, was it?"

Jaune: "I think I'm allergic to this stuff..."

Cardin: "Great, great great. So, Jaune, I bet you're asking yourself, 'why did my buddy Cardin ask me to collect six jars of tree sap when there's only five of us?'"

Jaune: "That is one of the many questions that I have asked myself today, yes."

Cardin: "Well, come with me and you'll find out."

Jaune: "Oh..."

Jaune gulps as he feel something bad will happen.

Jaune: "Cardin, what's going on?"

Cardin: "Payback."

Jaune: "Prime? What are you-"

Cardin: "That's the guy. Metallic, all powerful and thinks he's so smart. Alright, boys. Last night ol' Jaune here managed to round up an entire box of rapier wasps. And now, we're gonna put 'em to work."

Jaune gives a nervous laugh.

Cardin: "Now, according to one of the essays he wrote for me last week, these nasty things looove sweets. I'm thinkin' it's time we teach him a thing or two."

Jaune: "Bwuh!"

Cardin: "And you're gonna do it."

Jaune: "Do what?"

Cardin: "Hit him with the sap! Either that, or I'll have a chat with Goodwitch, and you'll be on the first airship out of Beacon."

Jaune hesitated to throw.

Jaune: "No."

Cardin: "What did you say?"

Jaune: "I said... NO!"

Jaune shout loud enough for Prime to hear just as he threw the jar at Cardin.

Cardin: "Oh-ho-ho, you've done it now."

(Y/n): "Hmmm, what is going on..."

Prime used the invisibility cloak to climb up the cliff and hide. What he saw was Cardin beating Jaune.

Jaune: "Oof!"

Cardin: "You know that wasn't very smart, Jaune-y boy. I'm gonna make sure they send you back to mommy in teeny, tiny, pieces."

Jaune: "I don't care what you do to me. But you are not messing with my team."

Cardin: "What, you think talk like that makes you tough? You think you're a big strong man now? Hrahh!"

A white light flashed everyone. To Prime's surprise, Jaune's body was healed.

(Y/n): "Just like me. Healing. You'll think he would make a great warrior?"

Megatron: "He will."

Optimus Prime: "Agreed."

As Jaune checked himself, he was shocked.

Jaune: "Huh?"

Cardin: "Let's see how much of a man you really are."

Large Roar came out of nowhere. It reveal to be an Ursa.

Russel: "That's a big Ursa!"

A few second ago, a roar can be heard.

Ruby: "Did you guys hear that?"

Cardin's team except himself, ran away from the Ursa.

Russel: "Ursa! Ursa!"

Yang: "What? Where?"

Russel: "Back there! It's got Cardin!"

Pyrrha: "Jaune!"

Ruby: "Yang! You and Blake, go get Professor Goodwitch."

Pyrrha: You two, go with them! There could be more."

As Ruby, Wiess and Pyrrha came to help, they see Cardin beaten by an Ursa.

Cardin: Crap crap crap!"

Pyrrha: "Oh no."

Just as an Ursa strikes, Jaune blocked it with his shield protecting Cardin. As Wiess prepares to attack, Pyrrha stops her.

Pyrrha: "Wait."

Jaune strikes first before dodging an attack, then jumps but ultimately fails the next attack. He quickly recorved and tired to strike again and failed. Jaune was breathing heavily while checking his aura. His bar was on red. Without hesitation, he rushed towards the Ursa but before striking, his shield moved to block the attack therefore he killed it with a clean swoop.

Ruby: "Uh, what."

Weiss: "How did you..."

Pyrrha: "Well, Ruby has her speed, you have your glyphs, my semblance is polarity."

Ruby: "Ah, you can control poles."

Weiss: "No, you dunce! It means she has control over magnetism."

Ruby: "Magnets are cool, too."

As Pyrrha begins to leave, Wiess asks.

Weiss: "Wait, where are you going?"

Ruby: "Yeah, we gotta tell them what happened."

Pyrrha: "We could. Or, perhaps, we could just keep it our little secret."

They left leaving Jaune, Cardin and prime; in disguise, alone.

Cardin: "Holy crap, Jaune?"

Jaune: "Don't ever mess with my team, my... friends, ever again. Got it?"

(Y/n): "Good work Jaune."


Location: Rooftops of Dorms, Beacon
Timeline/period: Rwby chapter 14, Nighttime

(Y/n)'s pov

After that day, Cardin left Jaune alone, which is good. I was standing next to the door with Pyrrha to talk to Jaune.

Pyrrha: "No Cardin tonight? I thought you two were best buds?"

Jaune: "Pyrrha, Prime, I'm sorry. I was a jerk. You were only trying to be nice and I-I had all this stupid macho stuff in my head-"

Pyrrha: "Jaune. It's okay. Your team really misses their leader, you know. You should come down. Ren made pancakes~ No syrup, though, you can thank Nora for that."


Jaune: "Wait! I know I don't deserve it after all that happened, but would you still be willing to help me? To help me become a better fighter."

Pyrrha walk uo to him, then push him. Unexpectedly but OK.

Jaune: "Hey!"

Pyrrha: "Your stance is all wrong. You need to be wider and lower to the ground. Let's try that again."

I remind him about the offer and somewhat ruined their little moment.

(Y/n): "Jaune. Will you accept the offer granted from me a few days ago?"

Jaune: "I will."

(Y/n): "Then train, do your best and until then, keep going."


(A/n: "And done. Very sorry for few months delay. I had school work to do. Sorry. Check this new story out: Tales of the Matrix, where your idea from your choice of Transformers' Continuity and Different Franchise. As well as the plot. Original Characters can be used but will be the main character. So please give me a good one.

Also the wording for this chapter is over 2000 word. I did because time. So at least it can satisfy you for this story.)

2859 words.

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