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Come Here

The slam of a door closing wakes me up. I groan as I open my eyes. I'm still on Taeyoung's back. His right hand is holding a takeout bag. He slips off his shoes and places me down on the couch slowly, tossing the bag on the coffee table, then he unties my shoes and slips them off. I just stare at him with a drunk smile.

He walks away to put my shoes away, then goes into the kitchen and fills a glass with water. When he finally sits down next to me I turn my head. Looking, staring, taking in his face.

He grabs the bag and uses a wooden pick to poke a piece of popcorn chicken.

"Ah," he gestures for me to open my mouth.

With eyes half closed, I open my mouth, and he feeds me the chicken.

"Ah, spicy." I breathe out as I chew. He chuckles at me before lifting the glass of water to my mouth. I bring my hands around his, guiding the water into my mouth. Another piece of chicken follows. And another. I just sit there, slumped, half asleep as he feeds me chicken.

Is this a dream?

Once I start getting full, I grab his hand which is holding a stick of chicken, and I turn it to face his mouth. He eats it.

My head ends up laying on his shoulder, too tired to stay upright. He feeds me the last piece, forces me to drink the whole glass of water despite my objections, then he pulls me up with him.

"Ah! Not too fast." My head spins.

"Shh, Junwoo is sleeping," he whispers and I giggle an "oopsie."

I walk to the bathroom—his arm keeping me steady—then I let go and close the door behind me.

I somehow remember that I have cleansing wipes in my bag. They've been in there for almost two months now and were a bit dry, but they worked in getting off as much eye makeup as I could. The remains of mascara stuck on, so I gave up on that and just washed the rest of my face with water.

It's weird to look at yourself in the mirror when you're drunk. It's like you're seeing someone else, but they're so familiar that it's strange and kinda funny. I laugh at my reflection as I pull my hat off and pull down my jeans. This is a night routine habit I really wish didn't come through right now.

I pick up my pile of stuff and stumble out of the room and across the hall. I drop my stuff on the floor and bee-line for the bed.

"Yah, where are you going," Taeyoung calls out to me from his desk. He throws something at me but I don't catch it. "Please wear pants this time."

I giggle, picking up the baggy workout shorts and putting my legs through them. You could probably fit another one of me in here.

"Oppa it's too big."

He walks over to me, sighing, his ears red again. I reach out to put my hands around them, feeling their heat while he grabs the string of the shorts. He tugs them hard so that I stumble a bit into him. He wraps it around my body and back to the front before tying it.


"Mm!" My cute-levels are disgustingly high, the sober part of me is begging myself to just go to sleep.

But he's smiling at me, his whole face slightly crinkled.

My hands move from his ears to the edges of his mouth. I tug on his smile lightly, looking genuinely curious as to how his lips move into the shape.

"Time for sleep." He pulls my small hands down from his face.

My brain is able to read 4:04 AM on a small digital clock before he turns me around, leading me to his unmade bed.

"Sleep here."

He's about to let go of my hand, but the drunk and confident part of me takes a stronghold. He looks back at me in confusion.

"Stay," I tell him.

He stares at me, contemplating before pulling away again and grabbing a blanket and pillow from his closet. He places it on the floor beside his bed and lies down. Content, I climb into bed and lie down as well.


While it is relatively easy for me to knock out when drunk, alcohol also sometimes messes with my body temperature. I usually get either too hot when drunk, or I get too cold. It's probably been 20 minutes, and I'm trying to warm up my shivering body, pulling the sheets as close to me as possible, but my shivers continue. Eventually, my teeth even chatter and I begin to feel a bit dizzy.

See, this is why you shouldn't drink you idiot.

"Taeyoung oppa," my words sound weak and airy as they leave my mouth.


"I don't feel good. I'm—I'm so cold." My words stutter out between shivers.

He sits up, his hand coming to lay against my forehead. My forehead isn't warm, I don't have a fever. But when he finds my hand, he gasps from how cold they are. He tries to warm them up with both of his, rubbing them.

"Why are you so cold? Do you need more blankets?"

"Too drunk," I mutter out. "No, come here." My mind is oh so clouded by the alcohol.


My body shivers violently again and he immediately slides his body into the bed beside me. While it isn't quite a double bed, it is a very big one that fit us both quite easily—that is, as long as we're very close. His arms come around my cold body, my head burying in his chest, teeth chattering.

His large hands rub against my back slowly and his steady breath calms my own. I can feel the warmth of his body slowly thaw my own.

I end up fading away, finally letting sleep grab onto me. Before it takes me completely, I whisper against his chest, "Don't leave. Stay."

Then I'm asleep.


Instagram: @sooaura
Twitter: @_sooaura



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