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A/N: A heads up, this chapter is a bit more PG-13 than usual. Very mild, but please be warned if you hate any form of sexual storytelling.

. . .


"Sohee—" Taeyoung stumbles behind me. "You shouldn't leave like that, your dad—"

I stop and turn to face him. "My dad is barely my dad, and he kicked you out which means he kicked me out as well."

My face is stern, reflecting the anger that is bubbling inside of me. How did this evening turn into such a mess?

"But Sohee, he's right. I shouldn't have been so aggressive. I shouldn't let my emotions control my mind like that. What caring father wouldn't get upset when his first meeting with his daughter's boyfriend is seeing him knock a guy out? "

His look is one full of shame. He's angry at himself for what he did and the disappointed pout on his face breaks my heart.

"I know, but it's okay. It's over now, there's nothing we can do. Besides, you really helped me there. I wasn't sure what to do."

"I messed everything up." He laughs a laugh that sounds angry and humiliated.

I look at him with a confused expression. The November air nips at my bare arms and I use my hands to rub friction in order to create heat.

"I had it planned out. I would eat at the restaurant, then when you were done work I would take you to this spot by the Han River that I like, where you can see the skyline in Yongsan-gu lit up. Then I'd tell you that I love you."

A small smile forms on my lips. He had it planned out? I hold his face and turn it to look at my own.

"It's okay that the plan didn't work out. There's no way I can forget your confession." I laugh a bit when I remember his words as the turmoil ensued behind us. But he doesn't laugh. He still looks sullen, eyes dull as they look at mine apologetically.

"I even got a car, so that we could leave whenever we wanted."


He points to a modest black car parked on the side of the road behind me. "I saved up my modelling money to finally get a car."

"Oh." My mind is a blur from all the new information. "That's great!"

I smile up at him with my teeth showing. I try to show him that I'm completely okay with how things turned out, even if it is all a shock. Yeah, I don't like that he resorted to violence to deal with that guy, but it's clear that he feels terrible about it.

"Let's go then, it's too cold out here." I try to pull him out of his thoughts.

"Oh, your uniform." He looks down at my waitress clothes.

"I'm not going back there yet. Not today."

He pulls me back and slowly shrugs his bomber jacket off of his shoulders. He wraps it around me, the arms hanging over me. Its baggy size consumes me whole, and I catch him smile a bit as he looks at me.

"귀엽다 [cutie]." His soft smile grows as he tugs the arms of the coat. Before he begins to walk away, I move my body so that I'm leaning against him, my head against his chest. I wrap my arms around him. It takes a moment for him to give in and lean his head down onto mine. His arms envelope around me.

"I swear you're not real."

I freeze from his whispered words. I slowly turn my head up with his forehead pressed against mine.

"What?" I whisper back.

"I thought that I had given up on all of this—on love. But you came out of nowhere, and you keep surprising me. I keep surprising myself."

"I could say the same."

His eyes search through mine for a bit before he kisses the tip of my cold nose.

"Your nose is pink." A cute smile grows on his lips. That's what I like to see.

"So is yours Oppa."

He clenches his eyes shut, wincing. "You know exactly what effect you saying that cutely has on me don't you?"

"Saying what Oppa?" I look at him innocently with a slightly turned head.

He snickers at me. "You little devil."

I quickly peck his lips before forcing my body to move away from his. He takes my hand and we go up to his new car—well new used car.

"Ooh, Oppa's got wheels now," I tease him and he just laughs at me while opening the passenger door. I take a seat and get used to the feeling. I haven't been inside a car in a long time.

He dives into the driver's seat and turns the car on. I watch him as he pulls into the road. It's fun to watch him when he's watching something else.

"Yah, Sohee, I haven't gotten used to the car completely yet. Do you mind not staring at me?" He says this while looking ahead.

"Why?" I lean into the middle a bit and place a hand on his thigh. "Do I make you nervous?"

His ears begin to turn a familiar crimson red colour, as a nervous smile falls on his face. "Yes. You make me nervous Sohee, so stop."

I laugh at how cute he is.

"Yah, do I need to pull over?" He looks at me for a moment, his eyes rounded and serious now.


"You aren't listening to me, you keep distracting me. Maybe you need to be taught a lesson." His mischevious smile grows as his eyebrows wiggle. I pull my hand off of his thigh immediately.

"No. I'll listen," I grumble, looking ahead now.

He chuckles at me. I pause before saying, "That guy really was a dick wasn't he?"

His chuckle turns into full-blown laughter.

I wish I could record this sound in my brain and hit play whenever I needed to hear it.


"Oh? I'm not going back to the dorm?" I look at where he's parked, beside his apartment.

"I don't want to be alone tonight. I still feel bad about everything." Guilt flashes across his eyes again. I sigh at him. When will he forgive himself?


We're welcomed by Minjun—a Minjun equipped with black boxers and white socks.


"What? Do I have to adjust my wardrobe just because your girlfriend comes over all the time now?"

He stares at us blankly, and continues to carry his bowl of popcorn and head towards the couch.

"It's fine," I pull on Taeyoung's arm, trying to steer him towards the hallway.

"No it's not, he's practically naked!"

"It's Minjun, what can we expect at this point."

"Yah, at least I don't sleep naked like Junwoo!" Minjun yells out at us, popcorn falling out of his mouth. My sweet little Junwoo sleeping naked?

In the distance, we hear a shout from Junwoo. I can't help but burst into laughter, tears forming in my eyes. Taeyoung doesn't look pleased though.

"Note to self, don't walk into Junwoo's room unannounced," I say as water falls down my face.

"Okay, that's enough." Taeyoung takes my hand and heads for his bedroom.

Junwoo walks out of the bathroom at that moment. I laugh and point at him. He looks at me with a confused expression.

"What? What did hyung tell you?"

"Everything," I say before being pulled into Taeyoung's room. The door is closed behind me.

"Oppa," I pout at the dishevelled Taeyoung.

"Not this time, that's not going to work this time."

"Why are you upset?"

"I don't like them being so free around you. You're still, you know, you're innocent."

Dammit Taeyoung, you know I hate it when you call me that. "Taeyoung, it doesn't matter. The only one I care about is you."

He freezes, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows. "I know."

Taeyoung's sensitivity caused by his previous heartbreak still causes him to worry about these things. I know he doesn't mean to get so jealous, it's just a nervous habit of his since his past lover cheated on him. I wish I could wipe away that fear completely. Maybe someday.

I see his walls begin to crumble and fall. I walk towards him, pulling my best cute face; my eyes wide, lips turned into a pout. My hands clutch onto his sweater.

"Don't be mad Oppa."

A hand comes to run down his face. It's so much fun to tease him.

"Fuck, Sohee," I hear him whisper and get a bit alarmed by him swearing. My heart suddenly accelerates in pace, unsure of how to respond to the sudden, uncharacteristic profanity.

"Taeyoung?" I search for his face behind his hand.

He drops his hand, eyes coming to look at me seriously.

"You make my life so wonderful but so goddamn difficult at the same time."


I'm thrown off when his lips crash onto mine, his hands quickly moving through my hair.

He parts momentarily. "I'm doing my best to take it slow, but damn it Sohee. You have no idea how long it's been—"

"Ah! I d-don't want to know how long it's been," I stutter. His face moves into the crook of my neck, lips running against my skin.

"Then don't seduce me like that," he breathes against my neck before sucking on it.

"But it's fun."

He lifts his head up, "It's fun? Is it fun for you to see me suffer huh? I see how it is."

I begin laughing at him, but it turns into a weird gasping noise when his fingers begin unbuttoning my uniform blouse, pulling my shirt open to show off my bra.

"W-wait, Taeyoung—"

His lips attack the soft skin above the seam of my bra.

"Two can play this game baby girl."

He says this against my skin again, pulling my shirt off of my arms and wrapping his own arms around my bare torso.

Uncontrollable giggles leave my mouth as his lips trickle down my chest—the feeling makes me feel insane. I scream softly before giggling again when he pulls one of my bra straps down and off my shoulder, making half of my chest completely bare in front of him.

"Hey, hey, wait!" I try to speak between nervous giggles. I pull him closer in an attempt to hide from his eyes, but of course, that just makes it easier for his mouth to attack me.

"Taeyoung," I try to take slow, deep breaths, "your housemates are like right there."

"So," he says before his tongue falls against my skin again.

"No, no, they'll hear me—" I squeal when he nips at me.

"Then you're just going to have to try and be silent."

My laughs are hysterical now, my body flinching against his touch. It's all so ticklish.

He lifts his head up, "Yah, stop moving so much!" His frown turns into amusement when he sees my tear-streaked cheeks. "Are you really that sensitive?"

I refuse to answer, and cover my chest back up with my bra and try to catch my breath.

"This is going to be fun." He smirks at me and I feel my body shiver uncontrollably.

All I can think about when his hands pull my bra back down is that the door is unlocked, and there were two other people just outside, able to walk in at any second.

His tongue touches my cold skin and my giggles rev up again.

. . .

Instagram: @sooaura
Twitter: @_sooaura



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