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"Taeyoung." His manager frantically looks around. "Where's Eunji?"


"Is she not here?" He responds.

"No, we can't find her anywhere."

Guilt flashes over Taeyoung's face momentarily. Someone comes up to the manager.

"She picked up my call. She's being difficult and saying she 'doesn't feel like it today'."

The manager rolls her eyes in frustration. "That spoiled brat thinks she can do whatever she wants just because her daddy is the CEO?" She says under her breath.

Taeyoung and I exchange glances.

"What's going on?" The photographer comes up to us.

"Eunji bailed."


Everyone begins to hustle to and fro, shouts filling the room, phone calls being made.

"We only have this room for two hours, we need a replacement," Taeho speaks to himself as he texts feverishly on his phone.

"Jinyoung? What has she said?" He calls this out loud to god knows who.

Someone responds. "She can't!"

"What about Jennifer?"

"She's in Busan," someone else says.

"Damn it," Taeho frantically looks around the room, his eyes moving back to mine after a while.

I feel dread rise up my spine.

"No," I tell him.

"Oh come on Sohee, 제발 [please]." The almost 40-year-old man holds his hands up, begging me. It's quite a sight.

"Please? We just need to get some demo photos to send to the designer. If they don't like the model change then you don't have to worry about it! They'll just schedule a new date. We just need some demo shots, hmm?"

I ponder on this. There's no way the designer would be happy with their model changing from the tall and sexy Eunji to the small and meek me.

"Okay, only because I like you."

He holds my face, kissing my cheek dramatically with a "mwah!"

"You'll just have to sign something first. Makeup team, get this girl made up right now!" His booming voice causes me to put my hands over my ears. Taeyoung looks at me excitedly. Taeho, in an organized chaos, orders people around and eventually hands me some piece of paper.

"Are you sure?"

I shrug. "It's not like the designer will actually agree on these photos."

He lightly laughs at me. I sign the paper which lets them legally take photos of me. Then I'm brought into the dressing room. It's absolute madness—one person does my makeup while another one styles my hair. A seamstress makes me stand up to try on the clothes so that she can do SOS hemming—and hemming she must because the clothes are all too long.

"Leave these few," a director of photography eyes some of the clothes. "These will look good as a baggy, a casual style."


"We can do something good with this," the photographer eyes us as we stand on the white sheet. Music blares in an attempt to get me in the mood.

"I don't know what to do," I whisper to Taeyoung.

"Pretend it's just us."

"But it's so loud."

"Pretend it's us at a club," he laughs.

"Now, the clothes are street-style casual which means we don't need to be over the top here. Just act as a couple, which you are, so no excuses." Taeho begins taking photos, adjusting the camera settings.

"Where do I stand?"

Taeyoung's hands hold onto my arms, and he moves me so that I'm in front of him.

"Put your hands in my pockets, lean against me."

I do as he says, reaching back to put my hands in the pockets of his trousers. I shuffle my feet in front of me a bit and lean against him. His strong torso gives me the comfort I need.

"Now just look at the camera like it's Eunji," he leans down to whisper this in my ear.

This causes me to laugh.

"Nice! I like this couple shot," Taeho praises us, despite us not even starting yet.

The photo shoot ends up being fun, surprisingly. This is mostly because of Taeyoung's comments and efforts to loosen me up. The constant changing of clothes is something I'm not a fan of though, especially since we have to change in the same room. I have to pry Taeyoung's hands off me every time.

This time we wear baggy clothes and Taeho asks us to be cute. Apparently, I'm a natural at this part.

"Taeyoung! Loosen up. I know you're not used to this kind of concept, but your girlfriend is killing it."

I put my hands on his cheeks and squish his face. I begin laughing at his irritation as he purses his lips. I let go and he brings me into a back hug, his head leaning down on my shoulder like he often does with me.


Eventually, for the last outfits, they bring out a couch as a prop. The concept this time is more serious, and cool. Of course, Taeyoung kills this while I have a hard time.

"Taeyoung, lie down and put your head on her lap."

He does so, and my cheeks begin to heat up. Because I don't know what to do, I run my fingers through his deep silver-dyed hair and look down at him instead of at the camera. He looks at the camera, a sexy, mature expression on his face. He looks gorgeous, and it becomes very easy to get lost staring at his features.

He groans, which is something only I can hear.

"Sohee, you know what moving your fingernails on my scalp does to me."


"Don't what?"

"Don't get all sexy on me here with twenty people watching."

He smirks and Taeho praises him for the expression.

"Change positions! Be sexy!"

Oh boy.

Taeyoung sits up and his hands grab onto my waist. All of a sudden I'm pulled onto his lap, my legs coming off to one side to lay on the couch. My arms come around his neck for support.

"Nice! Sohee, keep that expression, innocent. Taeyoung, keep making her blush!"

"Taeho!" I yell at the photographer and he laughs at me.

Taeyoung chuckles before he casually lays his head against my chest, earning approval again. Eventually, he places his lips against my neck, and my mouth opens in shock, eyes wide in front of the cameras flash.

"Nice job Taeyoung."

"You asshole," I mutter.

"Chair, lets switch for a chair!" Taeho yells.

Taeyoung sits down and pulls me on his lap again, this time my legs are on either side of him.

"Oh my god, kill me," I whisper, my head thankfully facing away from the cameras.

He moves my hair off of my shoulder and places his lips against the exposed skin. He freezes there, his eyes looking at the camera seductively.

"Taeyoung, I think we need your girlfriend to model with you more often."

The rest of the photoshoot is unbearable. My cheeks haven't stopped burning. Taeyoung keeps finding ways to embarrass me on camera, by biting my neck, and even lightly grinding against me from behind so no one could see. Needless to say, I want to kill the boy.

"You guys were amazing. Honestly, wow." Taeho claps his hands together, praising us as the equipment team packs up. "Miss Sohee, you should consider making this a permanent job."

"No thank you. This will be my first and final time."

There's no way I could do all of that with some random model other than Taeyoung, hell I could barely do that with Taeyoung.

"Too bad, but thank you for saving our butts today."

"No problem." It was partly my fault anyway.

Once he leaves, Taeyoung chases me into the dressing room. His eyes are just as seductive as they were throughout the last half of the shoot. I squeal when I get inside, aware of him about to reach out and grab me.

He catches me and whispers in my ear, "that was hot."

"Yeah, that grinding stunt you pulled? Not cool."

"Oh, you mean this?" He whispers as he pushes his groin against my behind.

"I hate you," I mutter.

He doesn't respond and instead starts to pull the zipper of the dress I'm wearing down. He slides the fabric off my shoulders, letting it fall at my feet. I immediately cover my body with my arms.

"Taeyoung! No!" I scold him like a dog and he pouts at me before hugging my body like a child.

"Why not, we've done stuff in here before."

"Shut up!" I whisper-yell at him, despite no one else being in here.

"Oh, maybe you want to try the elevator this time?" He smirks at me before harshly kissing my neck. "I think there's an emergency stop button on the elevators here, we can take our time."

I push him away, my cheeks burning with heat at the thought.

"No," I sternly say between my teeth.

He moves away, chuckling at my flustered reaction as he changes into his clothes. I quickly change as well and when he's finished, he pulls me into another embrace. He softly kisses me before pulling away with a smile and taking my hand in his.

. . .

Instagram: @sooaura
Twitter: @_sooaura



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