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             I woke up to the sound of crying. I opened up my eyes to see Ritchie crying on Michael. I noticed I was moved onto a table. I remember being stabbed and then nothing. I tried to move but the pain in my chest was to painful. I gasped catching the attention of Michael. I waved at him. He looked in shock.

        "Ritchie, look!"

        "Why would I want to look at my dead brother's body." Ritchie sodded into Michael shoulder.

         "Because maybe he's not so dead after all." Ritchie turn around in shock.

         I gasped in pain as Ritchie hugged me tightly. "Don't ever do that again!" Ritchie scolded me.

       "No promises." I chuckle.

       "I'm just so happy you're ok." Ritchie says hugging me.

       "I'm happy that you're ok too. So what happened after I passed out?"

        "I vaporizer our counterparts." I looked in shock.

       "Wow." Was all I said. "You have to tell me more." Ritchie began explaining everything things that went down.

      "So wait I was dead, then Michael brought me back?"

       "Yep." Michael said popping the 'P'

      After a few months, I was fully heal again. Ritchie became very protective of me. I told them everything that happened with Eden. I'm pretty sure if they weren't already dead, they would have been for sure. We started to run the guild again and everything soon became peaceful. I also started to date Boat. I'm finally happy with my family.

      A/N: Thank you for reading my story! I hope you enjoyed.

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