I Would Do Anything

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      I was woken up by cold water being dumped on me. I glare up at Eden. "Well look who's up." I lunched at him, only to be held back by chains. I growled at him. "If you keep act like animal, we might have to get out the shock collar."

"Do it. See if I care. You already broke me. I'm immune to your torture." I hiss with venom in my voice.

"That would be too nice for you." He suddenly had a sick look on his face. I internally shivered. "I know...How about we make you attack your own brother."

"You already did that, genius." I spat. He laughed ominously.

     "Oh no, that was went you still had free will." He began circling me. "What if I say we made a potion that will keep you under our control...permanently." He grinned. "Just imagine, you would see everything but couldn't do anything about it."

     "You're lying..." I scowled. 

      "Am I? Or maybe I'm telling you the truth, who knows? But at noon you will find out." He laughed. "Enjoy the last hours of free will because once noon hits, your mine!" He left after that.

       I let out a breath, I didn't know I was holding. I looked around my surroundings. I was in a dark room with blood smeared on the walls. Chains hung all over the place. I was chained in the middle of the room to a pole. I hand my hands chained behind my back. I guessed I was under the Grandmaster office, because I could hear talking above me. I felt cold only to realize I didn't have a shirt on.

      I stumped against the pole. I started to think what was at noon. Noon! No, I thought. They are going to use me to attack the guild leaders. I silently cursed at them as I tried to break free. I tried harder even though I knew it was useless. I heard clapping coming from the the corner.

      Evil Ritchie came out of the shadows. "Look at you...so powerful a few hours ago. Now, reduced to a wiggle worm trying to escape from a bird that has you caught in they're talons." He smirked. "Really sad in all honesty."

     I felt myself smirk. "Where's my crazy counterpart?" His smirk disappeared. "I guess he was just too weak to handle me." I grin.

      "Shut up! He will always strong then you!" He shout furiously. He nailed me in the head with a steel bar causing my head to bleed. His face morphed into a menacing smile. "He just resting up so we can beat those people you call your friends." I glared at him. He walked up to me. "Now, my real reason for being here. I'm supposed to make you presentable to your friends." He pulled out a knife. "I can't do too much or you won't be able to fight. I can't wait for you to be a loyal slave." He starts to reopen scars on my torso. "Eden finishing up the potion right now."

      "So it's true then." I quietly say.

   "Sure is!" He replied cheerfully. I hiss as he pressed harder. "Hey...How about we have some fun like we used too~" he said in a lust filled voice. He put the knife down and leaned down to lick the blood off my torso. I shivered and started to squirming. He slowly came up to my neck. He starts biting around my neck area. He bite one spot making a moan come out of my mouth. He bit harder. I moaned louder.

I squealed out, "Stop!" He just laughed.

"No way. Your too sweet!" He began a trail of kisses to my mouth. He began to kiss me roughly. I refused him enter when he licked my bottom lip. He hit a open wound causing me to gasp. His tongue began to explore my mouth. I bit down. He growled and pulled my hair. We separated for air.

He slapped me. "Don't you ever do that again." He growled but quickly changed into a smiled sweetly. I swallowed hard. He leaned over to whisper into my ear. "Not that you will be able to went that potion is finished. Your body is mine after noon." He let my head drop. "See you soon, babe." He sang as he left.

Once he was gone I let out a frustrated scream. I thought about my brother. I just reunited will him just to lose him again. And that...man...I shivered. I don't want to even think about what he will do when I can't control my body. Why can't I just be happy and live happily. I didn't mean to let my tears fall. I silently cried to myself before I heard a door open.

   I was blinded by a bright light as Evil Ritchie, Evil Brandon, and Eden walked in. "You're time is up, my friend! Kiss your free will goodbye." Eden announced.  Evil Brandon unchain me from the pole, but kept the chains on my arms. "You will have an audience to watch your transformation." I was confused by what he meant. I was dragged out of the room and up a staircase before I was dropped. "I will be right back, I need to get there attention."

       A explosion was heard and then "Welcome all of you to the show!" There was angry response. "I would be happy if I were you," Eden told them. "You didn't have to go though what he did." Eden nodded to Evil Ritchie. Evil Brandon and Evil Ritchie dragged me out and threw me to the front of the group. Everyone gasped in horror when they laid there eyes on me.

        "Brandon!" Ritchie shouted. I locked eyes with him. I mentally said sorry as Eden brought out a potion.

        "This is what happens to a person who disobeys me." He poured the liquid on me. I shivered, as I felt myself lose control over my body.

     "Nothing happened?" Someone shouted from the audience. Eden laughed manically.

     "Oh...how your wrong. Brandon can you come here please." Eden asked. Evil Brandon undid the chains as my body move on its own. All I could do was watch as my body walked up to Eden. "Good boy." He told me. I tried to get control but couldn't. It felt like I was suck watching a screen.

       "What did you do to my brother!" Ritchie screamed as Michael held him back.

      "I erased his free will. He's just a slave to me now." Eden told them.

      "You monster..." Michael said. Eden yawned.

     "This is starting to bore me. Brandon attack." Eden commanded. Chaos broke out.
          I watched as I attacked Inmo and Kit. I threw Inmo into a wall with a single blow. I was crying as I watched Kit tried to burn me and get caught in a tornado. I watched in horror as I was attacking anyone with in distance of me. I sent present Jakey flying. One of the dragon slayers caught him thankfully. I nearly kill Mario but David stopped me in time.

       A few hours have passed, everyone is starting to wear out. I start to fight Bri, when I noticed Ritchie and Michael fighting Eden. I also saw Evil Ritchie sneaking up on Ritchie. Ritchie was to busy to notice he was about to be jumped. I was panicking. I started to try to take control again. The closer Evil Ritchie got to Ritchie, the closer it seemed I was getting to be free. I saw Evil Ritchie leap at Ritchie. I leaped at the same time.

      We both fell to the ground. Time seems to freeze. I looked down at my chest. A knife was plunged deep into my chest. Everyone froze a stared at me and Evil Ritchie. Ritchie fell to his knees as he came up to me.

      "Brandon...Why? Why would you...?"

       "You're my brother. I won't never let you die." I sat up and staggered into a standing position. I ripped the knife out of my chest. I coughed up blood as I did this. I ran towards Eden. He was froze in place. I tackled him and stabbed him. He scream out in pain. "This is what you get! If I go down, your coming with me." Blood is now pouring out of my mouth.

      He soon felt limp with glossed over eyes. I could tell I was close to that point too. When I fell over, Ritchie was right there to catch me. I felt myself getting weak. "I love you, Ritchie. Remember that."

        "Brandon don't say that. You'll be okay. Stay wake please." I started to close my eyes. "No! Brandon stay wake! No..." I the last thing I heard was Ritchie screaming.

Author's POV
           As Brandon faded, Ritchie let out a pained filled cried. Ritchie stood up and glared at Evil Brandon and Ritchie. Ritchie unleaded a huge lightning Storm on to the evil twins. They didn't even have time to scream before they were piles of ash. Ritchie returned to Brandon. He picked up his body and motioned to Michael to follow him.

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