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Everyone one cheered and begun to drink. I was dragged over to the bar by Ritchie. I was watching everyone have fun. I decided to forget about my problems and have fun. We drank for awhile but all good things must end. Ritchie pulled me to the side. "Can we talk?" He asked.


We slipped away to the office I seen a few nights ago. "So what you wanna talk about?" I asked.

"I wanted to asked about your scars and what you did while you were with them," I suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Ritchie noticed and added, "when your ready."

"No no! It's's just hard to talk about..." I take off my shirt, revealing all the scars on my torso. Ritchie was horrified. "There are more on my legs too."


"No...I deserve them." I say quietly.

"What do you mean? You don't deserve them!" Ritchie exclaims.

"Yes I do! You don't know what I have done! All those innocent live, gone! I'm a monster, Ritchie! A monster!" I burst out. I fall to my knees as I remember all the fear in the eyes of innocent people that I was forced to kill. Screams still echoes in my nightmares. Ritchie runs over to comfort me.

"It isn't your fault! You were forced. It's all Eden's fault. We we'll take them down together, I promise."

"Ritchie, I need to tell you something. And you need to promise not to hate me."

"I would never hate you, you're my brother." I take a deep breath and look him straight in the eyes.

"I was meant to be a spy for Eden." He just blinked. I quickly continue. "But I don't want to be. I haven't been this happy in years. I don't want to be with them. I'm suppose to report to Grandmaster Jonathan. He's working with them too." When he didn't respond I cried, "Please don't hate me."

He shook his head and hugged me. "I don't hate's okay. I'm here." He rubbed my back as I let all the emotions I bottled up for years, out. I leaned into him as I cried the guilt, pain, and sorrow out "You've been thought so much. I wish I was there to help you then, but I'm here now. I will never leave your side again." He said determinedly.

Once my cries turn into sniffles, he pulled out of the hug. He looked into my eyes as he swiped my tears. "I will contacted the other guild leaders to inform them of Jp's betrayal. Then we can go confront them, alright?"

"No. I don't want you to get hurt. It's my problem." Ritchie gave me a look.

"Eden's everyone's problem. So no, you're not to face him alone."

"But-" Ritchie covered my mouth.

"No. I'm calling everyone to meet us here. You are not doing this alone." He turned away to contact everyone. I got up off the floor and sat in a chair to wait for everyone.

It was an hour before everyone showed up. Ritchie didn't tell anyone what this was about in case anyone was listening in on to the conversation. Everyone was confused or annoyed. "Ritchie, what's so important that you couldn't tell us on the lacerma?" Michael asked annoyed.

"I uncovered new information from Brandon. Jp is with Eden and Brandon was a spy for them."

"Then why is he here if he's a spy!" Silver shouted. I stood up and confronted him.

"I wouldn't have told Ritchie that Jp was apart of Eden if I didn't want to help you, now would I?"

"It could be a trick." He replied.

"Silver! Brandon! Knock it off! We have bigger things to worry about. Brandon, is there anyone else who betrayed us?"

       "A shadow dragon slayer, Zeta I think he called himself, but his real name is Colin. Actually I'm not really sure that's right. Colin is being controlled by Zeta." Michael glared at the ground. "And Future Jakey is a weird one. Mitch, or as he calls himself Viper is bad news." Michael sighed.

           "So most of Grimshade has betrayed us..."

          "Everyone else we should know to look out for?" Bri asked.

            "Well...Me and Ritchie's counterparts are really bad." Everyone look at me shocked.

           "Wait! What?" Ritchie questioned.

      "Yeah...they are the ones that tortured me. They're this world's us. They are psychotic. I was will them the whole time I was captured. They are our opposites."

      "Just great! We have a crazy Ritchie and Brandon to deal with too." Michael said as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

Ritchie spoke up this time, "There is still more bad news..."

"What could be worse then that!" Silver yelled.

"They got Brandon here trained to follow commands. He's not in control when he's given a command." Ritchie turn to me. "May I show them?" I bit my lip but nodded anyway.

He thought for awhile, but before he could say anything, Silver shouted, "Jump though the window!" I felt myself turn and smash though the window. I caught myself using my magic. I landed carefully, so I would hurt myself anymore. I looked up to see everyone running to me. Ritchie helped me up. Everyone glared at Silver.

"I thought that it was a joke...I didn't realize that he actually would do it."

"I going to clean up Brandon. Michael do you think you could find a cure or something for that?" Ritchie asked.

"I think I have something. We'll meet here tomorrow before the guild leader meeting where we'll confront Jp." Everyone nodded.

"Alright, rest up. Gather your loyal members and meet at the Grandmaster's place. We'll meet at sun high." Ritchie told everyone while helping me. I had a feeling we were being watched. I sent a Sky vector at where I felt the eyes.

We heard a yelp as I hit something. Bri and Silver pulled out a frightened Colin. "Hi..." He squeaked.

"Colin, how long were you struggling with control?" Michael asked.

"Since I first came to Grimshade..." He whispered. Michael sighed and picked him up bridal style.

"We'll fix that right now." Michael turned to me. "Then I will help you tomorrow morning. Bye!" He shadow traveled away. Everyone else said there goodbyes and left, leaving me and Ritchie alone again.

We decided to go to the house we shared now. Ritchie showed me the room I would be sleeping in after he patched up my wounds from the fall. We started talking. We talked late into the night about the guild. When we finally said goodnight, I couldn't fall asleep. I had a bad feeling. I pretended to be asleep when I heard a noise from the window.

"Aww...look how peaceful he looks. Too bad we have to turn it into a eternal slumber." I recognized Evil Brandon voice.

"Yeah, I'll miss our pet." Evil Ritchie replied. I hear metal against leather. I focus in on the air to sense where the sword is. "Sweet dreams, Weakling." He rose it above his head, ready to strike. When he brought it down, I activated my air bubble, causing the blade to harmlessly bounce off.

I exploded the bubble, making them fly backwards. They were stunned for a little bit, so I could get away. I jumped out of bed and run to my brother's room. I burst in and locked the door. I noticed that I was shaking. Ritchie was awake form all the noise. "What's going on!?" He whisper to me.

"They're here." I ran over to his desk to find ear plugs. I found them a quickly put them in so I would be able to hear anything they said. I then ran over to Ritchie, picked him up and jumped out the window.

I took off flying. It hurt really badly but I was more worried about Ritchie then myself at the moment. I wasn't going to lose him when I just found him. I knew I couldn't out run them so I had to hide Ritchie. I looked down at Ritchie to see him glaring at me. I ignored it for now. I noticed a barn that had a loft door open. From there you could a clearing in the woods. Perfect, I thought. I land in the loft. "Please hide." He shook his head knowing that I couldn't hear him. "Trust me on this, it will show you how dangerous our counterparts are. If they kill me...don't interfere." I said coldly.

Ritchie ripped the ear plugs out to say, "No! I will not stand idle by while you die. I would never forgive myself." I hugged him.

"Ok. If they are about to kill me you can step in, but if they take me with them, let them. You can use this to see they're power. When we're gone go tell the others, okay?" He was about to protested, before I cut him off. "Please...I want to makeup for what I did."

"Alright." He replied reluctantly.

"Now, go hide before they come." He nodded. I pocketed the ear plugs and flew to the clearing. Almost immediately I was attacked. I dodged the blow.

I growled as Evil Ritchie and Brandon appeared out of the woods. "Well...What do we have here? Our little pet is being really bad. Looks like we have to teach him a lesson, right Brother?"

Yes! Yes! Very bad boy!" Evil Brandon giggled. I sent sky vector at both of them. They both dodged and sent attack at me. I tried to dodge both attack but E. Ritchie's scratched me. I look at the wound. It wasn't deep but blood dripped out of it. I let out a animalistic growl. I activated my demon form. A storm started to rage around us.

"Oh! You finally decided to show your turn colors. Interesting..." E. Ritchie cracked. I disappeared into the storm. I reappear behind Evil Brandon. I slashed him deeply in the back. He screamed out in pain. Evil Ritchie growled, "We were just going to punish you lightly but now we're not holding back."

My voice echoed as I shouted, "I don't care! I'm done! I'm not letting you control me anymore!" I appeared in front of him. I punched him. He grabbed me and threw me into a tree. I was about to get up but he started kicking me in the stomach. I coughed up blood after a few kicks. I release a air shock wave sending him back. I stood up and ran at him. I leaped on him and started to beating him. Evil Brandon ripped me off E. Ritchie's blood body. He slammed me to ground and bite me. I shrieked in pain. I clawed at him, trying to get him off. I finally rip him free after a few minutes. A large chunk of flesh is gone from my shoulder. I feel myself starting to pass out from blood loss.

With one final bust of energy, I send a tornado at him, knocking him unconscious. I pant as I sink to my knees. The hear footsteps coming towards me. I knew it wasn't Ritchie. I tried to get back up, but the person held me down. "My my, the weakling isn't weak anymore." I growl at Eden. "That not how you treat your master, now is it." He yanked my head up so I was looked at him. I spit in his face.

"Go die in a hole!" I yell as I feel myself losing in consciousness. He laughs as he let's go of my hair. I fall into the mud.

Before I'm sucked into blackness, I hear him say, "Once we're done with you, you'd wished we kill you!" His crazy laughter was the last thing that I heard.

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