Meeting The Guild

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           I was led by Ritchie to a building with a bunch of jail cells. Ritchie choose a cleaner cell to put me in. He took the cuffs off and locked the door with him in it so we could talk. "Now where were we? Oh yeah! You were about to tell me how you knew mom's lullaby." He frowned when he remembered my answer. "Why did you sing it then?"

         "It helped me keep my sanity. It reminded me of you and mom so I had a anchor to this world. A few times though... I thought about...some dark things..." I frown as I remembered the bad times. He came over and hugged me.

       "I will be here with you now, so you don't have to go though it alone anymore." He said cheerily. "Now I will be right back, I'm going to get a med kit. We roughed each other up quite a bit."

"Ritchie wait...I need to tell you something..."

"Yes?" He paused by the door.

"...I need help...They did something to me. Whenever I'm told a command...It's like I can't control myself. My body moves on its own. That's what happened when I fought you...for awhile there I wasn't in control of my actions." Ritchie ran over to comfort me. "It doesn't happen often, but when it does, I'm worried I will hurt you." I confess.

          He hugged me. "It's alright. Once I get you into the guild, we can have Michael help you. Now, I'll be off. I will introduce you to the guild when I get back, ok?" I nodded as a response. "Rest. It looks like you need it." Ritchie commanded. I felt myself lay down. "I see what you mean now...that's...disturbing but will fix it. See you later." Then he was gone.

I breathed a sigh of pain as I tried to move. I was covering it up so Ritchie won't worry about me. I moved carefully into a more comfortable position as I started to think. How will I betrayed my brother when the time comes? I won't be able to, I realized. I push the thoughts away. I will figure it out eventually. I yawned. For now, I'll rest like Ritchie said. I slowly fall in to a dreamless sleep.

I was rudely awakened by a explosion and yelling. I open my eyes to find I was all bandaged up. Ritchie must have came in when I was sleeping, I thought. I sit up, ignoring the pain I felt. I noticed the door was open with a note on it. I walked over to read it. I scanned though it. It basically said I was approved to join the guild as a guild leader. I would still have to be watched but Ritchie could do that. I also should come to the guild hall so I could meet everyone. David  would led me to the guild hall.  I walked out of the cell and out the door.

         I stopped and stared at the scene before me. A black haired dude without anything on besides boxers, was yelling at a purple haired boy, who was shirtless. I couldn't understand what they were saying but it they were giving me a headache. "Hey! Are any of you David?" I yelled.

          "That's me. What do you want? Can't you see we're busy?" The black haired shirtless guy said.

            "You're supposed to led me to the guild hall."

             "So you're the guy I'm supposed to baby sit." He laughed. I felt myself frown as he laughed.

             "I would be careful who you choose to pick a fight with..." My voice cold with a icy warning. I gave him a death stare. He shut up after that. The boy next to him shivered. I took a deep breath and relaxed. "Sorry about that...Let's start over. I'm Brandon. Nice to meet you."

              "I'm David. So you're the one who fought Ritchie and lived? Wow!" This time I laughed warmly.

             "Well...I don't know if I should say right now, but Ritchie will tell you at the meeting." I turned to the purple haired boy. "And who are you?" I asked politely.

          "I'm Inmo. An explosion dragon slayer." He said proudly.

          "For the last time! Your not a dragon slayer!" David yelled at Inmo.

            "Am too."

          "Are not!"

            "Am too."



         I rolled my eyes at the bickering pair. "Ladies ladies, you can continue to fight later. Can one of you please show me the way to the guild?" David started to walk away.

        He turned around to yell, "Are you coming? Or what?" Inmo and I looked at each other. We both caught up to him. We walked in silence for the rest of the way there.

When we got outside of the guild hall, you could here people talking. "You can go ahead....I'll be right there." I told them. They shrugged and walked in. I let out a sigh. I looked at the door. I mentally prepared myself as I walked though the door.

Inside was my brother and a few more people. A big buff guy that Inmo was sitting by and David was arguing with another black haired guy with a bandanna. The only girl in the room was sitting calmly in the corner watching the chaos unfold. Ritchie caught sight of me. "Shut up all of you!" He hollered.

Everyone one froze. David and the bandanna guy sat down immediately but were still glaring at each other. The girl in the corner straighten up. Inmo and the buff guy turned to look at him. "Thank you. We have a new member." Ritchie walked up to me. I smiled softly at him. "This is Brandon. He will be running the guild with me."

"What! I know he's powerful, but you barely know the guy!" David exclaimed.

       "I'm sure I know my own brother." Ritchie replied offhandedly. He still smiled at me but I could see doubt in his eyes.  I waved my hand signaling that we'll talk later.

        "Since when did you have a brother!?" The guy with the bandanna questioned.

       "Yeah. I'm with rocks-for-brains."

        "Well...if the let me explain. Brandon and I were separated when we came into this world. A group of people attacked us and took Brandon with them. I, then started my criminal record. I was look for him even if I had to kill. Reaper took me down after awhile. He told me that I should start a new life and my brother would want me to. So that's where we are now."

           "So where were you?" The big guy asked me.

             "I was captured by Eden and....uh....tortured in that time period. I join them after a year, give up hope to see my brother again." Ritchie saw the sad look on my face and hugged me. "I was given a mission to attack the island. When we got here, Eden forced me to fight Ritchie. I didn't want to but I had no choice. While we were fighting, the other guild leaders showed up and took me down. I wanted to reform and here we are."

     Almost everyone had an uncomfortable expression on their face. The buff guy had a blank face. "So what are all of your names?" I say changing the topic. "I already know David and Inmo, so who are the rest of ya?" Everyone perked up.

"I'm Kit. Fire mage.

"Mario. Cavern Dragon Slayer magic."

"I'm Bjron. King of the Vikings." The muscular man pronounced.

"What kind of magic do you have Brandon?" Kit asked curiously.

"I have Sky Devil Slayer magic."

"So you're like Ritchie....uh...that would make sense." Mario commented.

"Yep. He is my twin after all. We are going to dominate the competition this year. Let's celebrate with a drink." Ritchie sang as he danced around excitedly.

"What competition?" I asked.

"The Grand Magic Games, of course."

"Great!" I said with a fake smile. I'm dreading the games. When the GMG starts, the real game is just beginning.

A/N: Hello, I just want to say thank you for all the support and have a Merry Christmas. <3

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