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I remember going though a portal with my brother and ending up here. We were together for awhile till that one fateful day. I remember a hooded man walking up to us with these crystals. I stood in front of Ritchie in a protective manner. I remember the way he giggled when he said "You'll do nicely." Then he stuffed the crystal in my chest. My memory is blurred after that. All I could feel was pain. I remember hearing Ritchie scream my name. Then nothing.

When I woke up I was in a dark cave. I tried to stand but I was chained down. I heard a noise next to me. I look in shock when I see a person who looks like me. He had this insane look in his eyes. Next to him was a Ritchie look alike. "You're finally up, weakling." Snarled the Ritchie look alike.

I glared at him for calling me weak. I felt something happening to my arm. I look to see strange black marking that runs up my shoulder and arm. "Where am I? Where's Ritchie? Who are you?" I snap.

"Aggressive aren't we? We'll break that spirit so enough. I'm Ritchie and he's Brandon, and we are you and your twins counterparts. As for where you are at your new home."

"You will work for us..." Crazy Brandon giggles.

"No! I won't ever work for you." I growl.

"I was hoping you would say that..." Ritchie grins crazily as he pulls out a whip. I stare wide eyed it. He brought it up and brought it down in me. That was the first of many pain filled days.

This went on for about a year. Almost every day it was torture till one day I gave in. I lost hope of seeing my brother or going home so I join them. At first it was mostly slave work, but as time passed they taught me how to use my magic. They showed me how to fight and kill. They soon accepted me as one of them. I still have my sanity and personality even after the torture. I prefer to be quiet and only speak went I feel the need or the making a plan.

Grandmaster Jonathan and Eden think I'm scary since the first time I met them I almost kill them. I do assassination for them too. My markings come and go. Ritchie's counterpart told me it worked on my emotions.

I wasn't happy but I was content till I met my brother after years.

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