Secret Meetings

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  It was a normal day in the cave, I was meditating, Evil Ritchie was training, and other Brandon was taking a nap. Once Ritchie was done training, he yelled "Everyone we're going on a trip! So wake up!" I opened my eyes and glared but did what I was told. Evil Brandon just rolled over. Ritchie turned to me expectantly. I rolled my eyes as I made a sky vector. I pierced it though his leg.

He woke up giggled, "Awww...I love the feeling of pain." Ritchie started to laugh too. I shook my head at them. I don't understand them at all.

Once the laughing had calmed down, I asked, "So...where are we going?"

"Oh right! We're going to Altantide to met with Eden and Grandmaster Jonathan."

"What about Reaper? Wouldn't he just capture us?" Growled E. Brandon. Ritchie shook his head.

       "Grandmaster Jonathan killed him awhile ago. So we just have to take care of those guild leaders, then we're free to do anything we want!" He laughed maniacally. I frowned but didn't comment. "Come on, lets go. Weakling, make a storm when we get there to cover our tracks." Ritchie commanded. I nodded.

         The streets were clear when we got to town. No one wanted to be in the powerful thunderstorm I created. We were about to go into the grandmaster office, when I heard voices. I stopped in my tracks. "What's wrong with you?" Crazy Brandon asked. I hushed him and peeked around the corner.

       There was a group of people crowding around Jonathan. They were all yelling things like "We need to stop the storm." or "Find out who's doing this." I quickly backed away from the corner when one of them asked "Do sense that magic?"

"I think the guild leaders are in there..." I told them. They growled but turned away.

"We'll have to go around then." E. Ritchie sighed. We found the back way in and enter his secret underground lair. We all meet in a room with other people. I floated above evil Ritchie's and Brandon's heads because I didn't feel completely comfortable sitting with strangers. Jonathan enter looking quite excited but exhausted.

"What took you so long?" Eden asked.

"Guild leaders were worried about the storm that randomly appeared." He glared at the three of us. Evil Ritchie point to me. I just shrugged. He looked at me "Wow...You are so quiet compared to your brother Ritchie." He commented.

"What do you mean my brother?" I asked interested. Evil Brandon and Ritchie gave him a death stare.

"O-oh...he didn't know his brother was alive, did he?" He laughed nervously.

"Tell me. Now." My voice was cold and unforgiving.

"He's one of the guild leaders. His guild is Divinus Magia." He shook as he said this. I kept a blank face on, but internally I was freaking out. He been alive this whole time? Did he even look for me? I broke out of my thoughts when Jonathan started to speak again.

"Anyway...we're here to day to decide how we're going to attack Divinus Magia." Everyone glanced at me. I didn't do anything. I felt anger and hurt at my brother for leaving me. Black markings snaked down my face and down my arm. Evil Ritchie smiled when he saw the markings.

"He's in." Evil Brandon said.

"Good. Now then..." We talked for about an hour on how we were going to attack the island. We agreed that we would use Eden's garden island. I would be going with to try and capture my brother with some guy named Boat.

"So everyone know what they're doing?" Jonathan asked. Everyone nodded. "Good. We'll meet up tomorrow. Goodbye."

We left as soon as we could. It was dark when we got to the cave. Ritchie soon questioned me. "Why did your markings come out?" He asked.

"I was angry that my brother didn't even look for me." I replied. "So I want revenge..."

"I'm glad you learned something from us." Ritchie commented. I ignored the comment and flew up to my sleeping place. I laid down but couldn't fall asleep. I was laying there for an hour before I got up. I quietly flew to the cave entrance. "Where are you going?" I turn to find Ritchie standing there.

      "Out." Was all I said.

      "Just be back before the attack tomorrow..." He growled. He went back to what he was doing.

       "If I'm not back...I'll be there waiting." I told him. He just huffed as a reply. I jumped into the air heading towards the island.
           When I got there it was quiet for the most part, I could hear something happening in the guild. I walked up to the castle-like building. I felt a small smile grace my lips. When we were young, Ritchie would always say he would live in a castle. It disappeared when I thought about how he abandoned me. I flew up to one of the only windows on the building.

            A heavy drizzle started as I flew. I tried to make it stop but my emotions were too high. I peered into the window. The room was an small office. It had the symbol of the guild on a banner, paper work, and a desk. A pretty normal office in all, but what surprise me was the candles. There was two candles on the desk. A white and purple one. I was confused but bushed it off for now.

          Four people came into the office soon after that. When we were at the meeting, they talked about each guild leaders so it wasn't hard to see who was there. My brother, the Grimshade leader Michael, Silver the Wandering Coins leader, and Bri the Protectors leader. They were talking about something. I listen in on what they were saying since the glass wasn't that thick.

"You sensed that too, right." Michael asked.

"Yes...I can sense it when it rains...It's like someone is controlling it." Silver confessed.

"It feels like my magic, but a little different..."Ritchie says as he lit a candles.

"Ritchie...I've been meaning to ask....why do you have candles on your desk?" Silver asked. I hear him sigh as he turned around. I duck as he approached the window.

"Silver...that's a sensitive topic for him." Michael scolds.

"No's fine. They are for my twin brother." He looks out into the storm. "When we first came into this world, we were attacked by someone. That's how I got my magic, but I was knocked out. When I woke up, he was gone. A puddle of blood was all that remained of him..."He finished.

                 "I'm sorry I even asked..." Silver mumbled. I stopped listening after that. He thought that I was dead...but to be fair I thought he was dead too.

                  I flew away from the island. The rain, reacting to my feelings, came down harder then before. I flew into a forest not too far away from the island. I landed in a tree and laid there. The rain didn't bother me as I curled up in a ball. I was left with my wandering thoughts . Is that why he didn't look for me? Because he thought I was dead?

I subconscious snuggled up into the tree. As I thought about my brother, I began to fall asleep. The last thing I thought about was what would be different if we never separated as I drifted into unconsciousness.

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