Healing Wounds/Found Jinx

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Vi P.O.V

Caitlyn and Carlos was Carry Me while I felt a little light-headed because of the stab, that savika gave me.

Caitlyn: Silco's goons aren't far behind. We have to keep moving.

Carlos: But first, we need a place to hide and regroup.

Lucas: My brother's right.

We were trying to figure out what to do, then something caught my eye.

Vi: What the hell is that?

Caitlyn: The sign.

Lucas: Um. I think she means the water Tower.

Vi: Never mind, just help me do the edge.

And so they did then once we got to the edge, Caitlyn and Carlos let go of me, so I can go first.

Caitlyn: can you do this in your--

Then I jumped down on the side, I fell to the piece of wood that was hurting my ribs, then I hit my face on the other one and then rolled to the ground.

Caitlyn: Shit.

Lucas: That had to hurt.

No one P.O.V

Caitlyn, Lucas, Carlos that hop down on the sign. Dan Lucas and Carlos heard the man that was chasing them. And they went past them.

Lucas: that was close.

Carlos: Yeah. Come on, let's keep going.

Carlos P.O.V

Me, Lucas and Caitlyn went down to check on Vi.

Caitlyn: Good thing she survived the fall.

Lucas: Yeah, but, I'm sure that she might have broken a rib or two.

Carlos: Vi? Are you okay?

She opened her eyes and saw me.

Vi: Wow, you look so handsome up close.

Carlos: Well, at least her personality is still intact.

Me and Caitlin picked her up and put her arms around her shoulders. Then we looked up and saw old tents that had people inside it. Weird people that ate rats and they looked at it abnormal. They had veins all over their bodies.

Lucas: Okay, this place isn't scary at all.

Caitlyn: What is this place?

Vi: it's where the kind of people you Topsiders don't want to think about, wind up.

[Man 1 whimpers]

Caitlyn flashed the lights on him, the man away. Then saw the others and she turned off the flashlight.

Vi: It was never this big, though.

Me and Lucas looked at each other and know how sorry we felt for the people down here.

Vi: There.

She pointed to a home on top of the water tower. We went inside and put her on a table.

Caitlyn was trying to clean Vi but she wouldn't let her.

Caitlyn: I know you have your reservation about me, but this only works if we can trust each other.

Vi: it doesn't work. It never has. You Topsiders always find a way to screw us. Hell, how do I know that these guys are not working for you?

She was looking at us

Carlos: We're not even from here.

Caitlyn: Where are you guys from anyway?

Lucas: New York.

Caitlyn: what is that place?

Lucas: Oh, you guys don't have that City here don't you?

Carlos: besides the point, Caitlyn is right. The only way that this is going to work is by us working together, like a team.

Caitlyn: thank you Carlos. I suppose topside is to blame for all your misfortunes.

Vi: No. Not all of them.

Caitlyn: we aren't monsters, you know. We're people, just like you.

Vi: You don't know anything about me. I shouldn't have left you.

Caitlyn: it's all right. Despite it all, I can tell... You can good heart.

Once Caitlyn clean Vi wound up, we was figuring out how to get her straight back

Caitlyn: Maybe I should go outside, give her some medicine.

Carlos: No, is it too dangerous. Plus we don't know what psycho is out there?

Then I heard Lucas voice in an excited tone.

Lucas: of course! I can't believe I still got it.

We turned and saw him searching for something.

Carlos: What is it that you're looking for?

Lucas: Our first aid kit.

Me and Caitlyn were surprised.

Carlos & Caitlyn: WHAT?!

Caitlyn: You mean, you had a first aid kit this entire time?

Lucas: Oh I'm sorry, weren't we trying to stay off " slico's radar" and fought two assassins and wannabe winter soldier my mistake!

He was searching for it, and it turned out it was in his pocket. It was small. I was both curious and confused.

Carlos: Lucas, why is our first aid kit small?

Lucas: it wouldn't fit in the book bag so... I have to use this.

He showed us a disc that has a blue dots in it and I recognize the disc and it was ant-man's tricking and growing discs.

He throw it at the first aid kit, then it grown to the normal size of it. He activated and open inside to get a shot and some bandage.

Lucas: Okay, once I inject her with this, she will have her wound we regenerate back to its natural state and it will probably give her regeneration abilities.

Caitlyn confusingly looked at me.

Carlos: Healing powers... Kind of like Wolverine.

Lucas: Okay.

He put the Needle in her skin then injected the serum in her then took the needle out and she was still unconscious.

Carlos: Dude, is it working?

Lucas: It's just taking this time for the effects to kick in. And it should kick in 3...2...1.

Vi opened her eyes and shot up then I had to catch her.

Carlos: It's okay, I got you.

She was still in pain for the injection. Then I have to put both my hands on her cheeks I'm trying to calm her down.

Carlos: Easy, easy, easy.

Me and Vi looked at each other and I noticed how beautiful her eyes were.

Caitlyn: I need you back on your feet. What was the name sevika gave you? Jinx?

Lucas: that sounds like a cool superhero name.

Vi got up and saw that her wound was gone.

Vi: Right. Jinx. How can I forget?

Caitlyn: We're going to have to be more careful now. Silco we'll be watching--

She leaned on a metal pole supporting the water tower and it was wobbling a little bit.

Carlos: Be careful Caitlyn. That thing is unstable.

Then Caitlyn saw writing on the metal pole says "powder"

Caitlyn: you used to live here? Who's powder?

Vi: My sister. I thought she was dead, but, no. I have to try and find her.

Carlos: then we're going to help you.

Vi: No, I can't ask you to help me.

Lucas: Oh no, that wasn't a question. We're helping you rather you like it or not.

Caitlyn: How do you not know if your sister is alive or dead?

Vi: it's hard to check up on people from inside a concrete cell.

Caitlyn: What, you don't have parents?

Vi: No! They were killed by enforcers.

The three of us were shocked to hear that. Then we heard some noises outside me and violet went outside to see what it was. And then we saw a man and his goons with them.

Slico: [chuckles] Vender's prodigy.

I saw something on his hands and it was some purple stuff that the people were trying to get.

Slico: I regretted that we never had the opportunity to speak. And you.

He looks at me.

Slico: Savika tell me about what happened, you have some talents for someone so young.

Carlos: Yeah, I'm always flattered by people who try to kill me. So you're the so you're the head lunatic huh? We haven't properly introduced, I'm the guy who's going to stop your plans.

Slico: Good luck with that.

Vi: What have you done with my sister?

Slico: I freed her. Candidly, I thought you were the prize of your second hand family. But Jinx...

Then the two Hood people transform into monsters.

Slico: Oh. She's more than I ever imagined.

Vi: We're going to find her and erase whatever f***** up delusions you put in her head. But first, we're going to bring your b******* empire down all around you.

Back in the house both Caitlyn and Lucas were trying to bring the water tower down. Then the monsters were slowly walking towards me and Vi.

Slico: you don't know your limits, girl. It's what Vander killed, would you drove your sister away and it's why I'm here right now.

Vi: Yeah, well...

The monsters were getting close and I opened up my Shields.

Vi: you talk too much.

Then Me and Vi punch the metal pole and the water tower starts to come down and we all escape. Me and Lucas grabbed their bags and got out of there.

We all climbed until we got to the top and we started running. Then we stopped and saw pipe that let us down to the undercity. Then I bumped into someone and he was giving me s*** so I shoved them and so did vi.

Carlos and Vi: Fuck you!

Then we see a smoke flare on one of the buildings.

Carlos: Come on when you get to that building.

We got up to the building violet reached the top but she was waiting for us.

Carlos: Go. We'll catch up.

She nods and she continues up. Then when she finally makes it she sees who it is.

Vi: Powder.

Her sister turns around and sees her.

Jinx: Vi.

Vi: Oh, Powder!

She runs up to her and give her a hug then jinx hugs her back.

Jinx: [Sobs]

Vi: I'm so sorry, Powder. I... I tried to come back. I promise, I did. But I... I got arrested.

Jinx: Marcus?

Vi: I don't know. I... It doesn't matter. I just... I never thought I see you again.

Jinx: are you real?

Vi: Yes, of course. It's me, Vi, your sister. I'm here. I'm right here.

Jinx: [Sobs] Things change when you left. I've changed.

Vi: I know, Pow-pow, I know. You did what you had to do to survive. Me too. It's okay. What matters is we're together.

Me and Caitlin were trying to reach the top but we have to wait for Lucas.

Carlos: Lucas, come on!

Lucas: you guys go ahead I'll... I just need to catch a breath.

Me and Caitlyn reached the top to see by hugging someone. Then she pointed her machine gun at us.

Jinx: Who are they?

Carlos & Caitlyn: Who are you?

Vi: It's okay. They're just friends.

Jinx: Sevika wasn't lying? You're with enforcers?

Carlos: I'm not from around here.

Caitlyn: Your sister is jinx?

Vi: Caitlyn, just listen, we can talk this out.

Jinx: This is a trick! You're playing me! Shut up! I'm in no mood.

Caitlyn: I didn't say anything.

Jinx: I wasn't talking to you.

Vi: Powder, it's okay.

Jinx: Stop calling me that. It's Jinx now. Powder fell down a well.

Vi: You're not a jinx. God, I should have--

Jinx: Stop talking to me like I'm a child!

She aims the machine gun right at vi and I unfolded my Shields. But then Caitlyn held me back.

Jinx: he's that why you came? For this stupid Stone.

Vi: no, I don't even know what that is, I...

Jinx: you're class act, Sister. Sister. Thought I miss her. That you wouldn't miss her.

Vi: Powder! I'm here for you. Only you. You can fire that thing if you want, but I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going to abandon you again.

Jinx: Everyone, Shut up, I need to think.

She heard some footsteps coming up and she pointed her machine gun at the stairs. And then Lucas came up.

Lucas: Wow! I'm... Exhausted. You know, I know this is your world, but you guys seriously need some elevators.

Lucas sees everyone look at him.

Lucas: I get the feeling I interrupted and miss something.

Jinx blushes when she sees this dark blue headed guy.

Jinx: Who's he?

Lucas: Who's she?

Vi: This is my sister, Powder.

Caitlyn: also known as jinx.

Lucas: Wait, your jinx?

She nods

Lucas: First and foremost. I just got to say... You got one of the awesomest names.

Jinx was surprised that, someone actually found her name cool.

Jinx: [blushes] T--Thanks.

Then the moment was ruined I told she heard something.

Jinx: Do you hear that?

We were trying to figure out where that sound was coming from until we saw one of the pipes and it was someone in a mass riding a hoverboard

Lucas: You guys at hoverboards here?

Jinx started shooting then more people with Mass starts to come out so Me, Lucas, Vi and jinx back to back on each other.

Lucas: Who the hell are these guys?

Carlos: Whoever they are... They can't be good.

Then finally they start to attack.

Lucas P.O.V

I was fighting the mask people until I saw jinx fighting a couple of guys so I rushed over there to aid her.

Lucas: You fight well.

Jinx: Thanks. You're not so bad yourself.

I smiled at her compliment. Someone threw a bomb and I use my source to slice it in half. Then she put a bomb on his hoverboard and it exploded. Luckily I've seen he jumped off.

And we was doing pretty well until I heard jinx screamed and she kicked the guy in the face. I rush over to her to see that she got caught on her thigh. Then I seen a bomb in the middle of the ground.


The sonic boom blew everyone away. And I see my brother, Vi, Caitlyn and Jinx on the ground unconscious. Then everything went black.

(A/N: Hey guys, sorry I haven't been working on this story for a while I have to go to the emergency room and get surgery. But it's okay I'm okay now, and I'm back Ryan the story so I hope you guys enjoy it)

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