Race to the house/Damsel in distress

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Carlos P.O.V

After saving a lot of people on a cruise ship, I stopped Batroc. Me and the others got back to the compound and threw a party, we had a good time then everyone went home.

Today, we have a day off. I woke up and went to the kitchen and got something to eat, then I saw my brother in the kitchen making pancakes for everyone.

Carlos: Hey little bro. What are you doing?

Lucas: Hey big bro. Nothing just making everyone's pancakes.

Carlos: Hey listen, I'm about to head to the house and grab some things. Senses are day off and I figured I told the team that we were going to go camping.

Lucas: Awesome. It's been awhile this week we camped.

We grabbed our weapons and went to the garage and grabbed our cars.

Carlos: It's really a good thing that Tony and t'challa build these cars for us.

Lucas: Yeah, made with vibranium and has an AI system.

Carlos: Remember when we were kids, we will always watch those fast and furious? movies.

Lucas: Yeah, I kind of feel bad for Paul Walker, it suck that he passed away.

Carlos: yeah, I think I can speak for everyone when I say we're going to miss him.

Lucas: Absolutely, I totally agree.

I looked at my brother and saw that "idea" look.

Carlos: What?

Lucas: How about we honor him? In a race.

Carlos: Really?

Lucas: Yeah, we'll race all the way back to the house, the first one that gets there wins.

I chuckled then I looked at our cars.

Carlos: Sure you can handle the disappointment?

Lucas: Are you?

Then I look back at my brother.

Carlos: Okay little bro, let's see what you got?


Me and Lucas raised back to our house for fun then after we got over the bridge we continue racing.


(A/N: Pretend Lucas is Brian and Carlos as Dom)

Then we got to the house Lucas won the race.

Lucas: Okay that was fun.

Carlos: Yeah you're right, that was kind of fun.

(A/N: I speak for everyone when I say I'm going to miss Paul Walker)

We got in the house and gathered some things for our camping. We grabbed our book bags and packed it with snacks, drinks and anything else that we needed.

Carlos: You got everything?

Lucas: yep let's go.

We were just about to leave until we saw a blue light and then we saw this blue portal.

Lucas: Isn't that Doctor strange's portals?

Carlos: No, his is orange. This one's blue.

Lucas: Should we call the team?

Carlos: Yeah, call them.

Lucas was trying to call the others, but the portal got bigger and it sucked us into it we tried hard to not let go, but it suck us in and then once we got out the portal on the other side we landed on the ground.

Carlos: Where... Are we?

Lucas: I think I can speak for the both of us when I say HOLY S*** CAKES!!!

We're so confused about where we are and we looked in the mirror and we looked different. And we looked around and we was in an alley

Carlos: looks like we're not in Kansas anymore.

Lucas: All evidence to the contrary. Why are we even here?

Carlos: I don't know, let's ask around.

No one P.O.V

Carlos and Lucas were walking around and asking people what the place that they were in people said that it's the understudy.

Carlos P.O.V

Me and Lucas were walking around for an hour. Then all of a sudden we heard some noise. Then we heard a two females talking.

???: Where's my sister?! Where is he keeping her?!

???: Keeping her? You mean jinx? She works for him. She like his daughter.

We were hiding behind a building to see what was going on. And we were seeing a redhead who was hurt and the other woman was trying to kill her. Then her goons came just to attack the redhead girl.

???: No need guys. I got this.

Lucas: We got to help her.

Carlos: hell yeah we do. You ready for this?

Lucas: as ready as I have to be.

No one P.O.V

Woman with the metal arm was approaching the redhead woman she grabs her chin making her look up at her.

???: I'll give her your regards.

She was about to kill her until they heard someone's voice.

Carlos: you know, people always said that "women can always win in a fair fight" but, maybe that's not what you have in mind.

???: kill him!

The woman ordered the assassin woman to throw her spear at him but Carlos catches it


(A/N: end at 0:51)


He was swinging to the assassins woman and kicked her from a far distance and then he threw high-tech ninja stars at the male assassin, but he blocked it, then Carlos threw the staff to Lucas. Lucas cuts the male assassin at the leg he spins around and stabs him as the male assassin was screaming in pain, he was trying to attack Lucas but Lucas dodged the swing from his staff. Lucas kicks the assassin and then the staff comes back at the woman assassin that was trying to kill Lucas but Carlos rolls to grab the male assassin staff to block it. It was a 2v1 fight but then the brothers got the upper hand on her, Carlos breaks the women's staff, Lucas world on his brother's back to kick the woman assassin to the ground next to the male assassin. Lucas pointed his swords at them while Carlos still had the males assassin staff.

The woman with the metal arm was about to kill the red-headed woman until a gun sound got the attention of everybody to look up to see a blue-headed girl with a rifle.

Then Carlos and Lucas look down at the assassins

???: Can you get up?

???: I can.

Lucas: We don't want to kill you. But we will if we have to.

???: You'll never get the chance again.

???: let's go!

The three of them left then the staff that Carlos was holding the assassin summit back. The blue-headed girl jumped down and landed while Carlos and Lucas who was playing his swords back into the shelves.

???: thanks for saving her.

Carlos: Of course, But is she going to be okay?

He pointed at the red head girl who was bleeding.

???: Why did you guys let them go?

Lucas: it's nice to meet you too I guess.

???: Do you ever say thank you.

???: he's going to know we're here now.

???: And whose fault is that?

Carlos looked at her side and saw that she was bleeding.

Carlos: Lucas, check her out.

Lucas: Got it.

Lucas went over there to check her wounds. Then the redhead woman looked at him with a "get the hell away from me" look.

Lucas: Easy angry girl, I'm just checking how deep the cut is.

She let him look and so how that looked.

Lucas: it's not that deep of a cut, but she is still losing a little bit of blood. We need to take her to the hospital.

Carlos: I don't think this place has any hospitals. Do you know where the hospital is around here?

He asked the blue headed woman.

???: No, but we need to get out of here before more goons show up.

Carlos: Good call, let's get going.

???: you're all right shot.

???: I'm an excellent shot.

???: Can you help me out here, Cupcake?

Carlos: Cupcake?

???: I told her to stop calling me that. My name is Caitlyn.

Carlos P.O.V

Me and Caitlyn picked her up while Lucas was at the front holding both his book bag and mine.

I had one question on my mind so I turned and asked the redhead girl a question.

Carlos: Can I ask you a question?

???: Sure.

Carlos: Why do you call a cupcake?

???: because she's so sweet, like a cupcake.

Caitlyn: Shut up.

Carlos: so what's your name? If you mind me asking?

Vi: Vi but anybody calls me violet.

Carlos: Cute name for a tough girl.

Vi: Shut up.

We walked out of where we were before more goons showed up. At least we gain two allies.

(A/N: how did y'all like this chapter I really hope you like it especially the little fast and furious part and like I said before I can speak for everyone when I say that we all miss Paul Walker)

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