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Jeno woke up with a slight headache, he looks around to see that he's in someone's room, in someone's bed.

He turns his head and almost screams at the sight of Na Jaemin sleeping peacefully beside him.

A thought came to his mind and saw one of the possible hints, a fucking hickey was right on Jaemin's collarbone.

"Please let it be just a make out session, I shouldn't have came with Mark and just stayed home-"

He gulps and hesitantly lifts the blankets up to see his naked body, right besides Jaemin's, his thighs are covered in marks and his legs feels sore.

He finally shrieks and sits up too fast, he winces when his head starts to throb and hears someone groan. shit.

Jaemin wakes up from the sudden movement and opens his eyes, he furrows his eyebrows when the sunlight comes to view.

Who the fuck didn't close the curtains? He mumbles something and rubs his eyes. When his vision is clear, he makes an "oh" sound, his voice a little raspy.

Jeno is still like a statue, he makes eye contact with the pink haired boy as he watches him widen his eyes and sits up as well.

Jaemin peeks under the blanket and runs his hands through his hair in distress as he groans audibly, "Fuck!," he yells.

Jeno flinches and brings the blankets up to his chest as if to cover something, Jaemin hastily stands up, wobbling a bit and grabs his clothes on the floor wearing them in a blink of an eye.

He then turns to Jeno who's a bit scared and lost, "Don't tell this to anyone, got it?" He points a finger at the brunet threateningly.

Jeno tilts his head in confusion, "why?" Not having a clue why the elder was stressing out.

Jaemin rolls his eyes, "we had sex! Can't you catch up?! No one can know about this! I repeat, no one! I'm straight!" He raised his voice as he paces around the room.

Jeno frowns, a little broken, is there something wrong with being gay or bi sexual? As far as he knows and what his grandpa has taught him was that his sexuality didn't really matter.

So why was Jaemin stressing out about this?

"I won't tell anyone, we were both drunk and it was a mistake," Jeno said with a small voice, it felt kind of weird when he said it was a mistake.

This was his first time, and first times are usually special and stuff right? But sadly, he spent his first time to someone who doesn't even like him and is straight.

Jaemin looks at him and he shrinks from the elder's gaze, "you better fucking not, I've got a reputation to keep and I don't want anyone to know that I fucked a guy."

Jeno can't help but scoff, "what's wrong with fucking a guy? It's kind of common these days."

"It's gross!" Jaemin protested, Jeno took offense in that and clenched his jaw.

"But yet here you are!" He glares as Jaemin walks closer and grabs his jaw with one hand tightly

"Listen here," he glares, "We were drunk, it was a mistake, and we'll never tell anyone about this. So you better shut your fucking mouth."

Jeno huffs as Jaemin continues, "we don't want the school to know about Lee Jeno, Class President of section Adelfa, lost his virginity and got fucked by Na Jaemin like a slut don't we, President?"

Jeno shivers at the threat, negative scenarios come to his mind all at once. It's not like he's not gay, it's because he's not fully out yet.

His grandpa, to which he lives with, friends, Mark and Renjun, are the only ones that have known so far. Plus, Jaemin's popular, so he can only imagine others taking his side and make the worst out of the situation.

Drama and chaos will erupt and he's really scared of what other people are capable of, so he nods slowly at the elder, "N-no," he stutters.

Jaemin smirks and pulls away, he grabs Jeno's clothes that was on the floor and throws them at the younger, "get changed," he said coldly.

Jeno instantly puts on his shirt and underwear, he stands up to put on his pants, he wobbles and his head starts to throb again

Jaemin rushes and catches him, "you alright?" Arms wrapped around the younger's waist, Jeno winces and nods weakly.

The pink haired boy sighs and clicks his tongue, "hurry up, I'll get you some advil downstairs," he ushers.

Jeno lifts an eyebrow, confused at how Jaemin can even get one in a stranger's house. As if Jaemin could read his mind, "this is Donghyuck's house," he rolls his eyes.

The brunet makes a small "ah" before slowly putting on his jeans as Jaemin goes downstairs to get him some advil and water.

He turns on his phone while he waits and sees some notifications, messages from his friends and his grandpa caught his eye.

Ocean pops: Jeno, sweetie? are you ok?

Sweetie Jen: yes gramps, I'm at someone's house right now, sorry for worrying you :(

Ocean pops: no it's ok, I'm just glad you're safe. Come home early ok?

Sweetie Jen: yes pops, I'll be home in a few, take care <3

Adelfian Officers + Mark ^-^

Vice Pres: Jeno! Are you ok? Sorry for leaving you last night, Mark got drunk and I had to take him home

The weird one: Why are you making it seem like it's my fault?!

Vice Pres: because it is!

President Jen: why didn't you just take me home too? :(

Vice Pres: I tried to, But then I couldn't find you. Mark, the fucking idiot, was embarrassing me too much and I couldn't just stand there!

The weird one: I wasn't embarrassing!

Vice Pres: you tried to kiss my cheek and clung onto me like a koala, an ugly one.

President Jen: you guys left me at a stranger's house, drunk, and alone. How nice of you :')

Vice Pres: I'm so sorry Jeno, This is all Mark's fault! You dumbass

The weird one: How?!

Vice Pres: you practically dragged him to the damn party, you're such a bad friend, you know how Jeno doesn't like crowded places and not to mention taking risks.

The weird one: fuck...you're right! Our poor JenJen, I'm so sorry bby :(

President Jen: Injun don't make Mark the bad guy, you left me when you saw Wong Yukhei chugging down some beer.

Vice Pres: shit, I'M A BAD FRIEND TOO!

The weird one: A-HA!

Vice Pres: we'll make it up to you Jen! We'll go to your house and bring cupcakes, your favorite!

President Jen: you guys don't have to...

Vice Pres: please Jeno! We want to!

The weird one: yeah! Please Jen, we just want to apologize and also hangout with you :(

President Jen: ...fine, thanks guys <3

"You better not be telling," Jeno flinches and almost drops his phone at the deep voice, he looks over at the doorway and sees Jaemin walking over to him

"I'm not," fighting the urge to roll his eyes, he shuts his phone off as Jaemin hands him an advil pill and a glass of water. Muttering a "thanks," before taking the pill and chugging the water down.

He gives Jaemin the glass as the elder took it with their hands brushing against each other, he looks away and feels his cheeks heating up.

"Let me drive you home," Jaemin said suddenly, he widens his eyes and looks at the elder who's already looking at him calmly.

"Why?" He asked, Jaemin sighs and rolls his eyes again. Fucking brat.

"Clearly you're still hangover," he gestures at him, "and you obviously don't have a car, because I only see mine and Donghyuck's outside," he crossed his arms.

Well, he wasn't wrong. Renjun had drove them to the party and without the boy, comes with no car. Since he doesn't have a ride home, he sighs defeatedly.

"Fine," he said and stands up but only to feel his legs jiggly and almost falls, Jaemin catches him again and looks at him

"Must've fucked you good," Jeno scoffs and pushes him away a bit, ignoring the feeling of his cheeks heating up.

"Shut up," he rolls his eyes as Jaemin leads them downstairs, he sees Donghyuck in the living room watching some Netflix series with popcorn in hand.

"Leaving already?" The tanned boy wiggles his eyebrows, Jaemin snorts and shakes his head

"I'll be back here idiot, just going to drive class president here, home" he said, "don't think I'm letting you and the others get high without me" he adds as Jeno huffs.

He doesn't really like the idea of getting high, especially when some of the school bathrooms smell like fucking weed. It doesn't help either when he has weak lungs.

He waits as Jaemin and Donghyuck bid goodbyes and follows the pink haired to his car.

He gets into the passenger seat as Jaemin starts the engine while he gives the elder the directions to his house.

The ride was awkward and both could feel the tension rising up. It's weird sitting in someone else's car, not to mention when that someone was the person who took your virginity while both of you were drunk.

Luckily, his house isn't that far from Donghyuck's, he hops out when Jaemin stops on their driveway

"Nice house," Jaemin compliments as he looks outside the window

"Uh, thanks," Jeno replied awkwardly, he was about to close the door until Jaemin suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist.

"Remember to not tell anyone, got it?" He glares as Jeno gulped

"Noted," he nods and sighs in relief when the elder lets go of him and leans back to his seat, he gives a quick smile, "thanks for the ride," and shuts the door a bit harshly.

He panicked ok? It didn't help at all when the person who took his v card was Na Jaemin, the school's player. Quite literally in both ways.

He rushes inside his grandpa's house and closes the door, he looks through the peep hole and sees Jaemin's car driving away.

"Jeno!" He jumps and turns around to see his grandpa, Lee Donghae. He hugs the elder and feels the familiar feeling of warmth, his muscles relaxes when his grandpa rubs his back.

"I won't ask until later, it seems like you're exhausted," Donghae pats his back, "you should take a rest, I'll call you later and you can go down when you need something, just ask the maids ok?"

Jeno nodded obediently and smiles when Donghae pinches his cheeks, "now go rest up Jen," he ruffles his hair as the latter gives a quick hug and rushes to his room.

He lays down on his bed and tries to get some sleep, his head still hurts a bit and when he closes his eyes, he only hopes all of this was just a dream and Na Jaemin didn't just fuck him.

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