Eye contact

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Jeno walks to school this morning and immediately receives a bone crushing hug from Renjun when he just opened the door.

"Uhm, good morning?" He said awkwardly, Renjun pulls away and looks at him with a stressed look.

"Thank God you're here!" He widens his eyes and places his hands on Jeno's shoulders, "I swear, I will punch someone if you hadn't arrived sooner."

Jeno raised a brow, confused on what his friend was talking about, "what happened?"

Renjun rubs his temples and sighs, "nobody's fucking listening to me! I told them to behave because class is about to start and what ya look at that! Everyone's deaf!"

Jeno giggles at the vice president and pats his back comfortingly, he grabs his friend's arm and leads them inside the classroom. Indeed it was chaos.

Papers are thrown in every direction, the tables and chairs are scattered, books and pencils are left on the floor, other students are either sitting on the dirty ground or at the desks, Mark fucking Lee is sleeping through it all.

He sighs and goes in front of the classroom and watches how his classmates are being idiots.

He spots Na Jaemin sitting on top of his desk as he seems like to be sharing some story to a few girls as his friends were by his side and smirking.

Jaemin then smirks when the girls look at him in awe and squeals at every fucking word he spits out of his mouth.

The pink haired makes eye contact with Jeno and winks before going back to his business.

The brunet furrows his eyebrows in confusion, why did Jaemin do that? Why did he wink? Or was it just something in his eye?

Jeno blinks and pushed his glasses back as he clears his throat. Nobody listened, not even a single glance.

Renjun rolls his eyes at them and sits on his seat which is sadly besides Lee Donghyuck's.

Jeno glances at the class clock and smirks when he sees that there's only a few minutes left before their teacher comes in.

He takes a deep breath and slams his palm against the chalkboard making a loud sound and yells, "Adelfians!"

Everyone flinches and looks at him, even Mark woke up a bit startled and sighs in relief when he sees his bestfriend that yelled instead of their teacher.

"Go back to your seats, Now!" Jeno glares as his classmates groans and mutters some words as they did as told. He smiles triumphantly and looks at Renjun who gives him a thumbs up.

"Thank you" the elder mouths, ignoring his seatmate's eyes on him.

Jeno nods, "no problem," he mouths back and goes to his respective seat at the third row, right besides the window.

Everyone starts to whisper at each other as the bell rings and their teacher walks in, they all stopped and stayed quiet. Well except for Jaemin and his friends, also a few girls squealing.

Jeno rolls his eyes as the teacher starts their lesson.


Jeno stays in their classroom at lunch and waits for Mark to come back with his food. He prefers to stay inside than walk around the school hallways and get pushed around.

The cafeteria is like a zoo anyways, so he looks outside the window and admires the birds sitting on a tree branch nearby.

"Sorry I took so long, Some bitches cut the line and took the last cheesecake," Mark pouted as he sits on the chair in front of Jeno, "we're suffering with chips today."

The brunet gladly takes the food and pokes his juice box open with his straw as he sips on it, "it's ok, I'm not really that hungry anyways," he reassures.

Renjun walks in the classroom with his own lunch and takes a seat besides Jeno, "you smell like weed," Mark scrunches his nose in disgust.

Renjun rolls his eyes, "bathrooms are out of order, I had to use the ones that people smoke weed in," he opens his own pack of chips as Jeno backs away.

The youngest covers his nose and coughs a little, "well, can you please get the smell away?" Renjun widens his eyes in realization and grabs the Frebreeze Mark handed.

"Sorry, forgot about your weak lungs for a second," he apologized and sprayed some on his clothes, Jeno waves him off and sips on his juice box.

"So what happened at the party?" Jeno chokes on his drink at Renjun's sudden question, he widens his eyes and wipes his mouth.

"Did something happened?" Renjun furrowed his eyebrows, the brunet clears his throat.

"U-uhm, no," he's really bad at lying sometimes, apparently his friends knew about that. Mark looked at him with concern as Renjun raised a brow.

"You're lying," The elder said quite sure of himself. Jeno shakes his head and sweats in nervousness.

"N-no I-I'm not!" His voice cracks a little and he cringes, Renjun squints his eyes at him and he sighs in defeat. He was about to tell his friends what happened but then he saw Jaemin with his friends walk in.

The elder makes eye contact with him again and he shrinks down a bit, "Come to my house later after school, I'll tell you there," his voice pleading.

Mark and Renjun looks at each other before nodding at him, "ok," they said in unison.

Jeno's glad the two eldest caught on a bit with his tone and assumed that this was something they need to talk about privately.

He smiles in relief but stiffens when Jaemin raised a brow at him and he looks away, his friends didn't seem to notice and he's quite thankful for that.

He'll be dead if Jaemin finds out he's telling their secret to his friends. There's no backing down in this one, He's already made a few hints and he's obviously bad at lying.

The pink haired boy walks past them with his friends and looks at Jeno for a moment before sitting down on his seat at the back row.

Mark tilts his head and looks between Jeno and Jaemin as Renjun didn't even notice because his back was turned and was busy on his phone.

Jeno meets Mark's eyes and slightly shakes his head, signaling to not say a word. Luckily, the elder nodded and smiles reassuringly as he keeps his mouth shut.

The brunet sighs longingly and slumps on his seat until the bell rings and his friends go back to their own seats as other Adelfians gets back inside.

He makes a quick head count since he doesn't want to get in trouble and also because their teachers takes attendance in every subject.

He takes a mental note to tell their next subject teacher that two of his classmates have ditched again.

But for now, he looks at the window and thinks on what he will say to his friends later, He's in deep shit.

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