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"Do you guys need anything?" Jeno asked as he changed into his house clothes, which is a big t-shirt and black shorts, it's comfy ok? "Food? Water? Anything at all?" He looks at his friends.

Renjun was sitting at his desk playing with his rubik's cube, Mark was sitting on his bed, looking through Jeno's notes for History class since he had to retake the quiz because his dumbass got a low score that his mother would be surely nag at him for.

"A fruit smoothie would be nice, and a bowl of fruits maybe, thanks Jen," Renjun answered, Mark was mumbling stuff trying to remember each words in their previous lesson.

Jeno raised an eyebrow at the eldest as Renjun rolled his eyes, throwing the unsolved rubik's cube at Mark's head as the boy yelped, "ow!" He pouts and rubs the spot where the object had hit him.

"Jeno asked if you wanted anything, nerd," Renjun said, Mark rolled his eyes and looked at the youngest of the three who was basically engulfed by the large clothes.

He unconsciously smiled, Jeno was like their little brother, so adorable and innocent, yet so wise and understanding. The brunet had great manners and often worry too much to the people he cares about.

Must've been taught well by his grandfather, Mark gives credits to that. Whenever they come around to Jeno's place, the boy would ask them almost every minute if they needed anything, and would put a generous amount of snacks for them.

That's why they often baby him a lot, the boy is embarrassed by it at first, but he knows Renjun and Mark just cares for him and slowly got used to it.

So he's not really surprised Mark has a bandaid on his swollen cheek today for fighting a student from another section, Carnation, when the kid pushed Jeno into a locker.

"Same with the nerd," Mark smiled with a mocking tone, Renjun scoffed as Jeno nodded happily before skipping down the stairs to prepare their snacks despite having a few maids around.

Donghae was out for a meeting somewhere in the city, although, they did ran by each other at the driveway and greeted each other before the elder bid his goodbye and left.

Jeno soon came back with a tray of their snacks,

He placed it on the bed and sat opposite across from Mark, Renjun pulled Jeno's desk chair and moved towards them to get a better reach as he lift one of his leg up, resting his elbow on his knee.

"So what were you going to share with us?" Renjun asked as he took a slice of mango, Jeno took his cat plushie and snuggled it between his arms.

Mark and Renjun raised a brow, worried of his actions. Jeno had a habit of snuggling into things when he's scared, embarrassed, stressed or anytime he's uneasy.

The brunet bits his lower lip, "I lost my virginity," with the smallest voice the two elders ever heard, he looks so small and scared that Renjun placed a hand on his thigh.

"It's okay Jeno, you can tell us, but to whom?" The brunet lowers his head and avoided the two elders' eyes.

"Na Jaemin," he whispers, Mark choked on the blueberry and Renjun widened his eyes.

"Jaemin?" Jeno nodded slightly, "Na Jaemin? As in the pink haired motherfucker?" He nodded again with a wince when Renjun cussed.

"Oh dear God," Mark breathes out, as Renjun rolled his eyes

"Oh please, you're not holy yourself christian boy," Mark flipped him off and sips on his smoothie a little too aggressively, choking on it as Jeno chuckled a bit.

"How? Why? What happened? Huh?" Mark asked really confused at the unexpected situation, Jeno seemed a little pressured with the questions as Renjun elbowed the elder on the ribs, "shit! Stop that!"

"We were drunk and–" Jeno paused fumbling with the plushie's ears, "it just happened?" Confused of himself, he tilted his head with furrowed eyebrows while looking at his unicorn bedsheets.

"Aww our poor baby," Renjun pouted and came closer to engulf him in a hug, patting his hair, "did he forced you though?"

Oh fuck.

Jeno hesitated a bit, "I–I don't know?" Mark looked at him with worried eyes as he continued, "we just woke up naked and– yeah. I think not though, because if he did then I would've had tear stained cheeks or something,"

Of course he doesn't know that crying while having sexual intercourse and enjoying it was still possible and sort of a kink to some people, Mark widens his eyes as Jeno tilted his head.

"Is something wrong?" A bit too innocently, the elder shook his head and waved him off, Renjun raised a brow and plans to ask the elder about it later.

"Well as long as it doesn't happen again and you're sober, you'll be fine." Renjun reassures that they're not angry at the younger for losing his v card, "Did he apologize?" Jeno tensed up a bit but quickly nodded.

"Yeah," he lied, Renjun didn't seem to notice which shocked him since he was a bad liar after all. Was it the grapes? I mean, he did get tipsy and all after eating two bags of grapes when he and his grandpa went on a road trip.

The topic had dropped off and Jeno could finally breath again as he observed his friends bickering and teasing each other, "Fuck History!" Mark whined and fell down backwards with a groan.

Renjun mocked him silently and grabbed a few grapes before trying to feed Mark with it, "c'mere sweetie, open your mouth, say ahh~" he cooed.

It's definitely the grapes.

Jeno scrunched his nose when Mark pushed the boy away, Renjun scoffed, "fine, whatever bitch," he said bitterly as he turned towards Jeno and started to baby him, "our baby JenJen, here comes the grapes airplane, say ahh~"

Jeno giggled and opened his mouth obediently, "Ahh~" Renjun smiled happily and fed him the fruits as he chewed on it, "Nom nom~" the elder squealed and pinched his cheeks as Mark was left alone having a mental crisis.

"Why the hell do we need to learn old stuff? Isn't the saying 'past is past, forgive forget' ?", he whined again as Renjun continued to baby Jeno and smiling widely whenever the brunet was being obedient.

Mark sat up when nobody acknowledged him, "Hey! I'm sad over here!" Renjun completely ignored him as Jeno smiled apologetically.

"I would care for you too," Renjun spoke as Jeno sipped on his smoothie, "if you had let me fed you," Mark rolled his eyes and huffs, annoyed with the other boy.

Jeno gulped his smoothie half way through and sighed satisfyingly, "Injun, stop being mean to Mark hyung and help him," putting on his best pout as the said boy immediately melts.

"Okay okay," he surrenders, "I'm only doing this because Jeno said so," he points at Mark threateningly and chews on his dragon fruit.

Mark rolled his eyes and opened the notebook again as he continued to study, with the help of Renjun.

"I better get extra credits for this, I mean helping your ass for getting nagged and failing a class? I could save your life right now!"

"Oh my god, shut up!"

Jeno bursted into giggles as he watched his friends stressing each other out.

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