Kiss me

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Jaemin pales at his friend's words, "w-what?" He stuttered out.

Donghyuck bit his lip, "Jeno," he spoke slowly,  "is in the hospital, Jaemin," he repeats observing the said boy's reaction.

The pink haired froze for moment and suddenly gripped his friend's wrist tightly, "let's go," he ushered and drags Donghyuck to his car and both got in as quickly as possible.

"Do you want me to–" Donghyuck is about to ask contemplating if he should explain why Jeno ended up in the hospital.

Jaemin cuts him off, "no," shaking his head and overtakes a car in front of him with speed. "I want to talk to him, and I'll let him explain it rather than asking you, Mark and Renjun."

Donghyuck nodded in realization, "understandable," he mumbles and goes quiet as he starts messaging his two boyfriends.

He understood where Jaemin is coming from, he understood why his friend wants Jeno to tell him instead of them. He just hopes it'll work.

Jaemin wants a conversation with Jeno, he wants to apologize and make things right for both of them. He wants to push down his ego and change. And he'll take any opportunity for it to happen.


Jaemin and Donghyuck rushes in the hospital and goes to the front desk, "Lee Jeno, please," the former asked not trying to waste any more time.

The front desk lady looked up at them, "relations?" She asked skeptical.

Donghyuck was about to answer until Jaemin cuts him off, "He's his cousin," he said as the lady glances at him, "I'm his boyfriend," he said impatiently.

Donghyuck raised a brow but nodded along, "please let us see my baby cousin," he pleaded.

The lady hummed and glances at the computer, "room 23, right around the other corner to the left." She informs and smiled.

The two boys nodded and thanked her before rushing to the said room. "I'm not gonna ask about you telling her that you're his boyfriend," Donghyuck chuckled.

Jaemin rolled his eyes as they turned to a corner, "shut up," he mutters looking for the room number.

Donghyuck hummed, "It's bound to happen anyway," he said as Jaemin raised a brow at him. "You and Jeno, you're meant to be together," he shrugs.

Jaemin just blushes and looks away as they found the room Jeno was in. They looked at each other and was about to knock until the door opened.

Renjun looks at them and steps out shutting he door close, "you," he glared at Jaemin who gulped.

Donghyuck nudges his boyfriend by his elbow, the chinese grits his teeth, "better make this right," he said.

Jaemin blinked and looked confused. Renjun huffs, "you're lucky Donghyuck texted us, or else I've would've stabbed you right here right now."

"You're also lucky that Jeno loves you and you two look good together, or I've would've buried you alive and tell Jeno you moved away," he threatened.

The pink haired nodded nervously, "thanks," he mutters awkwardly. He clears his throat, "I need no one else in the room. I want him and I to talk properly," he mumbled.

Renjun hummed and crossed his arms, "well, we'll just drag Mark out for food or something. Mr. Donghae isn't here yet, he will be later at dinner time," he said.

Jaemin smiled a little, "thanks," he paused, "for real this time." Renjun rolled his eyes and opens the door loudly making the two boys inside flinched.

"Markie poo," he cooed with sarcasm making the boy scrunch his nose. "Get the fuck out of there and come here, we're buying food," his tone changing.

Mark scrambled to his feet and patted Jeno's arm gently as a goodbye before going outside and giving Jaemin a reassuring smile, "good luck."

Jaemin nodded with acknowledgement as Donghyuck gave him the same as his boyfriend. The two drags Mark to the cafeteria leaving Jaemin standing in the doorway.

The pink haired slowly turns to see Jeno looking down as he sits up on his bed, the brunet had a few wires attached to him as he fumbled with his fingers.

Jaemin swallowed dryly and steps in closing the door gently before slowly walking towards the brunet who still hasn't looked at him avoiding any eye contact.

"Why are you here?" Jeno whispers, Jaemin heard him and sat down on one of the chairs next to his bed.

"Are you here to hurt me again? Tell shit about me? Then fucking say it Jaemin because I've already heard you the first time." He whispers harshly.

Jaemin gulps as Jeno finally turns to him with a glare. It wasn't playful or an attempt like usual, this one was real and with emotions.

He didn't say anything trying to form the right words in a few seconds not wanting to mess this up, this is his chance.

Jeno grits his teeth, "well? Fucking say it Jaemin! Tell me I'm a slut that opens his legs for you every god damn time! Tell me I'm only your little toy to play and fuck with! Tell me you're only using me!" He yells.

The pink haired bit his lip letting the brunet yell at him. Jeno is mad, he'll let the boy yell at him and let it out, he did this anyway.

"Tell me Jaemin! I'm just your dumb toy right? To play around until you get bored, to play with it's feelings and not caring about how broken it looks."

Jeno hiccups, "t-tell me! Tell me you don't love me like I love you! Because I want to know! I want to fucking realize that I'm a damn fool who fell for your trap!"

Jaemin looks up and frowns at the tears rolling down Jeno's cheek, "Tell me you don't love me!" He yells with his voice cracking.

The pink haired reaches his hand to cup his cheek and wipes the tears away with his thumb. Jeno flinched at the touch and starts squirming.

He tries to push Jaemin's hands away, "leave me alone! Just tell me you don't love me and fucking leave!" He cries.

Jaemin grabs his wrists to stop him, "stop," he mumbles as Jeno didn't listen. He takes a deep breath and tightens his grip, "Jeno stop!" He said.

Jeno flinched at his tone and backs down, he shook as he cries with his hands turned into fists. Jaemin sighed and loosens his grip.

He rubs his thumbs in circles on Jeno's wrists gently and places a kiss on his knuckles. "I'm sorry," he whispers.

Jeno's breath hitched at his words and looks at him blinking, "I'm sorry," Jaemin repeats.  "I did this to you didn't I?" He mumbled with a sad smile.

Jeno seems to be calming down as Jaemin slowly reached one of his hands to cup Jeno's cheek again, "I fucked up so bad right? I hurt you, a lot," he said.

"I played with your feelings, I used you for sex, I made you go insane," he bit his lip. "That time in the locker room, was the time I realized that what I was feeling wasn't just nothing."

Jeno tilted his head at that blinking furiously, Jaemin chuckled a little finding him so adorable. "I got those tingly feeling everytime I'm with you."

"I thought it was nothing, but then I realized it was something," he pursed his lips. "I fucked up really bad in the locker room, I guess my ego got the best of me." He chuckled bitterly.

The brunet frowned as Jaemin sighed, "I'm really sorry for everything that I've done to hurt you," he mumbled.

His voice started to crack, "I really love you too," he lets out as Jeno widens his eyes. "I really really love you, I just didn't realize that earlier."

He sniffles as a tear ran down his cheek, "I-I just thought I was straight, but then you came along," he chuckled. "You changed me for the better, you made me open up."

"That just proves you're something special to me no-yah," he said as the brunet blushes at the nickname. "You're someone very special, and therefore I want to keep you, all for myself and no one else."

Jeno bit his lip as Jaemin started crying, "I love y-you very much, I wish I realized sooner and didn't fucked up. I really want you to be mine, but I can't force you. Because I care a lot about you," he whispers.

The brunet smiled sadly and cups his cheek, he lifts Jaemin's head up and wipes the tear away that was running down. "I love you too," he whispers.

"And I want to be with you too, no one else, just you and me," he hiccups as Jaemin gapes.

"R-really?" He stuttered hoping this wasn't a joke. "You w-wanna be my boyfriend?"

Jeno giggled and sniffled, "yes," he nodded. "I wanna be your boyfriend and not just some toy, I wanna be yours," he repeats.

Jaemin grins, "fuck yes! This is amazing!" He screams earning another giggle. "Lee Jeno and Na Jaemin, together, Lee Jeno is Na Jaemin's, forever!" His grin widening.

The brunet rolled his eyes as Jaemin started rambling. The boy grabs the pink haired by the nape and one hand on his collar dragging him forward.

"Shut up and fucking kiss me babe," he smirks.

"Oh shit," Jaemin gasps. "Call me that again!" He ushered.

The brunet snorted and bats his eyelashes, "why don't you come here and fucking kiss me right now, babe," he drawl.

Jaemin widens his eyes before squealing, "holy shit," he breathes out. "That's hot," he said before Jeno pulls him to a hard kiss as he kisses back immediately placing his hands on the boy's hips.

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