Too Much To Drink

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"Why the fuck are we going again?" Renjun whines as Mark dragged him out of the car. They were at Lee Donghyuck's house for a party, again.

Jeno shrugs, "I dunno," he answers, "you did say that we should go out of the house and have fun tonight," he recalls the time Renjun barged in into his room and scared him when he was playing with the spider Krystal hasn't killed yet.

The chinese boy huffs, "I meant going to the park or something," he protests and tried to shrug Mark off of him.

Jeno laughed and pulled the boy to his side and clung onto his arm as Mark pouted, "well too late now, we got invited," the older said.

Jeno tilted his head, "oh yeah, who invited you guys anyway? Not in a offensive way or anything," he said as he looks at his two friends.

Mark and Renjun went quiet, although it was dark outside Donghyuck's house, Jeno could notice the faint blush on their cheeks as they coughed awkwardly.

"Doesn't matter," Mark said with his voice cracking. Jeno hummed with a small smile as they walk towards the front door.

Renjun knocks as Mark winces when the sound of a bottle breaking was heard and Jeno rolled his eyes when a couple at the front yard were making out near the bushes.

The door opens revealing Chenle, Jaemin and Donghyuck's friend, "Oh hey, welcome!" The boy chirped and stepped aside.

The younger seems like he's not drunk, much to their luck as when they entered, almost everyone in the house was out of their minds. "Please don't leave me alone guys," Jeno pleaded as they stood near the kitchen.

Chenle gives them a little wave before he was dragged by his crush to the beer pong area, Mark looked around as Renjun saw a glimpse of someone they knew.

Renjun held Mark's arm and yanked him, "hey!" He yelped as the chinese whispered something to him, "What did you say?!" He screams back from the loud music.

Renjun rolled his eyes and smacks his head, he makes some weird hand gestures before pointing to a direction as Mark followed, the latter widens his eyes and nodded.

Before Renjun could even say something to Jeno, Mark grabs his hand and pulls him along as he runs to the direction the Chinese pointed earlier.

Jeno was left there standing with mouth agape as he watched his friends leaving him alone in a room with drunk ass teenagers right after he just said not to leave him.

He fixed his glasses and looks around before decided to head to the kitchen and grab a drink. The brunet looks at the variety of food display and decided to just have some punch since he has really low alcohol tolerance.

Jeno takes a cup and gets some fruit punch, he sips on it and shivers a little at the taste. He then grimaces when some shirtless dudes comes in the room and looks at him.

They gave a crooked smile before walking towards him, "hey there," one of them said as he looks at him up and down.

Jeno didn't say anything back and sips on his drink again, the other guy steps closer obviously invading his bubble, "what's a cutie like you doing here alone?" He slurred and wraps an arm around his lower back.

Jeno steps back and gasps when his back bumps into a broad chest, he looks behind him to see the first guy with a drunken smirk. "Please leave me alone," he mumbles.

The first guy leans in making him sandwiched between the two drunk boys, "why don't we accompany you darling?" He said into his ear. The second guy's hand was slowly trailing down, lower than before.

Jeno yelps and slaps the second guy's arm trying to swat it away as he felt the guy's hand grope his ass. He felt tears brimming in his eyes as he felt disgusted and invaded.

"Yo! back off," a low voice said entering the kitchen. The two boys look up as Jeno shuts his eyes while he was shaking.

The first guy chuckled, "what's the matter Na?" He slurred and tried to stand straight.

Jeno still doesn't open his eyes but guesses from the familiar husky voice and the surname 'Na' he assumes it was Jaemin.

Jaemin scowled, "you guys groping the class president in my class that's what." The two boys laughed drunkenly as one of the pats Jeno's head.

"So? Isn't he cute?" The second guy said and leans in into Jeno's face as he left a sloppy kiss his cheek, "can't wait to see more," he smirks.

Jaemin huffs and threw his cup away onto the floor before marching towards them and punches the guy on the face making his nose bleed.

The guy winces and lets go of his hold on the brunet and holds his nose instead, "what the fuck!" He yells.

The first guy was about to punch Jaemin on the stomach but the pink haired beats him to it, he punches the guy on the eye as he lands on the floor.

The second guy was lifting his fist up as Jaemin grabs it and kicks him in the crotch. "You guys had too much to drink," he comments, "fuck off," he yells as the two scrambled away.

Jeno was standing there still as a rock except for the trembling, he had tears escaping his eyes as he whimpered. Jaemin turns back around and without thinking, he wraps the brunet into his arms.

"Shh, it's okay, they're gone now," Jaemin murmurs on his hair and leaves a small peck as Jeno cried in his chest clutching his shirt into his fists.

Jeno hiccups as Jaemin draws circles on his back, "I w-wanna g-go ho-home," he sniffles as the older nodded and grabs his hand leading him outside the house while pushing people out of the way.

They get inside Jaemin's car as the boy drives to Jeno's house while the brunet was still crying. The older glances at him and places his hand on the boy's thigh drawing circles with his thumb.

Jaemin helps Jeno out of the car and into his house, the maids were confused as he said they just had a rough night and decided to go home. They waved them off and went back to their business while Donghae was not home tonight.

Jaemin helps Jeno change into his pajamas, the brunet not even protesting since he was tired and also because it was nothing new. They've always done this, more or so Jaemin helping him change.

Jeno sniffles as Jaemin tucks him into his blankets before turning around to leave. A small hand grabs his wrist making him turn back around to see Jeno sitting up.

"Please stay with me," the brunet begs, Jaemin pursed his lips as he ponders for a moment. But after seeing Jeno's tired state and giving him puppy eyes, he sighs.

Jaemin nodded and took off his jacket before laying besides Jeno who gave him space on the bed, he makes himself comfortable as he turned the lamp off.

Jeno scoots closer and lays his head on Jaemin's chest as he pulls the blanket up, Jaemin stiffens a bit before relaxing and wrapping an arm around the brunet as the latter snuggles onto him.

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