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Jaemin rolls his eyes after seeing his girlfriend waving goodbye and giving a flying kiss before walking towards her class.

"That's the 8th one this month," Donghyuck comments beside him, the boy snickers as Jaemin groaned at him before ruffling his hair.

"She's annoying," he said and leans on the wall as he watches students walking by in the hallway. "They all are annoying," he corrects.

Donghyuck rolled his eyes, "what do you expect? You literally just give them a quick fuck before dumping them the next few hours or so," he remarks.

Jaemin tsked and lifted a foot on the wall as he balanced himself crossing his arms, "I don't get why you wouldn't try a guy instead of some nasty ass girl," his friend said.

The pink haired sighed, "I'm straight dude," he shrugs and winks at a group of girls that were standing by the corner and smirks when they squealed.

Donghyuck bits the inside of his cheeks, "it's the twenty-first century man, I don't get why you're in denial." He retorts, "I mean, you don't have to be gay, you can be pan or bi or literally anything. No one really cares at this point, it is no surprise for someone to come out."

Jaemin pursed his lips as his friend continues, "just think about it Jaem, maybe you like both? Who knows? But what I'm trying to say is, if you try to have a relationship with a guy, it doesn't matter. It's not disgusting or anything, it's normal."

The bell rings as Jaemin sighed and stands straight, Donghyuck pats his shoulder as they walk towards the gym for their PE class.


Jeno doesn't know why he decided to be a goody two shoes and attended PE class. He hates PE class. Why? Because apparently his stupid lungs are weak and can't handle some sports.

And today is one of those days, they were having dodge ball and another reason Jeno hates PE or gym class is because the teacher will sometimes be inconsiderate.

Hence, why he was whining when Mark told him to stand up from sitting with open legs on the gym floor, "come on Jen, I know you don't want to be here but we really have to do this or else we'll get minus points."

Sadly, Renjun didn't have this class as he was having Arts, he would've been a great help and demands their teacher to have Jeno excused in this particular sport.

Jeno squeaked when Mark lifted him up by his armpits and pats his shoulder, "Sorry that you have to deal with his Jen," he said sympathetically.

The brunet puffed out his cheeks making Mark pinch them affectionately. He sighed and followed the older to their group as he slumps his shoulders.

Mark looked around and blushed when Donghyuck was smirking at him, the boy puckered his lips and winked. "Shut up," Mark mouths silently and turns back to the group not noticing Jeno raising his eyebrow.

They went into their positions as their teacher blew his whistle making a few, including Jeno, flinched at the high pitched noise.

They start playing and few seconds later two people already got eliminated when they threw their ball at each other.

After a few more minutes, it was down to 4 to 6. Mark was already out since he didn't caught the ball in time. Jeno was still playing, even though he has weak lungs he can still play good.

The brunet was panting and sweating so much, he has ran and avoided the red balls the other team threw at them for the whole game.

He was then struggling to breath, he bent down a bit and touched his knees as he coughed, "Jeno!" Mark calls out and before the brunet looked up, a red ball hits his head as he landed on the floor.

Gasps filled the gymnasium as the teacher blew his whistle and signaled them to stop. Mark rushes to his friend's side as everyone started to crowd, the older kneeled down and helps Jeno to sit up.

"Shit," he cussed as Jeno was panting and holding his head trying to focus his vision. He was so dizzy and sweat was drenching his shirt.

"Everyone move out of the way!" A voice yelled but for Jeno it was a little faint. People stepped aside as a blob of pink hair jogged over to him, the boy looks at Mark who raised a brow, "I'll take him to the clinic."

Mark was about to protest until their teacher walked over, "please do Mr. Na, make sure he gets the excuse note for his next class." He informs.

Jaemin nodded before picking Jeno up bridal style without any struggles and rushing out of the gym towards the clinic.


Jaemin didn't leave after the nurse treated Jeno and checked for any injuries, the brunet was instructed to lay down since he was still a bit dizzy and also was excused for the rest of the day.

Luckily, it was almost the end of school and he just has to lay down for two more periods. "You didn't have to do all these," Jeno spoke up making Jaemin turn his head to him, "You should go to class, I'll be fine."

Jaemin scoffed, "and leave you here alone? Yeah right, I'm not doing that," he said as he grabbed Jeno's hand, "besides," he paused and pursed his lips, "I got worried."

Jeno raised a brow, "why? I only got hit in the head by your teammate, it wasn't really a big deal," he shrugs.

Jaemin clicks his tongue, "Seungcheol got competitive and went all out," he rolled his eyes, "you could've had a serious injury."

The brunet smiled a little and rolled his eyes, "Jaemin I'm fine, you took me here at the school clinic, thanks for that by the way," he giggles making Jaemin's lips curl up, "now, go to class, it's the last one anyway."

The pink haired smirks, "I'm staying Jeno, that's final," he said before leaning closer, "and you're right," he pecks the boy's lips, "it is the last class today," he emphasized.

Jeno blushed and muttered, "whatever," before the older laughed at him and caresses his leg as they wait for the bell to ring.

A few minutes later, the bell rung and students rushed out of the school and went home. Jaemin helped Jeno sit up as the brunet was struggling a bit.

The younger puffed out his cheeks, "I told you–" Jaemin glared at him to shut up, which if worked. The pink haired grabs their bags and helped Jeno out of the room.

The brunet raised a brow as they walked towards the entrance, "are you driving me home again?" He looks up as Jaemin hummed and tightened his grip on his waist.

As they were getting near the door, a girl suddenly stomps towards them, "Where the hell are you going with him?" She said as Jeno furrowed his eyebrows and titled his head.

Jaemin rolled his eyes, "I'm taking him home," he replied as the girl glared at Jeno.

"We have a date!" She whined as she went up to Jaemin's face and clung onto his collar, "I've been waiting for hours," she pouts and batted her eyelashes.

Jeno scrunched his nose and looked away, "Well I guess we're over," Jaemin said nonchalantly as the girl widened her eyes and backed away.

"You don't mean that!" She protested and stomped her foot.

Jaemin clicks his tongue, "I said we're over, that's the end of that." He sternly said, "besides, I know you were having a fling with another guy from Biology," he shrugs.

The girl makes a high pitched cry and slapped Jaemin on the face, "fuck you Na Jaemin!" She screams and looks at Jeno before taking ahold of his shirt, "this is all your fault!"

Jaemin pushed her back and pulled Jeno closer to his side, "this has nothing to do with him, so shut the fuck up and leave me alone," he said sternly.

Somehow, the first part made Jeno's heart ache.

The brunet widens his eyes as Jaemin led them out the door leaving the girl crying and stomping her feet on the floor.

Jeno enters Jaemin's car and puts his seatbelt on, "Jae–" he starts but the boy shushes him and places his hand on his inner thigh.

Jeno kept quiet the whole ride to his house as Jaemin tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. When they arrived, the older leaned in and held his cheek with his free hand.

They kissed goodbye before the brunet went inside.

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