27- POV Scott

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The second Genevieve opens the door to the tour bus, Kirstie is awaiting inside.

She stayed back with Avi while everyone else went out to find Mitch. We decided to split up to cover more ground so Genevieve and I went out together past the liquor store. Kevin and Esther went out in the other direction.

Kirstie looks past Genevieve at me, and the unconscious body in my arms, gasping. Kirstie and Genevieve quickly move out of the way for me as I set Mitch down on the couch.

Avi walks over, finally on crutches that the doctor delivered earlier today.

"Hey did you fi-" He stops, shocked, as soon as he sees Mitch's frozen body laying on the couch, chest barely rising up and down.

"What do I do?" I whisper to myself, still staring at Mitch as the others question Genevieve and I.

"Oh my gosh, does he have hypothermia? Kirstie, could you get blankets please?" Avi takes control, since none of us really know what to do. He looks over at Genevieve, "Can we turn the heat higher in here?"

She nods and runs off and before long the bus starts to get really warm, so I finally remove my hat and gloves. Luckily we all wore some or we could've ended up...

I watch Mitch's chest rise and fall, in sync with his shallow breaths.

They are wrapping him with blankets when we hear the door open and Kevin and Esther step into the bus.

"Is Scott back?" They ask, right before they see me and then Mitch.

While Esther's reaction consists of the same gasp and shocked expression that Kirstie and Avi had, Kevin's was much more calm.

"How long have you been here?" He asks us. He walks over to look at the body.

"They just got back only five minutes ago," Avi replies.

Kevin nods and starts moving around the bus. My eyes are still glued to Mitch, as I sit down on the couch at his feet. His face is wet, from all of the snow that was on it now melting. I notice his hair, still perfect, even after being in a blizzard for over three hours. Except for a single piece, the one that always falls low on his forehead no matter how hard he tries.

I lean over and lightly sweep it back into place, before Kevin steps in front of my view. Kirstie comes to join me on the couch giving me a hug. I can see the pity in her eyes when she looks at me.

"How is he?" I ask her. It takes so much effort to force the whisper out of my mouth.

She shakes her head and shrugs, pulling me into a hug again before heading to the front of the bus. After a couple minutes I feel the bus start up, pulling forward to start our journey to the airport.

After a while, the band has filed into their bunks to rest, leaving me alone with Mitch. I don't know what Kevin has done, because I have zoned out watching Mitch sleep, but he told me he is confident Mitch will be okay. At least physically.

He was so far into the woods when we found him, there's no possible way it was a mistake. Mitch must've been on drugs (which he doesn't), actually psycho, or... depressed,

Dare I think it...


I shove word to the back of my head ignoring the possibilities.

With everyone in their own areas, and no one around to watch, I stand up and kneel by Mitch's face.

How come the second I realize how much I need Mitch, I almost lose him? Was Kirstie right, did I really wait too long to talk to him and it's my fault he left? I know that he will turn out fine physically, but how is Mitch mentally? Is it my fault he almost died?

I think about all of my concerns that Mitch hates me now, as I lean down.

The iciness of Mitch's perfect lips sends a shiver down my back.

"Please be okay," I whisper. "I need you."

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