Day 2 (7/29): Traveling to Edinburgh

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10:45 am (In a plane above England)
So I feeling pretty bummed. Our plane last night to this morning took forever and felt super cramped. The food want the greatest either. I think I'm getting those periodical cramps again *cough cough* Girls, you what I'm talking about. It could also be just the plane and the bathroom disagreeing. I'm feeling quite tired because I haven't been able to get a good sleep in in what feels like a day (meaning, sleeping on a real bed). I really can't sleep sitting up. It just doesn't work for me. We are still in the air but pretty close to landing (I think). I think I just need to get off the plane. Plus, we are worried if our check-in luggage got on the right plane after the cancelation. My dad says he won't be surprised if it doesn't show up at the baggage claim when we get to Edinburgh.

2:05 (In a plane above Great Britain)
Well, I'm feeling a bit better. I got to take a nap on this bench thing in the airport and it helped me wake up a lot. We are now on the plane to Edinburgh and I'm sitting in between two random grown men because we couldn't get three seats together. One just apologized for briefly touching me, so it's highly unlikely they would try anything on me. It's only an hour and fifteen minutes, so that's really short compared to what I've just been through. I'm in a better mood now! We have lost pretty much an entire day in Scotland just because of a really late plane, so that's kind of sad. Well, I think I'll wait to see what else noteworthy comes up on our journey!

8:32 (Jury's Inn)
It's the end of the day, and I'm going to go to bed pretty quickly here. When we landed, our luggage wasn't at the baggage claim, and it turned out it had been left way back in New York, so that wasn't good. I did get some pretty good pictures, though, of the surrounding country:

I'm not completely sure what we will do about that. I'm just glad I wore comfy clothes on the plane, so I can sleep in them too. We got a taxi quickly because we had prebooked it and apparently I fell asleep on the way to the hotel XD. I don't even remember it. We got a pretty good Greek dinner (Greek? In Scotland? Yup! Idek...), and are now back at hotel. Well, that was one tiring day. I'm glad to finally get a good night's sleep. Good night!

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