Day 3 (7/30): Touring Edinburgh

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10:09 (Jury's Inn)
Finally, we are here and I've gotten to sleep in a real bed again! Now I'm well rested. We took the "lift" (what the British call elevator. They also go strait forward and say "toilets" on all of their public restroom signs.) down to the ground floor (which is what us Americans would call the 1st floor, but their 1st floor is our 2nd floor, so that's kind of confusing.) where there was some pretty good breakfast. They had haggis. I didn't try it. But there were eggs and sausage and something that looked like a mix between bacon and ham. We are about to head out to Edinburgh castle. It sits atop a hill at the head of the Royal Mile, which is a really touristy road with a bunch of shops, restaurants, and pubs. Our hotel is actually on the street next to the Royal Mile, and there is a close (like a small alley between streets. Often it leads to a court yard.) leading between the two. Here we go!

5:43 (Jury's Inn)
We just went to see Edinburgh castle! I would have brought my phone and taken a bunch of pictures, but the battery was dying. Maybe I can get some that my mom took. We saw the Scottish Crown Jewels, the room where one of the famous kings was born, St. Margaret's chapel, war prisons, the Great Hall (a lot of armor was in there), the batteries (cannons) lining the walls, and I feel like something else that I'm forgetting right now.

We are now back at the hotel. Soon, we will go shop for some clothes, because our bags are still not here. So, yes, I have been wearing the same clothes for three days. Not my favorite thing to do on a vacation.

9:14 (Jury's Inn)
It's the end of another day. I now have four more t-shirts, a pair of leggings, a pair of jeans, and a jacket. We got another late dinner at a Portuguese restaurant, and why there are a bunch of restaurants from other cultures I am not sure. Well, we do have two Thai restaurants in my Oregon hometown, so I guess it works out. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for seeing the sights.

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