Chapter 8

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  Harrodean gasped. Her foot springing forward. Teerkedas wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back into the crowd. Phenny and Reign stood like tin cans on a wooden fence reluctantly waiting for the fired shot to pick them off. Teerkedas wore a hooded sweatshirt with a university team name on it. Harrodean bought it at the thrift store along the way. The townspeople at the auction were a mixture of human to semi-supernatural creatures. Harrodean and Teerkedas blended in like dust in the corner.

"I'll trade you any spells I have for the witch. And I'll buy the human pixie-sailor- nymph since it's so rare to find one, let alone of normal height!" a voice amongst the crowd shouted.

"This is an auction. We don't trade. And spells are useless. We've tried them before to heal Colorfed," Gerry refuted.

"The auction will begin at five. Five going once, going twice..." Jinger began.

"Take my brother off the block and I'll stand in his place!" Harrodean shouted, breaking in before the bidding got underway. She stepped out of the midst of the crowd.

Gerry put his hand on Jinger's arm to halt the continuation of the bidding.

"Why don't we start the bid on you and your brother? That'll be hip. Doesn't everyone here agree," Gerry said wringing his hands. The crowd roared. "Watch, bring that fox up on the block and we'll start the bid again."

Jinger untied Reign from Phenny. She took Reign by the arm and led him off the auction block. Teerkedas stepped in front of Harrodean, between her and Watch. He looked at the ground as he spoke, trying to hide his color which was changing like a lava lamp. "Touch her and you won't live to see the next second."

"Who's this cat? Is he your steady or something?" Watch said his brows furrowed.

"I'll take her place and her brother's, if you let him go."

"Do you have something worth putting on the auction block or are you going to stand there lip flappin'?" Gerry asked with a sideways smirk.

"Yes, an Astronomgonist."

Gerry laughed. "An Astronomgonist? You're selling us a crock. They're extinct."

"Teerkedas, no," Harrodean whispered grabbing him by the arm. He smiled over his shoulder at her.

He took the hood off his head and said raising a brow. "No, not all of us." The crowd gasped.

"Stellar." Jinger grinned.

"Let the chick's brother go. We'll keep the witch and the Astronomgonist." Gerry added.

"I thought you said you didn't trade!" the same voice shouted from the crowd.

"Maybe if you had something more than spells to offer, I'd have made an exception!" Gerry shouted back.

"Teerkedas, are you sure?" Harrodean asked.

Teerkedas shrugged and whispered. "No, but it's the only thing I can think of. Take Phenny and go. Don't look back. I'll figure out how to get them to let Reign go."

Watch tied up Teerkedas. Teerkedas knew tying him up couldn't keep him for long. He had just enough strength to break free from the knots. He smiled with his eyes watching Phenny and Harrodean reunite.

"Where's your car?" Harrodean asked Phenny.

"Watch, Jinger and Gerry sold it."

"What happened to yours?" Phenny asked.

Harrodean sighed. "That's a long story."

"We'll start the bid again, but with the witch," Jinger said holding her hand up in the air silencing the ruckus of the crowd. 

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