Part 6

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Who deserved a life with no damages, no harm, and no sexual abuse of their father labeled and marked across their body...the answer was always Lucy.

Travistine knew that. She completely knew that. She knew what sacrifices had to be made for her sake.

When their mom, however, wanted alone time with her boyfriend who would come over, pick her up and take her out till late, they were handed off to their father to be watched and babysat down the street, behind closed doors.

But at some point, Dr. Harper came back into the hospital room with their mom after just making a decision that would ultimately change all of their lives forever.

As they headed inside, both Dr. Harper and Brenda wanted to inform Travistine in front of Lucy that she would be staying another night for close observation.

It wasn't a surprise for either sister as they exchanged looks.

That was just before giving each other a goodbye hug when Dr. Harper confirmed that visitation hours were also over.

Travistine let out one tear after waving farewell to Lucy and then one more tear when she was given a kiss on the forehead by her mom.

Then right after Lucy stepped out, Brenda walked back around to Travistine, noticing how utterly vulnerable she was and snuggled her, holding onto her and never letting go. The realization that pain had corrupted her poor daughter's soul made her confused, upset, and angry. "I'll make sure he rots for this, babygirl. Don't you worry anymore. He won't get away with this ever again. Mommy's here now."

"What do you plan to do?" Travi asked.

"Don't worry, baby. It's all being handled." It was certain Brenda was trying to be tough. She needed to be strong for her daughter who was going through something so tragic and devastating. She couldn't imagine what she and Lucy went through at the hands of their father, of her recently divorced ex-husband, and feeling like a part of it may be partially her fault for wanting to spend time with Teddy only disrupted the situation more.

But she sure was raging a fire inside at the thought of what happened to her daughters and it was only a matter of time before that fire eventually up-roared. She then left Travistine to heal over night and that's when she decided another decision needed to be made. Justice needed to be served. It wasn't right that she was burdened to a hospital bed because of what he did. And shortly after that, she found herself parked outside of his house, in his driveway, not hers, with her youngest in the back seat so conflicted, wondering what's going on.

"Luce, listen to me. Just stay in the car. I'll be right back."

"No, mom. No, please. Don't go in there. You heard what Travi said. He'll be mad that you know. Please."

"He can't get away with this. I have to go in and talk to him," Brenda said, not even thinking twice about it before unbuckling her seatbelt and getting out of the car, locking Lucy inside.

As she made her way on his front porch, the eerie silence kicked in.

She didn't know what to expect from a talk with a man she doesn't care for anymore. She also didn't know whether to assume he'll become psycho once she passes the threshold. All she knows while standing out in the crispy cold air is that he has a baby growing inside one of their daughters and he should explain himself. Explain his filth, explain his dirt.

Knocking away at his front door, no care, she barged right in. Comfortably. Walking past the living room furniture right to the next room, catching him in only his boxers, watching girls strip teasing on strip poles on a small old box screen.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. This is the man I married in college and had two kids with?"

"It's just television porn, Brenda, baby."

"Don't call me baby anymore. I'm not your baby."

"Oh, come on, don't be like that. You used to love when I called you that."

"Yeah, not anymore, you can go straight to hell."

"Geez, what's up your ass today?"

"You really don't want to test me right now, Simon. I know exactly what your perverted ass has been up to these past few months!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He said that with guilt and fear in his flushed eyes and face and somehow his whole demeanor just changed. He knew that whatever secret he had was about to be revealed. He just didn't know which one it was yet.

Then more fed-up words came from Brenda's lips. Her rosy pink, but very fragile lips were the words, "You decided to take action alright when you chose to watch over our daughters while I went out. But fool me once, shame on you, because you used it as an excuse to hide your pathetic ego. You thought you would go and rape and impregnate one of our daughters! How could you? You're disgusting!"

"My baby's having my baby?" Simon responded almost immediately, sounding almost excited and enthusiastic, like the sick person he is.

"Yes, and you will never see it, because you will be locked away for a long long time!" Brenda yelled. But soon, she cooled it. She leveled the playing field. Bringing her voice almost to a whisper. "You know, our daughter is in the hospital having tried killing herself over what you did to her. How could you? She was way too young to have been dealt what you put her through, what you put us both through, and you will ROT".

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