Part 7

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For someone so unpleasant and cruel, he was evil...born and made. He was that terrible rotten apple in the tree and Travistine was aware of all of that without a doubt in her mind about her own father, because he not only tortured her into losing her virginity to him, but he would make her starve, make her beg, taunt her, torment her, and make her do the worst things she ever imagined doing.

He liked being in control. He liked having power. He needed it to feel like a man. And as soon as he got that taste of something he shouldn't have, a taste of purity and innocence in his daughter, a taste he couldn't crave until he had her submissive, he wanted nothing else. Nothing else satisfied him.

When Simon heard Brenda speaking to him the way she did, he slapped her clean across the face without hesitation to show his anger. "You dare talk to me like that?!"

Brenda was in shock that he would hit her so soon in their argument and she placed a palm to her cheek. Though, she should've known that coming here would start something she would need to end. "I can speak to you however I want to speak to you! What you did is unforgivable! I can't even begin to imagine what you did to our daughter under this roof!"

"She liked it. She begged for me to be inside of her, to make her moan, and scream. She made it her mission to please me and only me, because she knew what would happen if she didn't," he said, chuckling under his breath with a horrific smirk.

"You are a fucking bastard, you know that?! A sick, sadistic bastard! You are the worst man I've ever met! I should've known you were a damn psycho... Because you are! You're everything I hate and more! You will never know the baby or our daughters! You will be isolated to a cage the rest of your life and you will never know or have love or peace or happiness ever again, are you hearing me? Do I need to speak louder?! Someone will find out what you did, a prison guard or cell mate, and they'll learn the pathetic scum that you are, learn the piece of shit that you are! They will hunt you down for raping your own daughter and getting her pregnant! You will suffer and you will crash and you will BURN!"

Brenda was able to get her final word out, throwing it all straight into her ex-husband's face. She had to get it all out. He couldn't have the final say after this.

Her cheek still stung from where he hit her, but she was going to be just fine. She just needed to get out of there before he could do anymore harm to her, whether with words or another slap to her cheek. Though, she clearly didn't want to stick around to find out and bolted to the front door.

He then began chasing after her, shouting and shouting for her to stop and listen and she didn't.

She got outside, away from the front door, and down the steps of the front porch before he grabbed her and yanked her back.

He tightened his grip around Brenda's arm. He said angrily, "Baby, what the hell was that back there? This isn't you. You would never talk to me this way..."

"Simon, you're hurting me." Brenda grunted.

"Never mind what you said to me," he suddenly responded as he got closer, his chest against her chest, his face in her face. Nose to nose. Breath to breath. His breath so repulsive, so unsightly as he continued, "You will NOT keep me from my family. Do we have ourselves clear? You will not keep me from them. I will be in their lives. In my baby's life and both of my daughter's lives. I will, however, not be in yours."

"What the hell do you plan to do then? Get rid of me?"

Complete silence.

"That's one hell of a fantasy that will never happen," she retorted. Hopping into the car, into the driver's seat, she locked all the doors of her Kia Sedona. She had to think smart.

"Mom? Mom, what did you do?"

Lucy, in the back, was startled, her hands over her ears as she heard the muffled curse words of her father start yelling and screaming and shaking the car.

She didn't know what was going on, as usual it seemed, since she didn't know anything about the conversation between her parents inside and how it ended badly and led to this.

"I told him how I felt, sweetie," Brenda replied, after the car came to a stop. "So that means you and I are going to Aunt Nellie's and having a sleepover. We'll visit Travistine first thing in the morning and find out when we can take her home then. How does that sound?"

Once Lucy nodded and smiled, Brenda turned back around, pulled out the middle finger to Simon out the window as she started up the car and drove out of his driveway, away from his loud and obnoxious voice.

He was pissed he didn't get his way. He didn't like that having an ex-wife gave him no control and leaves him powerless, two things he truly hates. He doesn't like feeling vulnerable and weak and needs to find his balance, a way to make things even.

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