Almost Kiss?!

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The next day later after talking to her father, Chiyo was walking down the hallway to visit Samon in building 5. While humming happily, she finds herself being bumped by someone in front of her.


She winced where she blinked her eyes to find Liang blushing really red when he has fallen on top of Chiyo causing her to blush as well.

"Well that was unexpected."

Upa dryly remarked which causes Liang to flinched out of embarrassment.

"Gah! I-I'm sorry Chiyo!"

Liang apologized as he quickly got up from the ground embarrassed, he offered her his hand. Chiyo grabs his hand and Liang pulled her back up while blushing awkwardly.

"D-Don't worry about it Liang, it was just an accident."

She grinned kindly.

"What's going on here?"

Just now, Samon came up to Upa and Liang.


Liang happily smiled to see him.

"Oh hi Samon kun."

She grinned kindly to him with Samon smiling sweetly to me.

"Hey no.1316 I'm glad you came, I need to talk to you about yesterday."

Samon persuaded her as she blinks her eyes twice.


While in building 5, Samon and Chiyo we're sitting outside where it's a beautiful day today where the sun is shinning brightly and the weather is very warm.

"So I heard you talked to your father yesterday, how was it?"

He asked curiously as Chiyo awkwardly shrugged her shoulders and grinned slightly at him.

"It was okay...nothing too serious happened between us. He just wants to see me and my brothers that's all...."

She awkwardly replied.

"I see...did you get to talk to them?"

Samon asked curiously as she chuckled a bit awkwardly, but kept a kind grin to him.

"Just a bit...but the only person that I have a little patience for is Angela and Shu....."

She slightly grinned as she twiddles her fingers awkwardly while talking about her brothers.

That explains why.....

Samon thought where he is quite aware that Shu is the only one who doesn't chased after Chiyo during the New Years tournament.

Chiyo then turned to Samon with an innocent kind smile.

" were you doing Samon kun? Did you work a lot last night?"

She asked politely as Samon scratches her head and chuckled.

"Sorta like that, but I'm doing well though."

"That's good to hear, what about the others?"

She asked curiously.

"No.02 has been doing a lot of training, and so does Upa, but Qi....ehhhhhh he slacks off as usual today..."

Samon chuckled awkwardly as Chiyo let's out a sweatdrop at how Qi reminded her of her oldest brother Shu.

Wow no wonder Liang and Upa called him "trash" plus he reminds me how Shu...

She thought, but then she let out a giggle causing Samon to his eyes and blush at her cute.

"You know Samon kun, maybe I should think about getting Shu and Qi together as a playdate. What do you think about that?"

She grins very cutely with Samon chuckling at the idea of Shu and Qi getting together.

"They're not kids Chiyo."

He chuckled with Chiyo giggling and scooting closer to Samon as he widen his eyes when she raises her brow.

"Maybe, but they sure act like one."

She slyly remarked with a playful smirk as Samon blinked twice and blushed at her snarky remark when his heart start to beat.

Damn no wonder why every inmate in Nanba prison liked her....she's so adorable....

He thought as he scoot closer to her as well.



She blinked innocently with curiousness as Samon puts his hands on her shoulders with a serious gaze.

"If something's troubling you, you can talk to me about it. I'm always here for you."

He stated as he give her a kind smile, Chiyo blinked her eyes twice in bewilderment, but smiled sweetly at him.

"Thanks Samon kun."

She grinned sweetly as Samon's heart starts to skip a beat, he leans his face towards her face with Chiyo blinking curiously until SOMEONE shouted at them.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Both of them flinched when Qi and the other inmates from building 5 appeared out of nowhere.


"Gah! N-No.571, what are you doing here?!"

Samon shouted while blushing.

"I asked you first."

Qi bluntly stated.

"You were about to kiss her didn't you?"

Upa frankly asked as Liang widen his eyes.

"Wait what?!"

He asked shockingly as Samon shakes his head in denial.

"N-No! It's not like that No.58 and don't listen to him No.02!"

Samon shouted as Chiyo covers her face turning red, Qi came up to her with a smirk and playfully pinched her cheek.

"Awwww Chi's blushing right now.~"

Qi teased her as she turns away from him with her blush intensifies, but that's not all. This gets much worst when the loud and obnoxious broadcaster of Nanba prison came in the WORST possible time.


Mitsuru shouted as Samon face palm at him for coming here in a bad timing.

"Not. The. Best. Time. Mitsuru."

He growled at him.

"Oh but it is, sorry sweetheart, but you're time is up! Cuz one of your brothers wants me to come get ya!"

He exclaimed as Chiyo furrowed her brows when he mentions her brothers and the Mukamis.

"..And who's one of them?"

She asked sternly.

"Hmmm I think the gloomy guy with the dark hair and the bluish grey eyes wants to talk to you and...."

Mitsuru then snickered with Chiyo tilting her head confusingly.


She asked impatiently as Misuru gave her a smirk, he puts his finger up to his mouth.

"It's a secret.~"


What does Ruki want with me?.....

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