It's Time To Face My Fear.....

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When Mitsuru came to building 5 about Ruki, Chiyo widen her eyes and became tense.

"What does Ruki want with me?"

She asked skeptically with a hint of fear in her tone.

"He just wants to talk to ya, that's all."

Mitsuru replied as she twiddled her fingers in uncertainty, she gave him a small grin.

"...I guess I should talk to him...."

To be honest, I don't actual hate Ruki and the others. I just felt uncomfortable when I see them. Maybe I should go check to see what's going on with them. I might be mean and cold to them, but I do have care for them.....

She honestly thought with Mitsuru grinning cheerily.

"Fantastic! Now come on he's waiting!"

"Hold up!"


Mitsuru and Chiyo turned to Samon where he came up to both of them.

"I'm coming too."


"Ooo~ Does Samon want to be No.1316's knight in shiny armor?"

Mitsuru teases him, but Samon didn't care and brushed his playful remarks.

"No I don't, I'm only doing this just in case those punks hurt her again."

Samon bluntly retort, but Mitsuru and the inmates aren't convinced where most of them looked at him with deadpan expressions and few of them made skeptical smirks.

"Suuurrree you do."

They all replied with deadpan faces.

"Guys stop, I just want to keep her safe."

Samon assured them.

"Oh sure you do Samon.~"

Mitsuru and Inori teased him.

"I. Don't."

Samon flat out denies their playful assumptions, but Chiyo puts her hand on his shoulder and smiled.

"It's alright Samon kun, I don't mind if you come along."

She grinned kindly to him with Samon widen his eyes and Inori lightly nudged him in the arm.

"Go get that ass Samon."

Inori playfully whispered causing Samon blushed and pushed him away.

"Shut up Inori!"

He growled at him as Mitsuru wrapped his arms around both Samon and Chiyo's shoulders with a cheery grin.

"Anyway, let's go see what Romeo what's with you!"

He cheered as Chiyo sighed but smiled at his silliness.

"Whatever and make sure you keep an eye on the inmates alright Inori?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine with them."

He nonchalantly replied as three of them left building 5. Meanwhile in the hallway, Chiyo is quite a bit nervous to see her brothers and the Mukami brothers, but at the same time she is curious to see what her brothers and Mukamis up to.

"So how were my brothers doing Mitsuru sama?"

Chiyo asked curiously.

"They're doing fine, all the men aren't planning to hurt nor tried to kidnap you."

He replied and Chiyo became relieved to hear the good news from her brothers.

"What about the Mukamis?"

She asked again as he shrugged nonchalantly.

"Same with your brothers, their just lying around as usual, but your raven haired friend is taking good care of them like an older sister."

He grinned as Chiyo smiled warmly at head such good news from the guys.

"That's good for them, I'm glad they're being patience now especially with Angela. I'm glad she's doing ok, but I do feel pretty bad for lashing out at them."

She honestly admits with Samon and Mitsuru became puzzled by her response.

"Hm? You don't hate them?"

Samon asked bewilderedly as she nods honestly to him.

"I don't hate wholeheartedly to be honest, I was just scared of them and I was so afraid that their going to abandon me again once they took me back home."

"Do you want to go back home with them?"

Samon asked curiously as she shook her head.

"Not yet, they just need more time to think about what they did. I know I may have resentment towards them, but I deeply care for them so much."

She honestly admits with Samon starting to question about her relationship with her brothers and the Mukamis.

"Wasn't always this bad?"

He asked curiously as she shook her head to him.

"No, we were once close back when we were kids, but...."

Chiyo then tightens her prison shirt while suppressing her pain.

"...Now it's just different...I want to rekindle my brothers, but...they need to realize their mistakes and they have to own their regrets. That's why...."

She then looks at both Samon and Mitsuru with a sweet tender smile.

"...I won't give up on faith because I love them so much. I'm putting my foot down and I won't run away from my fears anymore."

She boldly stated with Samon smiled warmly at her hidden kindness and Mitsuru grinned amusingly at her boldness.

"You got a lot of guts No.1316, speaking of which...."

Once they get to their cell, Mitsuru opens the door for Chiyo with a confident smile.

"Ya ready to see your brothers?"

He asked confidently as she nods with a bold grin.

"I am Mitsuru, it's time to face them."

"Hahaha that's my girl!!"

Mitsuru chuckled as he ruffles her brown hair, she giggled with Samon patting her shoulder with an assuring smile.

"If they do anything bad to you, try calling me ok?"

He reminded her where she nods at him with a grin.

"Thank you Samon, I'll sure that nothing will happen to me. Besides, Angela's got it under control."

She assured him as Chiyo went inside of the dark prison cell, she is ready to face her fears.....

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