Boyf Riends- Meet the Wolfman

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Requested by @turqoiuseaurora05


"Jeremy! Hey, are we still on for tonight?" Michael smiled warmly at his boyfriend. He handed him his backpack as they got off the bus.

"O-oh god." Jeremy mumbled to himself. "Ah, uh, no, I have, I have stuff? To do? I'll um, I can see you tomorrow, tomorrow though." Jeremy was trying to hide something, but Michael didn't know what.

"O-oh. Uh, okay. Okay, cool." Michael smiled weakly as they parted ways to their houses.

Michael let out a sigh as a cloud of smoke filled the air. He didn't stop his pace though, and continued to walk the cold, dark street. His mind began to wonder to Jeremy's disappearance.

Why did Jeremy ditch him? Was the SQUIP back? Was Michael still not cool enough? Did he do something wrong?

His thoughts crowded his head; so much so that he almost didn't hear the low growl from behind him.

He stopped cold in his tracks, daring himself to turn around slowly.

It was too dark behind him, so he carefully inched closer to the low growls. It seemed to be coming from a bush...

Just as Michael could almost make out what it was, he was pulled away by a sharp claw. Michael almost tried to escape the claw, but it pushed him away before he could struggle.

"Dude! Are you an idiot? You could have gotten yourself killed! You don't know what was in that!" Whatever it was had backed up, so Michael couldn't see him in the darkness.

Michael blinked, inching closer to the darkness that the clawed man stood. "Jeremy? Is that... is that you?"

There was a moment of pause.

"N-no?" The figure said in a clearly fake voice.

"Jeremy, dude, come out. Why do you have Edward Scissor hand gloves on? You said you were busy today, but it seems like you're just walking around! Unless you're about to go to a Halloween party without me. Again." Michael lowered his voice. "Is... is it back?"

"No! No no, that's not..." Jeremy trailed off, debating whether to tell him or not. "It's not, is not back but... you don't want to see me."

"Get your ass over here, heere." Michael placed his hand on his hip, angrily staring at the shadows for his boyfriend to come out.

A loud sigh was heard before a creature stepped out. It had fur everywhere, lightly pointed teeth, large ears, and a fluffy tail.

"J-jeremy?" Michael asked in disbelief. "You're going to a costume party without me?"

"M...Michael. No. That's not, no. I'm like, actually a werewolf."

"Oh. Radical man."

"T...that's it?" Now it was Jeremy's turn to stare in disbelief. "No like, 'oh god I hate you horrible monster'?"

"No? Dude, first of all, we've been friends for too long for me to ditch you over this, second of all, this is hella gnarly so like."

"Oh my god Michael." Jeremy shook his head and his ears shook with him.

"How long? How long have you been..." Michael gestured to Jeremy's body.

"Oh! Um, like, a month? N-not, not that long, it uh, only started recently, and uh, you know, I didn't want you to freak out or anything, so um, I'm sorry. I-I should have told you."

"Dude, babe, it's okay. I still love you. Just like, don't eat me."

"No promises, sweetheart." Jeremy tried to kiss Michael, but he was stopped by Michael's hand.

"Dude. I love you, but like, shave or something. And you have dog breath, so."

Jeremy rolled his eyes. "Fine. Now go home, this neighborhood isn't super safe at night, okay?"

"Okay, okay. I love you, Jeremy. And we will talk about this more in the morning, dude."

"Yeah yeah, okay. See yah!" Jeremy said, smiling happily after Michael.

"Geez. That was close. He almost saw you! You have to be more careful!" The figure stepped out of the bush, smiling.

"Sorry, my mistake sir."

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