Boyfs- Kiss it all Better

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Requested by @Confused_Screaming

Warning: ANGST, low key murder? I guess? It's based off the song by the same title

Yes I realize I did change the dialog for The Play, but this is more angsty so

Michael looked around the empty bedroom. Memories floated through his head, but they were just that. Memories. Memories of his best friend. Before... before it killed him. That...that horrible monster.

Jeremy let out another horrible scream, falling back on the floor. The pain was too much, he couldn't take it anymore. "P-please, make it stop!"

The Squip only chuckled, laughing evilly as Jeremy tried to get up, but couldn't.

The stage doors flew open, and Michael proudly held a bottle of Mountain Dew Red. "Michael makes an entrance!"

"M-Micha-ow!" Michaels proud face dropped to one of concern. "Jeremy?" He rushed over to his side, crouching down.

"Jeremy, I brought you the antidote thingy. And, even though I was going to make you apologize, let's skip that for now. Drink this."

Jeremy happily grabbed the drink, only to be shocked again. The pain was horrible, almost like he was being shot over and over again in his nerves.

"Jeremy... you don't want to drink that..." The Squip trailed off, a smirk on his face.

"Oh yeah?" Jeremy pushed through the horrible pain, holding on to Michael to steady himself. He grabbed hold of the bottle, tilting it closer to his mouth. "Why not?" He took a huge swig of the bottle before dropping it.

Gasping, Jeremy hunched over again, in more pain than he had ever been in before.

"Well... sure, you'll destroy me, but you'll also destroy yourself." The Squip walked closer to Jeremy, more prepared for his death than Jeremy was. "Your immune system's, nervous system's, everything is attached to me. Destroy me, you everything I'm attached to."

"Jeremy? What's he saying?" Michael tried to shake Jeremy awake, but he didn't get a response.

"Jeremy?" Michael ignored the tears forming, focusing only on his best friend.

"M-Michael..." Jeremy forced himself to talk, to tell him. "It... it's killing me. The-" He let out a chocked sob as more pain entered.

"No, no, it should kill the Squip, not you!" Michael pleaded.

"It, it does, but," Jeremy scrunched his face up in pain. "It also... it also kills me."

Michael gasped, pushing himself away slightly. "But... no, no I... you can't... No!"

Jeremy let out a weak smile as Michael took him in his arms. "It's okay, Micha. You didn't know."

Michael wiped away a tear that was starting to form, standing up quickly.

Mrs.Mell knocked quietly on the door.


"Yeah, I'm..." Michael couldn't say that word without thinking of Jeremy. "Uh, what do you need?"

"Well, uh, they kinda want help planning the funeral, since, you know, you were closest to him?" Mrs.Mell asked softly.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll, I'll just be a second." His mom nodded, and stepped out of the room, closing the door softly behind him.

Michael took one last look at the bedroom they had played in for 12 years.

"I'll... I'll see you later, Jeremy." Michael reached the door, not daring to look again.

"I love you."

And with that, Michael walked out into the living room, ignoring all of his horrible emotions.

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