Boyf Riends- Theatre Memories

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"Hey, Jere-bear? Can you come here for a second? I want to show you something."

Jeremy walked into the room, only to walk right out again. "No no no! Wait!" Michael called out, pulling Jeremy to the floor, where Michael had scattered their old photo books from senior year.

Jeremy sighed, but sat down with his boyfriend none the less.

"Remember senior year? Wow. That was the year we peeked!" Michael sighed. "And of course who can forget about-" "You're going to say HSM right?"

Michael gasped, pretending to be surprised. "How did you know? Hey, remember how I wasn't going to join theatre but you convinced me last minute to try out for the play?"

Jeremy pulled Michael to the sign-up sheet. "Come on dude, I don't want to be without my player two~" Jeremy said, placing a pen in Michaels hand.

Michael sighed. "Fine, but you know I'm not gonna get in, right? Even if it IS my favorite movie of all time and I have all of the lines down..." Michael sighed, writing down both of their names.

"Yeah of course I do! You didn't think you were gonna get a part, right? But you got a lead!" Jeremy ruffled Michael's hair.

"You did too!"

Michael looked up at the cast list in awe before turning to his boyfriend.

"WE GOT IN! And and and we're PARTNERS! Now we can be all in this together, right Jere?" Michael bounced on his heels.

Jeremy leaned towards the cast list.

Troy- Michael Mell
Gabriel- Jeremy Heere
Taylor- Christine Canigula
Chad- Rich Goranski
Kelsi- Jenna Rolan
Sharpay- Chloe Valentine
Ryan- Jake Dillinger

"Look Jere, they even changed the lead to be a guy for you! Isn't that awesome?"

"Yeah," Jeremy said, totally not freaking out internally at the moment, "that's awesome."

"Oh right, weren't you super nervous about being a lead?" Michael sighed. "It was the start of something new, wasn't it?"

Jeremy groaned.

"Okay okay, I'll stop with the puns for a minute. But remember how much fun High School Musical was?"

"Yeah, for you! You would constantly make puns that no one wanted to hear!"

"Um excuse you, my puns were so fabulous!" Michael earned a glare from Jeremy for that one.

"Hey Troy!" Michael wrapped his arms around Jeremy. "Are you ready to get' cha head in the game?" Groans were heard from all around.

"What?" Michael said, turning towards Rich with a lopsided grin.

Michael fake signed a bit. "Okay, okay, I get it. You want to break free of my puns. Maybe we can work something out?"

Rich went to punch Michael, but luckily (or unluckily) Jake held him back.

"Oh my god you're puns were way too bad. And remember how everyone would sneak food backstage? Like, so much it became a game?"

"Yeah! Why was that again?"

Jeremy laughed. "Because of how strict Mr.Reyes was with food, but how he never noticed anything!"

Currently, Michael had stuffed five fruit roll ups, at least ten packets of mini Oreos, seven cheeto bags, and one giant lollypop in his jacket. Mr. Reyes would never notice. Michael would sneakily give some to the whole cast, and the next challenge was to eat it on stage.

"Oh yeah! And, and remember much Chad and Ryan flirted backstage?"

"... Do you mean Rich and Jake?"

"Yeah, whatever. And they had that one stupid argument about... what was it about again? Oh yeah!"

"Um hello! Did you even see HSM2? Chad and Ryan SWITCHED CLOTHES. They're so gay for each other!" Rich yelled, flailing his arms around.

"What about Taylor and Chad?" Jake fired back. In the background, Michael had started to sing 'What about us' quietly.

"Did you see how abusive she was to Chad in the last movie? There's no way they were actually in love!"

"Okay, fine. But what about Ryan? He's straight! He was dating that piano chick!"

Rich gave his boyfriend a cold stare.

"You're joking, right?"

"Oh man, we actually had some good times!" Jeremy lightly chuckled.

"Yeah, duh! It was HSM? Why wouldn't we have good times? Hey, remember how no one remembered their lines except us and Christine?"

Mr.Reyes threw his hands up in frustration. "No!" He barked. "Chad's line come after Taylors, not Kelsi's!

He huffed out in frustration.

"Take it from the top! Again."

"Wait sir? I'm sorry but... did you mean we are starting from 'Bop To The Top'?"

The group let a loud sigh of exasperation at Michael's sad attempt at a joke.

"Yeah, and the only reason I knew my lines was because we practiced all the time while playing video games."

"You're welcome!" Michael laughed, leaning into Jeremy.

"Hey, remember how our show actually went pretty well! I mean, except for a few missed lines and cues of course. Oh! And we can't forget-"

"-Don't remind me!" Jeremy said, hiding his face in Michael hoodie.

The show had ended, and now it was time to take their bows.

It went from least important roles, to the most important roles, with Jeremy being last.

Michael went out and gave a sassy bow, then motioned for Jeremy to join him. Jeremy took a breath, then walked out towards Michael. This was his big moment!

Suddenly, Jeremy lost contact with the floor, tripping to the front. He waited for contact with the floor, but it never came. He opened his eyes, to find Michael holding him steady. Michael gave him a wink, and kissed him, earning a huge applause from the audience.

"I thought it was cute!" Michael said. "Besides, everyone thought it was planned or something."

"... I guess you're right."

Jeremy thought for a second. "Hey, I have a question for you."

"Shoot!" Michael leaned back a bit so he could get a good look at Jeremy's face.

"Why do you like HSM so much?"

Michael cracked his knuckles, having already prepared an answer for this question for three years.

"High School Musical is about being true to who you are. Un-sticking to the status quo, if you will. I like it because it has different personalities and different interests all mixed together! I like the happy, upbeat songs, I like all of the PG jokes because we all know we don't get enough of that, and I really like how Gabriella is shown as a shy girl, but they don't ever fully change that! Also, once a wildcat, always a wildcat."

"You just had to say that didn't you-"  

"- yes, yes I did."

Jeremy laughed, and grabbed the play book and the photo album from the floor.

"Well Mr. 'How-will-I-Choose-Between- Singing-and-Basketball', I think it's time we go to bed. What'd you say?"

"I say that you can bet on it!"

"Hey Michael?"


"Say one more pun and you're sleeping on the couch."

It's done! Shout out to my friend who helped me come up with the plot of this one! I hope you guys have a great day, and I'll see you soon!

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