Connor X Evan- Wisdom teeth

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Connor was woken up by a loud knocking at his door. Groggily, he got up out of his comfy bed, and opened the door, only to surprisingly, find Jared holding Evan.

"What...?" Connor asked, confused.

Jared shoved Evan into Connor. "Here's your precious boyfriend." Jared said in a monotone voice, shoving past Connor. Connor caught Evan, and closed the door. Evan giggled a bit.

"Where are you from, handsome?" Evan giggled out.

Connor looked at his boyfriend in confusion. "Jared, what drugs did you put him on? "

"Relax," Jared calmly walked over to the couch and plopped down. "He got his wisdom teeth removed, so he's loopy. I thought, being and amazing friend, I would bring him to you so that you could see it too."

"... alright. Well, then why are you here?"

"Moral support of course! Can't a friend just be here for his friend?"

Connor deadpanned Jared.

"Okay, okay, I wanted to see how loopy he would get. I mean, look at him!" Jared made an arm motion to the giggling boy in Connors arms.

"A-are you wearing space pants?"

Connor looked at Evan confused. "Wha-"

"Because your butt is out of this world!" Evan giggled out, causing Connor's face to turn bright red.

What either of the boys failed to notice was the phone that Jared pulled out, recording the awkward teens.

"E-Evan what are you doing?"

"Hey pretty boy, do you have a name, or can I just call you mine?"

"Evan, sweetheart, what the hell." Connor moved a wobbly Evan to the couch, only to have Evan pull Connor on top of him. Connor blushed and stood up quickly, earning a snicker from Jared and a whine from Evan.

Evan tried to stand up, but almost feel over in the process. Connor caught him and sat down next to him on the couch.

"S-so you come here often, handsome?"

"Well Hansen, this is my house, so yeah I do." Evan just let out a low 'oh' before giggling again, barely being heard over Jared's laughter.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Evan asked, his words slurred together.

"Uhhh yeah?" Connor said, dragging his words out.

Just then, Evan started bawling.

"Oh god. Evan what's wrong?" Connor leaned in, comforting his sobbing boyfriend.

"I-I wanted, I wanted to date y-you!" Evan yelled out between sobs.

At this, Jared could be heard in the background, laughing so hard that tears were streaming down his face. Connor glared at Jared before turning to Evan.

"Evan, Evan darling look at me." Conor moved Evans head slightly. "I'm dating you."

Evans sobs abruptly stopped, and his eyes filled with joy. "ME? I'm dating YOU? Wow! You're hot? And I'm dating you?" Evan looked down and mumbled a quiet 'yes!' Before looking back up at Connor. "Does that mean we can kiss?"

Before Connor could answer, Evan smashed his face into Connors, making the taller boy let out a squeak before moving along with the kiss.

Jared was never going to delete this beautiful video.

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