CH. 25 May the Happy-Birthday be with you

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Hello dear all :-) As my status promised, here comes the new chapter of TOL and sorry for letting you wait a week, but promise to update the next chapter soon :-)

Hope you'll like this chapter, which I think is rather funny and cute, considering is Jasper's birthday party and as well a full of revelations part, well, let me know with your comments! Thanks for your messages and comments, love them all!!!

On the right a wonderful banner Klovis made for me, thanks darl is perfect <3

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to Ms_Sonata as a thanks for your comments, hope you'll like this ch! xox


Now, enjoy!


I slid the ice faster and passed a guy in front of me skating around him and keeping the puck right there glued at the stick; I knew Sasha and River were around, just ready to take the pass and go ahead. An opponent clashed against me rather harshly and we battled with the sticks for the puck and when I spotted another one coming over, I turned fast on the blades and physically pushed away that pain in the neck.

Man, get the hell off me, gotta pass this baby here to my friend and you are in the freaking way.

Blood rushed faster in my veins and when I quickly peeked at the bleachers and spotted my kitty there with his eyes wide open and glued to me, well, let me tell you something; it turned me on and turned my adrenaline to crazy speed. I shoved away the other opponent and skated faster and when I caught the skating shadow of Sasha, I hit the puck towards him and he got it immediately. Right in the moment I passed the puck the same two opponents skated towards me and literally had me crushing against the barrier.

Damn, it hit pretty badly.

“Man, the puck is gone already.” I laughed and gasped out, since gotta admit I totally felt their “gentle” touch and damn it, they were some huge beasts too.

We heard a loud whistle and that meant just one thing dude: Sasha had made his second goal.

“Shit.” One of them grunted and out of frustration elbowed me right in the freaking chin and I shoved him away, but he got nervous and came over again and just ducked on the side, but the moron must have lost his cool in seeing they had only few minutes before the end of the match and they made only one goal and that was when our coach brightly decided to try the new goalie in stance of our super Hayden.

Man what an idiotic idea, but then saved us few times and gotta say he wasn’t that bad; sure nothing like my buddy.

“Get off dofus.” I just said when he hit me with the stick. “The hell is wrong with you. Get your ass there and try to make a goal if you can.”

He charged and we slammed against the barrier again. I didn’t have the time to realize that another one joined, but that one got soon dragged away and saw it was my best buddy and then River skated over with the referee beside him, but these idiots here didn’t care, as a third joined the brawl and charged as well  Sasha.

Bad and very moronic thing to do, man, I’m telling you.

My friend literally growled and shoved the dimwits away and soon we all got caught in a massive and chaotic fight and good God, just wanted to get over with this pathetic show and when I found myself on the ice with two on me trying to punch me, oh well, that was enough. I punched back and got on my blades and Sasha roared to stop this fight at once and believe it or not, the opponents sort of froze there; when the coach of this moronic team began to yell at them they calmed down completely.

I scratched my chin and damn it, it freakin hurt. I rolled my eyes. Don’t tell me that idiot left a bruise there right today. Jasper would worry about it.

“Dima, how is your jaw, need to change and use some ice?” River helped me in fixing my messed up uniform and I shook my head.

“Nah, it’s fine man. Nothing bad, just a minor scratch.” Sasha skated over here, as the coach of the other team had called for a time-out and scanned me with his icy eyes.

“You ok? Jaw aside, because they went damn harsh on you, but hey, paid them back.” He smirked and I chuckled, knowing what he meant. The two huge idiots that went against him were by now probably cursing themselves for having provoked our beasty captain. “Let’s go, coach Garrison called us.”

I nodded and cracked my neck, and he just smirked. He got I was completely fine. Before skating to our bench, I passed in front of Jasper and winked at him and stopped a second to grin. He jumped up and I could tell by his wide eyes that he was overly worried, but he smiled and I almost groaned at seeing his super cute dimples. Oh man, couldn’t wait to have him in my hands. Then I spotted his father and brother sitting there, along with Travis, Derek, Shenice, Diane, Xander, Jess and believe it or not, Walker Texas Ranger and Jas’s friend, Stevie, who by the way was looking pale. I took he wasn’t used to hockey. They weren’t together of course, but I had the time of my life in seeing Cowboy Dallas teasing the midget there, seriously.

“Later baby, gotta go before coach Garrison kicks my ass.” I told him.

“Ok tiger, later.”

He smiled even wider and for a moment I considered the idea of jumping over the barrier and kiss him right there, but guess wasn’t the smartest idea, right? His father eyed me and then offered a rather thin smile, but I got it was a genuine one. The old man there wasn’t used to this. I appreciated he came over to see our game and I was super happy for Jas, because it meant a great deal to him and you could totally see how super joyful he was.

I winked and skated to the bench, having the coach yelling at me for losing time around in playing Romeo. I shrugged my shoulders and River chuckled, patting my back. I think Sasha had already given up on me about this, but he was the same, since I knew he stole looks at his man and winked or flashed his clearly horny smirks at his boyfriend. So, you got my point.

Our team won the match and with this nth victory we had already the interscholastic championship in our pockets. Of course our coach had to nag about the brawl and same old crap, but whatever, I was just happy we won and I got to make a goal right in front of my baby and now I just wanted to see him and then spend the rest of the day with him, since we all had a super cool plan for his birthday.

Now Jasper was eighteen like me, but that would last only two months, since I was going to turn nineteen in June. I already gave him my present on Thursday, on his actual birthday, and we celebrated it together; nothing fancy, we just spent the afternoon together watching a movie in his place, eating a cake Maria baked and then well, the house was free, and you know this things, right? I mean, no parents around and so got my monkey crazy and man, he got me crazy. And wow…Jasper was just a continue surprise and God, too bad we could do it only once, because I wanted to make love with him till morning, but well, we couldn’t.

I liked the idea of Travis, I mean, the white gold bracelets with names he made for Sasha and himself, but sure didn’t want to copy that. So my presents were all the seasons of “Frasier”, since Jas loved it, a couple of books from “Star Wars” that he didn’t have, a CD of one of my favorite band that we listened to right when I jumped my kitty and then, since I didn’t want to copy the crazy dude, but wanted to have something similar, so I got Jas a colorful rubber wrist band with our names on it.

Must admit had to ask to make it, because couldn’t find one with my name and at the end I asked for having both of our names on it. It wasn’t anything really fancy, but it felt perfect for my monkey, because I knew he liked that things and wasn’t the gold-and-diamonds kind of person.

Well man, Jasper loved it, no kidding, and you know what? He wanted me to have one too. So yesterday we went together to the shop and got my own wrist band. It felt good to have something matching, you know, like a ring. I thought about it, but didn’t want to freak him out and don’t know, felt that a birthday wasn’t the right occasion.

I quickly dressed up and saw how River paid extra attention to his hair and when he caught my staring, he smirked in his usual way and I knew something was on, but no idea what.

“Man, who’s the lucky guy?” I tried to ask him.

He just winked and Sasha chuckled. Why he always knew everything and I knew nothing? Oh well, no big deal. Hayden was even more clueless than I was.

“Uhm? A new guy buddy?” He asked just proving what I had said.

“Seriously, you two are too lost in your own worlds.” Sasha eyed us while rolling up the sleeves of his shirt.

Right, the one to talk.

“Oh yeah, you’re the one to talk. Bet you can’t wait to jump on your man.” I said punching his shoulder. He rolled his eyes and sighed.

“Dima, I might be absolutely crazy about my Travis and yes, can’t wait to take him senseless for hours and have him drive me out of mind with his hands and mouth.” He smirked and God, a couple of our teammates hit the floor with their jaws at hearing that and I think they might need days before recovering from the shock. “But I sure can still see things.”

“That’s ‘cause you’re naturally smart.” Hayden said.

“No, that’s because you are naturally a lazy-ass.” My best buddy said softly laughing and our friend just admitted he was right. Then he went back to his locket and I gave another look at River.

“Seriously man, who’s the guy?” I asked him, because I was beginning to have a doubt here, since Jasper this morning told me he had something rather incredible and sort of shocking, but very good to say. And in saying that he eyed his brother busy talking to Travis and my other friends. And then when River joined us, Nic smiled at him and went to talk to him, but well nothing weird, because River was the most mature among us, so totally normal for him to enjoy the company of someone older and … damn.

Wait a moment.

“River, don’t tell me that…?”

He just winked and sprayed a bit of his favorite cologne and placed everything in his bag.

“Who knows?” He took his bag and walked out of the changing room.

I shook my head and finished to dress up.

Today I put extra care in my clothes choice, since I wanted to look good for my kitty. No need to tell you my baby looked out of mind and when I walked out of the changing room and spotted him talking to Travis, I just wrapped my arms around him and lifted him from the floor burying my nose and mouth on his neck.

“Hmm baby, you smell so good.” I just said and I heard him gasp.

“Oh boy Dima..” I hugged him tighter and he whispered me something. “Uhm, dad is here.”

Oh crap.

I had forgotten his dad was there.


I put Jasper down and cleared my throat while looking at his father and brother staring back at me rather taken aback; well, not Nic, who was just trying not to laugh out loud, but his dad sure looked rather surprised.

“Err, Mr. Lucas, did you enjoy the game?” I tried to play it cool, while scratching the nape of my neck. Jas giggled beside me and laced his hand with mine.

“I must say it’s been a rather intense game and how is your chin? I saw those guys hitting you pretty harshly.” Oh, that was nice of him.

“Nothing broken sir, I’m a tough one to beat.” Jasper peeked at me and studied my face and then poked my chin.

“You sure everything is ok?” He asked me piercing me with his super sweet chocolate eyes.

“Yeah, don’t feel anything, see?”

“Gee, now I really know that I will never get on your boyfriend’s bad side, Jazz. Your friends here are all huge beasts. Well, not you River, but you’re still intimidating. Travis, how do you even manage to tame that Aleksandr?”

“Tame him? Oh Stevie, believe me when I say I sure don’t want to tame him. Hell, I love him completely wild and rough. Alexi and I both love it completely wild and hard.” Travis smirked and I didn’t miss the shocked look on Mr. Lucas’ face that disappeared however in a nanosecond. I got the impression he liked Travis. Right then Sasha came out and needless to say he went to his man and right there, without a care for anything or anyone, he kissed his half quite very hard.

“Hmm baby, you won, so happy for you.” He had his arms around Sasha’s neck and his body completely pressed on him.

I chuckled, they were hopeless.

“Yes we did. Saw you jumping there.” My best friend smiled at him and I think they really forgot they weren’t alone.

“Well, congratulations for this victory.” Jasper’s father said probably to give them some privacy. “Jasper told me that the interscholastic championship is yours, correct?”

“Yes, but our coach is still nagging us.” He smiled at that, and seeing how my boyfriend was happy to have his dad there, and I think the same was for Nic, I decided to ask him for something. “We are going to grab a bite, if you would like to join us, sir? I take you Nic are coming right?” He exchanged a quick look to his brother and then with River and he nodded.

Oh damn, I knew it.

How freakish was that? Man, had to ask Jas about that.

“Thank you Dmitri, but I don’t want to intrude your time.”

“This is not intruding; my friend is right, Mr. Lucas, you should join us.” Sasha said, hugging tightly Travis. Yeah, he was naturally smart and got things at first. His man smiled and nodded at my future father in law and so did my monkey.

“Uhm yes, dad, come with us.”

“Alright, thank you. I know later you all have plans, if I am right.”

“Yes Mr. Lucas. Jasper’s birthday party in my house.” Travis said grinning at me.

Oh man, you have no idea what we had planned for my baby.

“I see. Well, let’s go eat something then. I am afraid sleep over is out of question for you son, especially if we don’t want to risk a third world war in our house, but Dmitri, you are welcome to stay over our place.” I think Jasper probably went bright red at the idea, but I just grinned and shook his father’s hand to thank him. Man, he had loosened up so much that he seemed a completely different person.

“Thank you sir, that’s awesome.”

We all then went to eat something and Jasper pulled me back and I knew he had something to tell me, but first he simply tiptoed to kiss my chin tenderly and then he kissed my lips. Argh…I wanted to be alone with him. He was too sweet for his own good.

“How are you? It really doesn’t hurt?” He asked concerned.

“No baby, it’s fine. Honestly.” I bent down and stole a quick kiss. “So, happy about your dad? I mean, can’t believe he’s the same person of two months ago, but hey, that’s super cool.”

“Uhm yep, can’t believe it either. He’s changed and it’s so nice now…even though mother is not taking this well.” He rolled his eyes and then blushed and I wondered what that was about. “Uhm…did you notice anything strange with Nic and River?”

“Err…maybe, why?”

“Oh boy, I can’t believe it, but well…must really tell you this.” My monkey was beaming and I knew it was something that gave him super happiness.


I was so happy that Nic was talking right now with dad and I almost couldn’t sit still in my room; he knew almost everything about dad and what he had told me, he was surprised to hear that, but when I saw him before, hugging dad, oh boy, I knew it. My brother had missed our father too and was happy about this turn of events.

The only one not so pleased with this situation was mother and I could not understand why she kept behaving in that way; it’s not like we would prefer one parent over the other and anyway, there was nothing to prefer here. She has never been a real mother to us, only a uhm well, as Dima would say, a US Army sergeant. Oh boy, that was sort of funny to think about and he was right… then I sighed. Why was she behaving like this? Wasn’t she happy we finally began to act more like a real family? Status and social class had nothing to do with that, what was going on in her mind? Ugh, couldn’t get it and before getting headache, I decided to leave it.

I flipped the TV channels and in the meanwhile Dima and I chatted a bit over the phone; I laid long on my bed and blushed thinking about yesterday and about what we did here, hmm, I could still smell his cologne on my pillow… oh boy, but it’s been so incredible and uhm well, it almost hurt no more and so I was more relaxed and uhm…my tiger was so intense yesterday and really went deep and boy, I loved it and … stop thinking about it Jasper! You’re turning out worse than Travis! Uhm well, ok, not at that extent, because my friend was really something, but...

A knock on the door interrupted my flow of embarrassing thoughts and then Nic stepped in my room with an obvious surprised and cheerful smile.

“Well Jasper, our father sure changed a lot and I must thank you for this, because seeing how you changed and became more confident, well, he finally decided to confront this matter.” He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back.

“Uhm, it has nothing to do with me, Nic. He just finally realized he had no relationship with us and that we were strangers to each other.” He nodded and sat on my bed.

“But you influenced him in some way, standing your grounds and fighting for your relationship with Dmitri, and can’t even tell you how this is important for me too. We both missed him Jas and he apologized for last winter and said soon he’ll come visit me in Los Angeles.” My brother smiled, then ruffled my hair and looked at my wrist. “Oh, so that’s one of his presents, right?”

I looked at my colorful wrist band; the one Dima gave me yesterday. Oh boy, I totally love it! It had our names on and then the symbols of a skateboard and of a hockey stick. He said he asked for the design and at first my tiger was worried I wouldn’t like because it wasn’t of gold or silver, but I just jumped on his neck and told him to shut up. Yep, I precisely said that. I loved it and it was perfect for me, because I wasn’t really for bracelets and the like, not like Travis. Then told him to get one matching mine, so we went today after school and now we had matching wrist bands and I just couldn’t stop grinning and giggling at the thought. So silly of me, but boy, I was just on cloud nine.

“Yep, he has one matching mine.” I smiled up to my ears and Nic ruffled more my hair. “Oh, tomorrow there is a birthday party for me, Dima and Travis organized it and uhm, you are coming, right?”

“I heard about your party.” He said calmly and I knotted my brows in a questioning way.

“Uhm, Dima told you?”

“No, it wasn’t Dima that told me about that.” Nic passed a hand in his dirty blonde hair and smiled at me rather nervous. “I need to talk to you and tell you something. I am sorry for not having said a word before, but I wanted to be sure before saying anything and I hope it’ll be fine with you.”

I just nodded and sat in front of him, ready to listen, but I was beginning to guess what he might say, even though I wasn’t sure.

“Sure Nic, just tell me whatever you have in mind.” My brother smiled and took a deep breath.

“I found someone I really like and this person likes me back, even though things aren’t really easy.” At those words I felt my lips curving in a wide smile and I just nodded eagerly. “He is younger than me and well, he lives here and you know I live in Los Angeles, but … ahhh…why I keep turning in circles? This is ridiculous and pathetic of me, I’m about to turn twenty-seven.” He exhaled and I giggled. Never saw my brother that nervous. He must really like that person, yep. “Jasper, the person I like is River and I am sorry I didn’t say anything before, I wasn’t keeping it a secret from you because I don’t trust you or anything, but it’s just that..”

I stopped him.

“Nic, you don’t need to be sorry, I think I understand you, especially after what you told me about your ex boyfriend.” At those words his face went harder and I knew that super idiot had created problems to my brother and I wanted to kick his butt for that. “But Nic, I’m super happy for you and uhm well, I sort of noticed you looked at him in a different way and River well, he’s very mature for his age and uhm…very charming.”

He chuckled and shook his head and then pinched my cheek.

“Thank you little brother, what would I do without you? So you really are fine with this?”

I jumped on his neck and hugged him like a little koala.

“Oh boy, sure I am. Well, it’s a bit strange to think that River is dating my older brother, but uhm guys match perfectly. Oh wait, is it official or not?”

“Sort of, since I haven’t asked him directly, even though we call each other often and we went out together already few times, but I wanted to make sure you were ok with this. River said he was fine with waiting and seeing how things were and I believe he wanted to talk to you too, but he’s an exceptional person and believe me when I say I never met someone like him.” It was clear like the light of the day my brother was head over heels for River and even if my friend was someone difficult to read and guess his thoughts, well, I knew he was a mature and great guy, very clever and fascinating.

I think River was the right person for my brother and Nic was the right person for someone like him.

“When are you going to ask him?” I was now sort of hyper at the idea and couldn’t wait to tell Dima. “Oh wait, can I tell to Dima? And Travis?” He burst out laughing and poked my dimples.

“I take you really are fine with his and I am happy about it. Yes, you can tell Dima, but before saying it to anyone else, I want to ask River first and I’ll do that tomorrow night.” Nic smiled and I cheered jumping on my bed.

“Not going out tonight?” I teased him.

“Jasper, tonight it’s just Lucas brothers’ night; and now tell me, what’s the plan for tonight?” Boy, he really was the best brother ever. I hopped off of the bed and grabbed “Frasier” DVDs and beamed at him. He just chuckled and nodded.


Dima and I drove to his place because he wanted to leave his bag there and then grabbed something he needed. Wonder what that could be and when I saw it was another bag, I asked him about, but he said nothing. Right when we were about to leave his house, we met his brother in the hall and the three of us froze there. Uhm well, I froze there, while Dima and uhm, Anatoly stared at each other in a rather awkward and tensed way.

“Taking your pet out for a walk?” He joked and I just rolled my eyes, while my tiger groaned.

“Anatoly…I am warning you.”

“What? It’s true anyway, isn’t it? And it’s your birthday chipmunk, right?”

“I am not a chipmunk.” I stubbornly pointed out glaring at him. He glared back, but didn’t try to seize me or anything and he seemed…different. And how did he know it was my birthday? Maybe he overheard Dima talking about that.

“Well, gotta no time to waste with you and you are doing what? Going to the zoo and feed the unicorns?” I just stared at him wishing to slap his face; uhm well, not that I would do that. He still gave me a rather chilling vibe.

“You could be even funny if it wasn’t for your being an asshole.” Dima snorted. “C’mon baby, let’s go.”

Anatoly rolled his eyes and moved aside and then I jumped out of my skin when he grabbed my arm rather harshly; I froze there and Dima went to react, but we both stopped.

“Well, happy birthday then, chipmunk.” He let go of my arm and walked away.

I stared at his back in complete shock and I just blinked several times. My tiger wrapped his arms around my shoulders and rubbed my cheek with his and I just relaxed immediately and snuggled in his hug.

“I am honestly thinking he must have changed pusher and the new crap he takes are messing with his brain.” He joked, but I knew he was surprised as well. “But hey, you seriously rocked last Sunday, kitty.” His nose rubbed my neck and I shivered. “Now, let’s go or else Travis will kick my ass.”

So we drove to Travis’ and few cars I’d seen in the parking lot were there and uhm well, sort of strange. He opened the door and then Dima covered my eyes and so I tensed.

Oh boy, what they had planned? Because my friend could be really crazy sometimes and uhm well, nothing embarrassed him and my boyfriend, so…oh boy, now I was nervous.

“K baby, just relax and follow us.”

“Yeah cutie, just relax and let us take care of things. You are in our hands.” My friend chuckled and I exhaled.

“That’s what is worrying me….” I mumbled and he chuckled more.

I heard them open the door of the apartment and Travis whistling and then we took few steps and uhm well, guess they took me to living room, but had no idea for sure. I heard few muffled sounds and someone sniggering and giggling and now I was not nervous. Nope. I was way more than nervous.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.

“Ok kitty, at my three.. one, two … THREE!!!” He moved his hands away from my eyes and when I opened them …

OH BOY!!!!


All of my friends were there and most of them jumped on me at once and we fell on the carpet, but that wasn’t what shocked me.

My friends and my boyfriend were completely crazy and out of mind, oh boy…I-I…I couldn’t believe my own eyes.

The whole living room was arranged and decorated with “Star Wars” posters, balloons, decorations, particulars and cardboard’s figures of the main characters, of lightsabers and more. I-I couldn’t believe my own eyes, I couldn’t stop wandering them around the room and then back to my friends and then back to the room and again. I was completely speechless.

But that wasn’t the whole thing.

Oh boy.

They were all dressed up as Star Wars characters and I…oh boy, I just looked at them all in complete shock and … oh boy, this was so embarrassing, but I felt like crying.

“So Jas, what do you say? You like it? We had so much fun in helping Travis, since he’s busy with the ballet thing.” Mike and Andy asked while grinning, dressed up as Jawas, and I spotted Carlos and Stevie grinning and winking, one dressed up like a Jedi and the other like the Emperor, and then Kevin.

“Yeah hottie, it’s been really cool and even funnier trying to find all the costumes.” He was dressed as an Imperial stormtrooper.

Behind my classmate I spotted Hayden and Diane, dressed as Chewbacca and Princess Padme Amidala  and then Shenice and Derek, obviously dressed as Han Solo and Princess Leia, but uhm, she had the long white dress, not the uhm well, small one.

“Cutie dude, say something or we’ll start freak out here, you keep gazing at us with your mouth open.” Derek joked and Shenice slapped his neck. “Ouch sweetie, but it’s true.”

“Yeah Jas, tell us something.” That was Hayden.

“Uhm well…I am…” I stuttered still overly surprised.

“Oh cutie, we had a helluva fun doing all of this and good thing your boyfriend is a living Star Wars bible.” Travis sat in front of me and helped me getting up. He cracked his usual dazzling smile and hugged me. “Happy birthday Jas, may the force be with you.” I noticed he wasn’t dressed up.

“Uhm, you are not dressed.” He cracked another huge smile and hugged me again.

“So you are not going under some major shock. Hell, I was worried about that.” Alex chuckled at that and I noticed he was dressed as Darth Vader, holding the mask in his hands and boy, I think it really suited him.

“He’s going to dress up in a minute; he didn’t want to ruin the surprise for you.” He explained and I just nodded.

I spotted then my brother and River and he winked at me and saw they were dressed up like two Jedi masters and I think Nic was portraying Qui-Gon Jinn, given the long hair and the fact he really liked that character, while River was the young version of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

“Oh boy…this is…” I just kept looking around and spotted Kevin and Derek’s teammate Danny dressed as Lando Calrissian and beside him Xander and Jess, holding hands and dressed like Kevin. A couple of Alex and Dima’ teammates, two guys younger than I was, were dressed as Ewoks and they looked almost comical.

“You like it, baby?” Dima asked me.

I turned around and looked at him and then I jumped on his neck making him stumble back.

“Oh boy, I love it!!!” I burst out, now finally snapping out of my silly daze. “Thank you, tiger, thank you, thank you, thank you….This is just so…I-I love it. I love you and love you all, thanks.”

Dima hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead and heard all our friends howling and whistling and I just went purple. I hid for few seconds in his arms and then turned around and jumped on my best friend’s neck, hugging him for dear life.

“Sorry cutie we couldn’t find the costumes of R2-D2 and C-3PO, since I know they are among your favorite, right? But hey, Alexi and Dima found their posters.” Travis said. “So you like it?”

“Uhm Travis, I love it, I..I…oh boy, I don’t know what to say, thank you. Never had such a birthday and such a surprise..” I felt arms going around me and then Dima rested his chin on my head.

“Well, it’s your eighteenth birthday kitty, of course we had to make something cool.” He grinned. “C’mon, let’s get you and me as well dressed.”

“ are you gonna dress up?”

“You’ll see Jas.” I shook my head and then pulled his head down and kissed him.

“Thank you tiger…”

“Hell, going to dress up too.” Travis smirked and then walked away in that very fluid and elegant way of his.

I walked to Nic and couldn’t help the silly grin on my face.

“Boy Nic, you look so good.” I told him, then turned my eyes on River. “Uhm, you too River. It suits you.”

“Why thank you Jasper and happy birthday.” He hugged and whispered in my ear. “Thank you for not being mad at me. I’ll take good care of your big brother.”

I blushed when he said that, because uhm well, in some way his voice sounded rather playful and mischievous and when I stared at them and at the way they smiled at each other, oh boy, I just couldn’t keep my mouth shut.

“Uhm, in some way it just sounded to me in a double meaning.” Then I clasped my mouth and shifted my eyes away.

“Hmm, I think our crazy Travis is influencing you too much, don’t you think so Nic? But, must say it’s very nice.”

“Yes, must agree with you.” Nic winked and Dima placed an arm on my shoulders.

“Man, I knew it and oh well, I’ll shut my mouth, but who would have thought buddy? We are going to be brothers in law, how cool is that?” I felt my jaw hitting the floor and my brother just chuckled, while River rolled his eyes. “Fine, I’ll keep my moronic comments for myself. But hey, you look good together.”

“Thanks.” River said. I looked at my brother and he smiled at me and I understood he had already asked him and from how things looked, with all chances they were official. And yep, my tiger was right. They looked good together.

“Dima is right, you look great together.” I said, then Travis called me and when I turned I gasped.

Oh boy.

He was the perfect copy of Darth Maul. I stared at him few seconds without saying anything and then giggled. He was just perfect to personify that character, since they both moved in a very wicked and incredible way.

“Now cutie, move your pretty ass and get dressed. We’ll start warming up the party for you.”

“He’s right, come with me.”

Dima dragged me into Travis’s bedroom and when I closed the door behind me, I jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist and he stumbled on the bed. My lips smashed on his and my tongue slipped inside his mouth; he let go of that throaty groan that I loved to hear and his hands fondled my butt quite hungrily. Oh boy, I couldn’t stop kissing him and feeling him so affected and uhm well…turned-on by my kiss, well, it just got me even more excited and bolder. I deepened the kiss and then he pulled back breathing heavy and long, his eyes completely wide.

“Baby…better if we stop here, because it’s your party and we are not exactly alone here and even if I cannot wait to jump you, well, I am afraid Travis will kick my ass if I do it now.”

I giggled and nodded, he was right.

“Sorry Dima, but I just was a little overwhelmed from everything and uhm well, probably a bit more than just a little overwhelmed and boy, for a moment I was about to are all incredible, thank you. Best birthday ever.”

He grinned in that wide and warm way and stroked my nose with his.

“Happy to hear that, I wanted to give you a crazy and special birthday party.” He pecked my lips and nibbled them a moment, having me mewling and melting in his arms. “Ok, better if I behave here. Err, so, wanna see your costume?”

“Oh boy, yes please.” We sat up and then Dima reached for a bag at the end of the bed and opened it and gave me a green lightsaber and a black costume and I widened my eyes in complete awe. “Oh boy, is this…”

“Yep Jas, Luke Skywalker’s costume in “The Return of the Jedi”, ‘cause he’s your favorite character, right? You also love Master Yoda, but liked this better for you…black is really sexy on you..” He smirked again in that very tempting way and I chewed my lower lip, because uhm well…oh boy, I wanted to kiss him again, but he was right about behaving.

“Thanks, I love this costume! And what about yours?”

Dima grinned and wiggled his eyebrows, then stood up and opened another bag, taking out a black outfit and a red lightsaber.

Oh boy. I should have known it. He loved that character and loved the movies about his story.

Dima was going to dress up as Anakin Skywalker in “Revenge of the Sith”.

He winked and we both began to dress up and when I finished with my costume, I turned and I think my heart almost stopped, while my blood melted my veins and my jaw hit the floor.

Oh. Boy.

My boyfriend looked so incredibly and impossibly hot dressed up like that and uhm well…I just stared at him speechless. He stared back at me sort of surprised and then shook his head. Err, something was wrong in my costume? I checked it, but it seemed fine.

“Baby…we honestly better get the hell out of here, because those black and adherent trousers on you and the whole black outfit, well…Jas, you look damn hot. And honestly…let’s get out of here before I do something moronic.” He shook again his head and then grabbed my hand, but I stopped him.



“You look really hot, too.” I bit my lip and then giggled. “So uhm well, you are right. Better if get out of here.”

He stared at me few seconds just blinking and then chuckled and we joined our friends in the living room and oh boy. Travis had turned on the soundtrack of “Star Wars” as music and then I spotted the cake. My friends were crazy, seriously. The cake had the shape of the Millennium Falcon and then beside the cake was a huge Master Yoda doll with a birthday card.

“Oh boy…”

“Oh cutie, you look so hot with this costume on.” Travis jumped on my back and we almost fell down, but Dima caught us.

“Hey, don’t destroy my man, leave that to me.” He joked.

“Dima, you’re turning out worse than Alex, seriously.” Hayden patted his shoulder and then smiled at me. “Well, happy birthday Jas and you really look good in that.”

“Yeah, he’s right. You are adorable, isn’t he?” Diane asked Shenice and they both almost strangled me with a crazy hug.

“Now, ladies…” Dima grunted.

“Happy birthday Jas.” Alex hugged me and I gratefully smiled at him when he didn’t squash me. “You guys look great.” Travis was already beside him and well, they look great too.

“Uhm thank, you too.”

“Yeah, he looks so tempting, doesn’t he?”

“Hmm love, you’re the one looking tempting..” And they were lost in their world.

I giggled and then Dima snaked his strong arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder.

“Well kitty, let’s kick-start your birthday party.”

Yep, let’s kick-start this party!

Author's chit-chat:

So, what do you think? Were you expecting Nicholas to say it that clearly and make it official with River?

And what about Anatoly?

And the party? You liked the idea? Believe me, Jasper loved the idea and Travis and Dima drove me nuts with all the details and etc.. Alexi just gave me an understanding smile.. but hey, we all love Jasper, right? So he deserved a great bday party!

Next chapter.. hehehe))) what about trying brownies and cream??? Not saying more ;-) Going to update soon, no worries!

Until next time xox

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