CH. 26 Brownies plus cream

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Hello dear all, so as I said yesterday, today I am updating a chapter of our kitty and tiger and I really hope you'll enjoy it, because it's rather long, full of emotions, with 3 POVs and well ... you'll see. It's long, but I see you are amazing and enjoy long chapters... THANK YOU!!!!

Let me know what you think with your comments and let me give you all a huge bear-like hug!! :-)))

On the right a fanstastic banner Klovis made for me and I think it's perfect for Jas and Dima, thanks darl, I love it <3 ... Purva194 dear, what do you think? ;-)

Dedicated to all of you and in particular to Jessael as a thank-you for your comments in all of my stories, it's amazing, thanks!

NB: Shout-out in my author's chit-chat, so pay attention to it :-) Thanks!



I sat a moment on an armchair to simply look at my love having a great time with our friends and talking right now to Jess and his man, that Andrews guy. I was still pissed at him and it would take me longer to accept him, but I understood what Travis meant and why he decided to get along with them. My amazing boyfriend understood my view and said he loved me even more for that and that he loved this side of me; I chuckled and shook my head. I sure wasn’t all buddy-like with them, but I tried to behave less icily and I sure never told Travis to stay away from them or got mad.

That would be just so idiotic and pathetic.

I might be jealous and quite possessive of my man, but I sure wasn’t going to order him around or monopolize his time and life; my love was an extremely strong-willed and determined person and as well very enthusiastic, traits that I loved in him. Of course I tended to be overly protective and jealous, he knew that and loved it, but what can I say? We were just perfect for each other and being with Travis only brought me crazy happiness, love and warmth in my heart. River told me he had noticed I behaved slightly less icy and distant with some people, but he specifically underlined the “slightly less” part and yeah, he was right. Well, you cannot completely change your nature, right? You can improve it and sure Travis had an amazing effect on me.

I looked at Dima and thought Jasper had the same effect on him. Not that my friend was like me, absolutely not. Dima was much better than me when it came to relate and socialize, but he had never been serious about anything aside hockey and now he was calling River his future brother in law, so you get what I am talking about right?  My eyes stopped more on my love and damn it, he looked to lose my mind and I felt the need to just take him senseless for hours and so the beast inside me. Oh well, I had few ideas for tonight and bet he was going to love them. Jasper looked at me and smiled and then came over here.

“Hey Alex, resting a bit?”

“Yeah, resting a bit before they drive me nuts. You know how they can be sometimes, right?” Jas giggled and nodded.

“Oh boy, they are crazy, especially Travis and Derek and oh boy, now with Kevin and Jess it’s even crazier.” I chuckled as he was right. Jess was a clown and another hyper person, whom combined with someone like Derek and Kevin, well, it would really drive you nuts. “Hmm, Alex?”


“Uhm well, thank you for today. I know you did a lot, even without having to ask Travis and Dima, so thank you. I’m really having a great time.” He smiled warmly and I smiled back. Yeah, he really was perfect for my buddy.

“No worries Jas, you know I’d do anything for my Travis and my friends.” Jasper blinked at hearing me saying that, as I just called him a dear friend, as that’s how I considered him.

“Boy, thanks..uhm, to think at first I was so scared of you.” He then blushed and waved his hands in front of me. “Oh boy, I mean just at the beginning, before getting to know you better..I mean now it’s different and..”

I laughed and ruffled his hair, easing down his nervous.

“Relax, I got what you mean and well, at first you pissed me off big time for always being so close to Travis.” He widened his eyes in clear shock and that made me chuckle.

“Uhm, like you were, uhm well, jealous of me? And now?”

“Jasper, you are my boyfriend’s best friend and he loves you, and you two look like brothers, so of course I am not jealous. Well, it was just at the very beginning, when I still had to understand I was crazy about Travis; sh!t, it really annoyed me back then, but hey, after a while I got you guys were just friends.”

“Oh, I see. Boy…now I understand why you looked at us with those threatening glares. “ He giggled and quickly looked at Dima.

“You know, Dima was the same with Kevin. I think he had wished to kick his ass every single time your classmate was around you.” It was really funny to see that, what a joke. “Never though my buddy was a jealous guy, but sh!t, he sure is. And Jas, I’m happy you guys are together, honestly happy for you two.”

He stared at me a moment clearly blushing and then cracked a shy smile.

“Boy, thanks Alex. It really means a lot to me and you know, I can totally understand why Travis loves you so much and why they all consider you a great friend.” I went to say something, because I wasn’t very comfortable at these nice-talking things, but he suddenly changed expression and bit his lip as if thinking about something. “Uhm, can I ask you one thing?”

“Sure, what’s that?”

“Dima said you and Anatoly were very close, also with River, right?” I nodded and waited for him to go on. “Uhm well, what happened exactly? I asked Dima once, but I don’t want to press the issue too much with him.”

That was a good question. What happened with Anatoly?

“I don’t exactly know what happened with him; he suddenly changed from one day to another. No wait, that’ not correct.” I sighed. He was a bastard that betrayed all of us and out of the blue began to behave like crap with Dima and his family, then insult River. But I asked myself many times why he changed that much, since I never saw any reason. “He changed completely something like five years ago, right when we began high school, but he wasn’t the way he is now, although that was the start. However River and I noticed something off with him months before and we asked Dima, but you know him. If you think he is dense and clueless now, oh well, you should have known him years ago. Almost worse than Hayden.”

Jasper chuckled and shook his head.

“So uhm, he had some weird behavior?”

“More than weird he just kept alone and avoided our company, especially his brother’s company and treated him rather badly. I confronted him once, but nothing came out of it. Then to be fair, I had my own crap going on, as my own brother had some issues. I don’t think you know about my biological mother and don’t think Travis told you anything.”

“No, I know nothing and never asked him and uhm well, you know him. He would never say anything.” I smiled at that, because it was true.

“Not going to tell you the whole story, but well, she left us out of the blue and my brother didn’t exactly take it well and after a while he sort of began to act like a stupid jock at school, getting into troubles etc. He then met Nichole and that saved his neck.” Jasper looked at me completely surprised and I just gave him time to absorb the news. He then peeked at me shyly and nodded. “Well, as I said, I had my own issues, so I probably hadn’t been the best understanding friend in that moment, but when we tried to talk to him nothing came out, and he actually turned into an aggressive and twisted jerk. He insulted River and Derek, then insulted my family and provoked me in many ways, and not even going to tell you the way he was around his own twin brother and family. It was as if we were looking at another person.”

I paused and thought a moment that it really was strange and absurd, but didn’t know what to make out of it. Anatoly now was just a rotten bastard and nothing more, but I’d be lying to myself if I were to say I didn’t miss him. Well, I used to. Now, he did not exist for me and the way he behaved with that gang was unforgivable.

“Boy…I-I..well I think something might have happened that made him change so much.” My eyes fixed on Jasper and I remembered what Dima told me about last Sunday. He was happy about that and so was I for him and for his family, but I still had my reserves.

“I am sure you are right, but we asked him and we tried to talk to him. Even if he had problems that didn’t justify his actions; he turned into a piece of junk. And you met their parents, they are amazing.”

“Yep, they sure are amazing. It’s just that…when I saw him last Sunday he looked tired, I mean, mentally tired and uhm well, lonely. Uhm well, he still sort of scares me, because he almost sent me to the hospital, but when he admitted he misses Dima and his family, boy Alex, you should have seen Dima.” I turned my eyes at my friend, now engaged in an x-box game with Andy, Michael and Xander. Yeah, he couldn’t believe at that. “And Alex?”


“Uhm, today we met him when we went to Dima’s house and uhm well…he wished me happy birthday.”

I looked at Jasper surprised and shook my head. So was he really coming around?

“Are you serious?”

“Sure, well, he called me chipmunk, but uhm … he didn’t say or do anything bad.” I chuckled at that and he crooked his brows not understanding.

“That’s typical of him Jas. Anatoly is very different from Dima, and he used to be very sharp and sarcastic. Wanna know something completely crazy about him? I don’t know now, but he used to be slightly shy, not like you, but he wasn’t for sure out-going like his twin brother.”

“Oh boy, I cannot even imagine that.”

Yeah, what a joke, that bastard really changed.

“If he changes and comes back, would you forgive him?” Jasper studied my face and I knew why he asked me that question. Dima would eventually forgive his brother, because it was his nature, but for me it was harder.

“I don’t know to be honest; I can’t answer you now, because I don’t know. Betrayal is something I cannot forgive, no matter what, even though he didn’t exactly betrayed us as in selling us out, but it was still a sort of betrayal for me. So sorry Jas, cannot answer you now.”

“Uhm no, no, I understand you, uhm, sorry for asking you something so personal.”

“Hey, no worries Jasper, we are friends, right?” He smiled and nodded and then I felt two arms going around my neck and stopping at my chest and his intoxicating and driving-me-crazy scent filled my senses.

“Alexi, I miss you.” He murmured in my ear grazing it with his lips on purpose. He then walked around the armchair and sat on my laps, and looked between me and Jasper. “Hell, I just interrupted something, right? I’m so sorry, cutie, I’ll move my sexy ass and let you guys talk and..” I stopped him by wrapping my arms around his waist. He wasn’t interrupting anything.

“Boy Travis, you sure didn’t interrupt anything, he is your boyfriend and I have no secrets with you. And uhm well, I asked him a couple of things about uhm, Anatoly.”

“Right baby, stay here. I missed you too.” Travis smiled at his friend and bent over to kiss his cheek and when he moved back, he kissed my lips. God, I so wanted to be alone with him right now.

“Thank you guys, so some other news coming from the dark side of the force?” He asked lacing his arms around my neck.

We told him what happened and he sure expressed surprise far more than I did. He knew already what I thought of Anatoly, because he had asked me the same question and said he understood me, especially after what happened with my mother; Travis confessed he had no idea on how to behave in case the bastard returned to his senses, but admitted he was edgy to give him a punch for what he had done to Jasper. Now I stared at his breath-taking face and at his black pearls, smiling while chatting with his friend; God, I loved him more than my life.


“Man Xander, you rock at this game, how’s that?” I asked the guy in question after his nth victory.

“I play with my brother and my friend loves this game and she seriously kicks butts, but you are good too. It’s hard to beat you.” He was a quiet person, but smart and with sense of humor. Travis had already forgotten what happened in January and he was right in saying that we all have our own time in realizing things. Xander might have been a bit of a coward back then, but he changed and now he was trying his best to cope with being openly gay.

“That’s because my kitty taught me few tricks, he’s awesome with games.”

“I’d say that you suck big time, Dmitri.” Mike poked my side and I rolled my eyes. “And kitty? You guys are so cheesy, seriously.”

“You are the one to talk; I just wiped you last time. And we are not cheesy, we are simply in love.” He snorted and face-palmed.

“Yeah, he’s right pal, he wiped your tight butt.” Andy agreed and then eyed his other friend, midget-Stevie. “It’s rather funny to see that guy messing around with Stevie, because you can tell he’s doing that on purpose.”

“I know! Just having the time of my life seeing Cowboy Dallas teasing the midget.” I laughed and then looked around for my baby and spotted him talking to Sasha and Travis. It was good to see how my best friend got close to Jas.

“You are staring at your man, dude. And wipe your chin…” That was Derek.

“I’m not drooling, I wasn’t thinking about anything dirty. Well, not yet.” I winked and then stood up. “You guys want something to drink?”

“Nah, we are cool. Just go to your boyfriend before you start having the first symptom of abstinence.” I lightly punched Andy’s arm, because I sure couldn’t punch him in the same way I did with Sasha. “What? It’s true man and see? He’s looking at you now.”

I turned my head and met his sweet chocolate eyes and we smiled at each other. I was so happy this party turned out this awesome and I had to thank Travis and Sasha for this, well, to be honest all of our friends, since they all helped. Jasper was so surprised that I knew he was about to cry for the emotion, but he loved it and I couldn’t ask for more. Well, I could ask for something else man, and that was being alone with him and have a bit of his sweet skin with the cream in the fridge and those brownies there on the table. Argh…seriously, you are a moron Dima, but hey, bet he would like the idea, after obviously blushing like a tomato. Oh man, he was so cute when he blushed. Yeah, he would like the idea…he actually confessed he didn’t mind dirty-talking, can you believe it? Not that I would go hardcore, I mean, I didn’t like that. But the little bit just to spice things up? Hmm…with my baby and…

I officially was a moron. I got myself a boner just thinking about that.

I shook my head and walked to them and he jumped up and hugged me tightly. My sexy monkey.

“Hey kitty, having a good time?” I asked sitting down and pulling him on my laps.

“Yep, and we were talking about going to the cinema maybe next week? There is a new movie coming out.”

“Yeah, saw the ads on TV and should be fantastic.” Travis grinned and I nodded.

“Sure man, I’m up for that.” Jasper shifted closer to my chest and so his super fit butt rubbed my hardness. He peeked up at me slightly blushing and I just offered him a smile. He first widened his eyes, but then giggled and you know what this teaser here did? He just bent on the side of my head and bit softly my earlobe.

“Bad tiger…bad, naughty tiger.” He whispered, still brushing me.

Oh crap, I had to gulp down to prevent saying something idiotic. Travis obviously guessed, sure he did, that horny dog, and smirked amused. He then stood up and asked his man to dance a bit, and so left us alone.

“Baby, you better behave or else I am so going to jump you later.” I told betraying my state of hormones with the huskiness of my voice.

“Uhm well, then I shouldn’t behave…” He said locking his fingers in my hair and stroking them. Damn, he knew me too well.

“Err, Jas..seriously.. I’m staying with you tonight, but your parents are around and sure don’t fancy to have them hearing or catching us.” The idea was actually not embarrassing, but rather weird. His father might be cool, but his mother? Not so sure and didn’t want to get my boyfriend into troubles.

“Well tiger, my parents will be home late, because they have to attend a dinner with Shenice’ parents for some charitable event.” I gripped his sides and had him straddling me. We exchange a long and rather burning look and he then blushed.

“You telling me we have free house for few hours?”


Now I really couldn’t ask for more.

He nodded and pecked my lips.

“Man, so going to jump your bones kitty, err, I mean, sorry for being not so romantic, so I meant, so going to make love to you for hours and hours and..hmm..” His lips shut me up and I let my hands travel on his back and then pressed him on me completely and wow…was he bursting, too. The problem was that when I felt his tongue slipping in my mouth and going deep immediately, oh crap, I growled rather loud and then broke the kiss. I was getting too hot. “Sorry Jas, but you are seriously driving me nuts and wow…when you kiss me like that well, let’s say you turn me on big hell time.”

He giggled and just stroked my nose with his.

“It’s all your fault baby, you affect me too much.”

“Oh say it again.” I asked and he arched his brown in a question. “Say again baby, I love when you call me like that, like when you call me tiger. It’s sexy on your lips.” He blinked a bit and then tilted his head to the side, smiling that super sweet and warm smile.

“Uhm, I like when you call me like that too and uhm well, kitty.”

They could say we were cheesy, but couldn’t care less. I just loved my kitty too much and loved to be cheesy and corny with him, since he sure didn’t mind it.

“Hey love birds, going to join us or simply plan to stay here and flirt and dirty-talk the whole party?” Hayden slumped in the seat beside us with Diane and then River and Nic.

“We weren’t dirty-talking.” I said.

“Sure, we all believe you Dima.” River teased. “Now, I’ll take your boyfriend for few minutes, since I want to dance with him.” He winked and pulled Jasper up on his feet.

“You stealing my man?”

“You can complain with my man about that.” My friend smirked and then walked away with Jas.

“Seriously Nic, you have quite the guy in your hands.” I told him shaking my head and chuckling. I saw them before and thus wasn’t saying anything tactless or moronic now; it was clear they were officially a couple.

“River is exceptional; that is true.”

The party went on for hours, almost until eight in the evening, when we all decided it was time to let those horn dogs have the place all for themselves. Jokes aside, we helped Travis in cleaning and tidying up the place, because his mother had been awesome to give us the apartment for the day. Then the crazy dude shoed us out and said not to worry about that and to relax; he was going to finish everything later with Sasha.

River and Nic left earlier than everyone else, but could understand them, and I honestly couldn’t wait to be alone with my man. Before leaving I remembered something and reached Travis in the kitchen.

“Hey Travis, mind if I steal something from your fridge?”

“Hell, not even asking what that might be. Already know it.” He smirked and motioned for me to go ahead. “I believe we won’t need it tonight, I think my sex beast has something else in mind.”

“Man, I’m not asking because seriously, you guys are just out of mind.” I scratched my hair and Travis winked and left the kitchen. I opened the fridge and got what I needed and then spotted those brownies on the counter and alright, he won’t mind that either, right? I stuffed everything in my bag and walked back to the living room. “What are you going to do tonight, aside the obvious?”

Sasha gave me a crooked look, but then shook his head as to say “I give up with you.”

“What else should we do aside the obvious, right Alexi?”

Why did I even ask?

“We are actually going out later with his brother and Nichole, since they found a new interesting club. Want to join us?”

“Oh boy, I’d love that, but if I stay out so much, as dad said, we might risk the third world war in my house.” Kitty rolled his eyes and then leaned on me.

Right, that and because I knew he wanted to be alone with me.

“Yeah, sure…and let’s say you guys cannot wait to be alone.” Travis winked at me and I just blinked as asking if he could read minds. Seriously, sort of eerie.

“Boy Travis…”

“Alright, I’ll see you on Monday, since tomorrow afternoon I have dance practice.”

“See you guys, enjoy your evening.”

“We sure will, no worries.” Sasha smirked and yeah, you can guess what sort of smirk that was.


Now we were finally alone in Jasper’s room and he was taking a shower, while I sprawled on his bed flipping the channels on the TV. I had already showered and we just didn’t take one together simply because if we did, I’d have jumped him in there and well, didn’t want to freak him out. And sex in the shower wasn’t exactly the most comfortable when you were at the beginning, even if my baby sure had damn talent for that, yep.

Now that I think about it, I never did it in the shower, so wow, something else to try with my kitty. I grinned like a moron and just chuckled.

I flipped more channels, nothing much on, but right, who cared about TV. I spotted the stereo and went to select a CD; he still had on the one we listened for his birthday, so I press ON and the music filled the air and right in that moment my kitty opened the door of the bathroom and walked into the room. Oh crap. Was he absolutely tempting with his hair still damp from the shower, wearing just a pair of jeans rather loose on his hips that let me tell you, made him look really hot and sexy. He stopped and grinned at me and without having the time to realize, he ran and jumped on my neck.

“Hmm tiger, I really like this CD.” He nuzzled his head on my collarbone and our skin rubbed together, having me groaning for the exciting feeling it gave.

None of us was wearing a shirt or t-shirt, and what’s the point anyway? My hands skimmed his vanilla scented skin and while I inhaled and ran my nose on his neck, they travelled down and found his really yummy and fit butt; I cupped his butt cheeks and pulled him up. His eyes teasingly smiled at me and then his tongue playfully licked my lips.

“Argh, Jas…keep doing this and not going even to consider foreplay.” I bit my tongue for my lack of tact and romanticism. “Sorry kitty, didn’t mean to sound like a jerk or..ouch!” He just bit my earlobe rather harshly. “Quite a habit you have bab… hmm…” And now I was about to melt down. I folded his butt harder and sat down on the bed because this was turning me into a pool of horny Dmitri. He was now teasing it between his teeth and lips, while his hot tongue followed the line and then…oh man…it just deepened inside and I groaned so freaking loud. Good thing we were alone in the house; alright, without his parents and Jasper told me that Maria and Thomas had their rooms in the basement.

I was by now so hard you have no idea.

“Dima...” He breathed in my ear. “I am a guy, not a girl and so I don’t care if you are blunt and not romantic…I love this side of you.”

“Argghh…” I growled, going flat on my back and grabbing hard his thighs. “Jas, you are turning me on so damn much…”

He just licked slower my ear and then continued on my neck, alternating soft pecks with playful bites and I was about to go insane, as my blood was thundering in my head and in my buddy downstairs and my breathing was so heavy that I had to swallow the growing wave of pleasure and desire crushing in me. I wanted Jasper so much. His hips and groin grinded on mine and I tossed back my head, gritting my teeth and groaning more when he slipped lower on me and began to leave a teasing trail on my chest, his hands tasting the muscles of my biceps.

“Hmm Dima…I really like your arms and your abs.” The tip of his tongue teased my nipple few times, while his fingers found my abs and began to slowly study the lines of them.

I peeked at him tilting my head forward and damn, I think I almost burst out when our eyes met and he gave me a really not-so-shy smile. Jas kept smiling at me and then slipped lower on me, until he reached the end of the bed and sat in front of me, massaging my thighs. I swallowed down and his fingers ran on the waist band of my jeans and popped the button open, then pulled down the zipper.

“Baby…” I tried to say, because this was terribly hot, right, but not sure he was comfortable with this. I mean, it’s Jasper and he is… oh f*ck.

He stood up and bent over to kiss me and this time I damn took control over it, twirling my tongue around his rather harshly and deepening it in his mouth, fisting his hair and hearing my own growls echoing in the room. My kitty let out a deep and crazily sexy moan and twisted on me, reaching with one hand the front of my jeans and slipping it right inside my overly tight boxer. Oh darn…when his fingers first brushed me and then grabbed me…I just kissed the light out of my man and my hips buckled up meeting his fist.

Jas mewled in my mouth and then I felt his lips smiling on mine and he pulled back from the kiss, but I stopped him.

“Jas, where are you going?” Oh man, my voice sounded so hoarse.

“Uhm..nowhere baby..” His sweet chocolate eyes gleamed and winked and I felt my blood boiling inside.

His pupils were dilated and bet so were mine and his breath caressed my lips; he tasted so sweet, how can someone taste so incredibly sweet? How can someone look so damn sexy and hot like he did? Good God, I must have done something great in my other life to deserve someone like Jasper. He bent on my lips and simply softly pecked them, now with his lips, and now with the tip of his tongue, while his hand kept stroking me slowly, but intensely. And man, that felt so good.

I closed my eyes savoring his touch and I heard him giggle and the sound just had my heart going crazy; his hand was strong around me and couldn’t help myself from jerking on it, following his rhythm. I felt again him shifting lower on me and I kept my eyes close, because I’m telling you, this felt incredible. I think he hesitated a moment, I could guess that by the way he moved around and breathed, but then straddled me and freaking darn, he stopped stroking me, but he just pulled down my jeans and underwear.

My eyes jerked open and my hands went on his wrists. He looked at me so determinate and intensely that I let go of his arms.

“Hey kitty, what..” He pressed a finger on my lips.

“Uhm…” He bit his lip and then smiled. “I want to try something, so just lay there.”

I shut my mouth and just stared at him and he reared back going with his feet on the floor and again he was on his knees in front of me. I had to close my eyes and clenched my fists to keep relatively calm and then count to millions, but screw that; he said he wanted to try something and I shouldn’t behave like a douche and embarrass him. I wanted to try new things with him too, so no need to feel surprised, I already knew he was terribly bold during love-making. I opened them and peeked at my man there and let me tell you something. That was an insane turn-on.

His hands travelled my jeans and then pulled them down completely along with my boxers and so now I was completely naked in his hands. Oh baby, just do whatever you want to me. And of course my mouth just spoke without filtering.

“Jas baby, just do to me whatever you want…” I growled out, fisting the covers.

I felt his fingers on my skin and then … f*ck, I felt his mouth and tongue around me. I had to look because this was out of mind and the way he twirled his gifted tongue around my pulsing length and the way his lips teased me, well, that was beyond words. Jasper was incredible in that and man, just the best. I saw his head bobbing back and forth on me, while his hands grabbed my hips rather strongly, telling me to control my bucking up and that increased my desire, by now burning lust, because feeling him so confident and sort of commanding, man, it turned me on like hell.

His lips followed his tongue and he pulled back, for then taking me deeper, joining his mouth with his hand and by now I was growling and my hips couldn’t stay still; his tongue flicked on my head several times and his hand gripped me stronger. I bit my lip tasting blood and sat up sinking my fingers in his hair. He only used his mouth as his hands went on my sides and soon I felt that tingling and crushing sensation travelling crazy in me and pleasure took hold of all my senses.

“Jas, let go, I…ahhh…f*ck…baby …I’m close..” I went to pull his head away, but he grabbed my wrists.

“Wanna try something.” I heard him around me and when hollowed his cheeks around my length another time, passing his tongue in that mind-blowing way, well, I just slumped back on the bed and came so freaking hard that for a moment I thought of passing out; I had the very brilliant idea of watching Jas on me, swallowing down and man that threw me on another crazy peak.

“Oh Jas…ahmm…f*ck.” It literally crushed on me and I convulsed and slumped back breathing hard and deep. I think it was the first time I basically came twice with just head. Scratch that; it was the first I came twice ever. kitty sure was amazing. He let go of me and I felt his hot skin on mine. When I opened my eyes, his were looking at me in the most sweet and satisfied way.

“Uhm well…so?”

I breathed deep a couple of times before answering because I was still slightly shivering for the climax. Our eyes simply stared at each other and I loved to see that expression on his face.

“So, you ask? Kitty, you just made me burst something like two times..have your idea.” Right, listen to my voice. He smiled and pecked my lips and I immediately let my tongue in his mouth, tasting myself on him. It should feel gross right? Well not, wow! It felt hot.

“Was good then?” He asked genuinely curious.

Seriously, he had to understand the awesomeness of his talents.

“Good? Baby, it’s been stellar and this doesn’t even cover it. How can you be so amazing? Man Jas, you just blew my mind.” He giggled and gave my lips butterfly like kisses.

We stared at each other while my breathing and heart leveled down, but instead of calming down, I was getting hotter in feeling his soft skin on mine. I smirked and caged him in my arms and when he gasped for the surprise, I rolled us on the bed, having now him under me.

“Hmm..” My nose travelled his neck and my teeth softly grazed his skin. “You smell so good monkey.”

“Hmm…” He just mewled and his hands were on my back, stroking my muscles. I pulled back and sat on my knees and he snorted for the lack of touch.

“I think we have some clothes too much here…” I opened his jeans without many compliments and yanked them down along with his underwear. I wasn’t being harsh, simply burning with desire for my boyfriend and in all answer he bucked his hips up and let me undress him.

I loved his body, with lean muscles and soft skin, with his perfect and super sexy six-pack and his really ready and hard length. I loved it and it felt so good.

“Have I ever told you how hot and sexy you are, Jas?” He slightly blushed and bit his inner cheek, shifting his gaze away. “You really are and I love you so much that I might turn crazy for it.”

“I love you too…boy, so, so, so much!” He whispered looking straight in my eyes.

I let my hands travel his body, from his hips to his chest and then down his abdominals and up again to his collarbones and arms. He arched his back at my touch and our lengths rubbed together and I was already about to burst; my fingers wrapped around them and he moaned out quite loudly, sending shivers down my spine. I loved to hear him, it was such an undoing. I watched him twisting around with his eyes closed and his mouth open and my hand stroked faster because this was really the mind-blowing view and he panted out my name sinking his nails in my forearms.


Oh crap…did it feel good. And again I felt like combusting, but I slowed down and only stroked my man, but then stopped when that idea hit me. He opened his eyes and tilting his head on the side he looked so sexily cute with his messy hair and dilated pupils.

“Now it’s me wanting to try something, Jas.” I smirked and he just looked back at me not understanding. I leaned over him and brushed our lips together. “You are so sweet that I am dying to see how it tastes on you.”

“Uhm, taste what?” He asked slightly nervous and I grinned at him.

“No worries, nothing weird or hard, you know me Jas.” He smiled and nodded. I stretched on the side of the bed and grabbed the bag, looking inside and I felt Jasper under me trying to peek at what I was looking for. And then I found it and found also the small box with the brownies.

Hmm…brownies and cream with my super sweet Jasper…yummy. Really addicting.

“Found it.”

I pulled back and when I showed the whipped-cream and brownies to him, he went bright red and I hid his face under a pillow.

“Oh boy, Dima..”

“What baby? You are so sweet that...can I?” I snatched the pillow and grinned at him and he exhaled a timid breath and nodded. I took a piece of brownie and placed it on his lips. I leaned down and tasted it on them. “Hmm, really yummy and sweet.” He shivered under me and let out a muffled moan when I passed my tongue on his lips. “Yes, very yummy. So kitty, can I?”

“Ok, I uhm well…want to try that too.” I smirked and took another piece of brownie and this time he pushed himself up and stole with his lips from my fingers. “Uhm yep..yummy indeed.” I think I almost lost it when my eyes crossed his. “More?”

I smirked and grinned wider and held a bite of brownie between my teeth and wow, that tasted dangerously sweet with him, tasting like dark chocolate. We lost ourselves in a really heated kiss and he wrapped his arms around me, our bare skins touching. I pushed us down on the bed and then shook the can and squeezed a bit of cream on his neck. Oh crap…this was really something addicting. Jasper and cream…man…He mewled and sank his fingers in my hair pulling them. Hmm…my sweet Jasper. I sprayed more on his warm and soft skin, on his collarbone and down his chest, and followed the delicious path with my mouth.

He twisted more under me and his legs wrapped around me, yanking me closer. Argh, when he acted so bold I felt like jumping him. He whispered something to me and I looked at him.

“Uhm, can I try it too, tiger?” I widened my eyes and he smiled, stealing the can of cream. He sprayed a bit of it on my finger and oh crap. His lips went around it and slowly pulled it out and I think my heart almost broke my ribcage while my blood fused my veins. “Yep, you were right, very yummy and sweet.”

He repeated the same thing, but on his finger and offered it to me.

Crap. I felt my control snapping. Jasper was too hot and teasing for his own good.

I tossed the can of cream away and pushed him flat down on the bed and straddled his hips, just paying attention not to squash him down with my weight. He gasped in surprise and widened his eyes, but when they met mine, he smiled and locked his fingers behind my neck, pulling my head down; I kissed him so hard and long that we both stopped because breathless and panting heavy. I pulled back a moment to admire his body and then teased him with soft and light kisses, having him tossing around and sexily grinding on me and grazing my skin with his fingers.

Hmm..I loved that.

It was incredible to drive him crazy with just this, because Jasper was all mine; no one else ever heard him or saw him like this. On one knew how addicting and amazing my man was..and it was me driving him crazy. And you have no idea how that felt empowering and deep, yeah man, because I mean, it wasn’t just pleasure. I loved Jasper and making love was something I could not explain fully…it was so wow!!! And I was so happy it all happened only with my kitty.

I descended lower and felt his fingers pulling my hair stronger and then when I closed my lips around him, he jerked his hips up and tossed his head back, breathing loudly and raw, just like my growls. He tugged my hair and I peeked at him and I was struck by his intense glance.

“Tiger, please, make love to me, I really want you..”

Could I refuse such a request? Oh man, sure not, but hey, I wouldn’t refuse anything to Jas.

I passed my tongue over him slowly another time watching his eyes burning for me and then teased him with a couple of fingers, and that believe me it took all of my concentration and restrain, because couldn’t wait to have him, but wasn’t going to behave like an insensitive jerk. He twisted around and then I let go and he granted me complete access. I leaned over him and while I captured his lips for a very deep kiss, I thrust inside completely.

“Oh f*ck…” I hissed on his lips. “You feel so amazing..”

“Hmm…” He mewled clutching my waist with his sexy legs and pulling me closer. Wow, he was to seriously go nuts here. To think he normally was shy. Right, sure not with me.

When I was sure he was ok, I began to move and oh man, was he incredible in the way he grinded and flexed his muscles following me, allowing me deeper. It started slow and not very intense, but the more we went on, the more I felt like going deeper and more intense, wanting to be one thing with Jasper, and going faster and having more. So our rhythm increased and when our eyes locked together, he pushed my shoulder back toward the side and pushed himself up, making me understand something that had me go insane.

We somehow rolled and I found myself laying on my back with Jasper riding me.

The view almost had me lose it; he was there with his stomach and abdominals flexing at the moves of his hips, allowing me completely buried in him, his hazel hair messed up and a drop of sweat rolling down his collarbone. He tangled his hands with mine and just went on and on and I just followed with my hips and thrusts, feeling my senses going to some maddening points of high and pleasure; I closed a moment my eyes to just feel it around me and feel his moves and rotation on me. Wow…never felt in this way. It was about to literally make me explode. The way he was going around, man…just wow.

“Hmm…Dima..ahh..” He breathed out and I just increased my intensity, going deeper.

But I had to touch him and so let go of his hands and grabbed his hips, somehow guiding him, but not completely, as I loved him being so bold and in control. We kept staring at each other breathing heavy and deep, then the rhythm increased and he placed his palms on my chest and I knew we both were so close...we both moved faster and more lost in the action and soon I felt like bursting and I wrapped one hand around him and in no time we both rode at the same time our high out so incredibly long.

“Ahh…Jasper…” I groaned seeing stars for the intensity of it.

He just mewled more and felt him hot on me and then suddenly collapsed on my chest, breathing very loud and heavy. I shuddered more falling down from it and then slumped back exhausted, matching my breathing with his; I had never felt such pleasure in my entire life. My eyes were wide open and so my nostrils. He felt so warm and still slightly trembling and I wrapped my arm around his back, wanting to feel him even closer.

Man … wow…even better than our other times…wow.

So intense and mind-blowing.

Jasper shifted and I pulled out carefully, then he peeked at me with those super sweet chocolate eyes and man, I melted there in his hands.

“Jas kitty, you ok?” I asked seeing his pupils still dilated and his face flushed.

He grinned and giggled pecking my lips.

“Boy, definitely more than ok. Oh boy, this time had been so..uhm well, so intense and uhm well, hot.” He blushed and looked at me with a timid but very tempting expression.

“Oh baby, that’s been sure hot as hell.” I agreed and pulled his face closer. I felt again desire coursing through me while running my hand on his back. “Jas, when are your parents actually coming back?”

“Uhm, I guess not before one, why?” I smirked at that and he widened his eyes when he understood what I meant.

“Great, ‘cause kitty, not going to let you be for few hours.” He gasped and playfully pulled my earlobe giggling. He leaned down on it and whispered.

“Bad tiger…really bad and naughty tiger.”


I had been thinking so much on what to do, because this was really tearing me in pieces and I couldn’t take it anymore. My life had reached a point in where something had to be done and the idea of leaving my house honestly scared me; yes I was a coward and I darn knew it and it was pathetic and that was clear too as I was disgusting, but couldn’t bring myself from leaving completely my family. Why do you think I didn’t pack and leave even if I was already eighteen? Because I was sh!t scared of it.

That scary bastard was right, even if it irritated to admit it, but he was right.

Only two choices were left and when I finally stopped a moment to reflect honestly on everything, it all crushed down on me and almost broke me. I had ruined everything and made everyone hate me and for what? Because I was a young kid scared of my own feelings and so what I thought to do? Blame my brother and friends for that, keeping them in distance, because deadly afraid they would find out and hate me and label me for what I was, a sick and disgusting freak. But there wasn’t much to do about that. It wasn’t possible to control it and it was scaring me. How could you love and want your own twin brother? It scared me so much, and then talking to that person did not help; it actually made it worse. And now? Was I still feeling the same? I had no idea, but don’t know…I just wanted Dima to be my brother again, my best friend and that incredible dense dofus he was.

Yes, I missed my brother like the air and I missed my family and my friends. I missed Sasha and River, and even that clown of Derek. I missed everyone like you have no idea.

I thought about what that annoying midget said and I knew he was right and the way my brother reacted…he really missed me. I had no idea he was feeling in that way, but don’t know, since that Sunday, when the chipmunk irritated the hell out of me, well, the atmosphere in the house was different and it was as if my eyes saw things for the first time. Yeah, I understood why Dima was so crazy about that Jasper; he might be an annoying little thing that irritated me every time he blushed, but he sure had guts and sure loved my brother enough to confront someone that had beaten the crap out of him two years ago.

Oleg was so right about everything I had to take a decision, make a choice.

That bastard. He sure knew how to handle a bike and he was incredible. I didn’t want to admit it, but that Sunday I had an amazing time and I tried to bug him again for another ride and he took me to a circuit outside New York last Sunday.

I winced and coughed, holding my ribcage in the hope nothing was broken. The pain was so intense that even my blood pulsing was hurting me, let alone breathing. I should have known it, that was the price, but darn it, sure didn’t expect to be this much. I rested the back of my head on the wall, hoping no one on the street will see me in this pathetic state. Broken lip, swollen eye, bruises and probably some broken bones. Right, utterly pathetic for me. I winced and cursed more.

Yeah, I had taken that decision and it cost me no little pain, but I felt so much better. What worried me was the fact that troubles weren’t over. I remembered what Oleg told me and I shook my head, figuratively, because couldn’t really move my neck without causing a biting stream of pain invading my body. Why I had to think about him so much? Since my father stuck that scary and impassive bastard to me, I had these crazy thoughts and it all began to mess me freaking up, just like meeting again that chipmunk.

Oh well, at least I finally found a bit of guts to take the f*cking decision.

I cursed in my head and coughed more, feeling more pain. I had to move from here, couldn’t stay on an alley leaning against a wall and on a dirty street for too long. But I couldn’t move and obviously my phone wasn’t working.

Then it happened something I never expected to happen.

Damn it, why him?

“A-Anatoly? Oh boy, is that you? What happened?”

That chipmunk, Jasper, stood at the entrance of the alley looking at me with a pale face and wide eyes. Beside him were two guys; one with dark blonde hair and a sneering and hateful face and then a taller guy with white-bleached hair, very attractive, and studying me with intense black eyes.

Jasper walked to me and his friend with blonde hair stopped him, but the other guy shook his head and walked towards me too.

“Anatoly, what happened?” My brother’s pet stopped in front of me and then squatted down and when he saw better my face, he gasped and I saw his hands trembling. “Oh boy, a-are you ok?”

“Why do you care, Jazz?” The blonde one sneered.

The other one just kept quiet and went close to Jasper, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. He studied me with really hard and piercing stare and then looked at him.

“Hey cutie, we are here, so relax and calm down. Stevie, maybe it’s better if we call for help. This peanut-size-brain here seems in rather bad conditions.”

Peanut-size-brain?? Who the heck was this one?

“Travis, Jasper? Who cares, let him be and rot there.”

“Steven.” The Travis guy said. Oh, Travis, right. Sasha’s man.

Jasper snapped his head at his friend and I looked shocked at the determination and intensity that his eyes blazed.

“Stevie, he’s Dima’s brother, my boyfriend’s brother. I cannot live him here like this. I cannot do it.” He turned his eyes on me again. His words echoed non-stop in my head. “What happened?”

He stared at me almost burning a hole in my forehead and I cringed at the sudden fit of pain, couching blood for a cut inside my mouth; he gasped and Travis grabbed his cell phone.

“Tell us what happened, Anatoly.” He said rather coldly and authoritatively. Yeah, he sure was perfect for the mighty Sasha.

I looked at him and then shifted my eyes on Jasper and looking straight in his face I somehow munched out the words.

“I left the gang.”

Author's chit-chat:


So, what do you think of this chapter? I am sure we had 3 main intense parts, right? Anyone expecting the Alexi POV? Anyone expecting such a turn of events for Tolya?

Hehehe))) hope you enjoyed the time of our kitty and tiger, because they sure did.

Now, we left hurt and bruised Anatoly there with Jasper, Travis and Stevie. What will happen in the next chapter? He, not going to tell you know ;-) But going to update very soon!!!

Until next time xox

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