💀Mystery/Thriller Winners💀

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Good morning to everybody!

Hopefully you are having a mesmerizing day.

I would like to express my ginormous gratitude to the wonderful judges,  ArtKirklandIsStress and  ivishlavender

First and foremost, the mystery/thriller results are up at last. Who is excited as I am? 

Let's hop up to the top 3 winners along the honorable mentions/runner-ups.

First place winner goes for RishikaBaweja9

Sane or Not? 

Title (5/5): I give it a five out of five, for it instantly draws the reader's attention, and toys with the natural curiousty of a person with a question, drawing them to read it. I do wish the 'not' was capitalized though, but that's more or less just something that likely pesters solely me. 

Cover (5/5) Another five out of five, it gives off the impression of a book filled to the brim with mystery, and perhaps even horror, and it certainly conveys the same theme. It is pleasing to the eye to look at, and whilst bright colours draw the reader's attention, muted colours keep it. 

Blurb (5/5) Once more, a full five out of five. Two mysterious quotes at the beginning leave the reader thirsting to know more, and a small description just pushes that thirst. Just as with the cover and title, the blurb is done very cleverly, it is not a wonder this book has over five thousand reads. 

 Grammar/Punctuation (10/10) There may be the odd spelling error, but that is merely a human error in typing, for this author is absolutely brilliant at English, it seems. I catch on to grammatical issues fast, yet found none here. 

 Writing Style (10/10) Whilst it does not appear to be all that unique, it still keeps the reader on the constant brink of a cliffhanger, with cleverly embedded side thoughts and small hints at major plot points in italics. It is very enjoyable and fascinating to read. 

 Character Development (10/10) I must be plainly honest, I have not seen any in the five chapters I am required to read, but I sense it may come in future chapters. Though at the same time, with the current mood of the story, none seems to be necessary, and I cannot deduct points if there is nothing negative.

Plot/Storyline (9/10) The plot is not uncommon, for there is not much to explore in the theme of mystery, almost everything haven been done already, but there is a difference in the way it is conveyed. This is definitely an organized and thought-through plot and storyline, so I congratulate the author for that. 

Overall Enjoyment (15/15) There is nothing bad about this story in the least. It is interesting, thought-through, eye-catching and enjoyable. I have to give full points in this area. Though I cannot say something specific that struck me at first, the overall feel of the book is wonderful. 

Total Score (69/70)

Second Place goes for queensalsabeel

Can One Keep A Secret? 

Title (5/5)The title isn't as commonly used as many that would be fitting for this story, and I find when the title is in a form of a question, the reader is naturally drawn to it, to find out the answer to this ultimate mystery. 

Cover (5/5)The cover itself leads to a reader bursting with theories and questions. It is done in a very creative way, and certainly keeps up with the mood of the story.

Blurb (5/5)The blurb gives a feel of an action-packed movie trailer, one that you watch whilst constantly on the edge of your seat, be it only a sneak peak of what is actually inside. 

Grammar/Punctuation(9/10)There are very few grammatical/punctuation errors, and those seem to be the result of rushing ahead with the story, for the author clearly has a vast knowledge of the English language.

Writing Style (9/10)It is one of those writing styles in which nothing is wrong, or bad, but there is simply nothing, well, striking about it either. Perhaps after more even more experience with writing, the author will find themselves drawn to a specific style, or use of words, for the potential is there. 

Character Development (10/10)In the five chapters I was meant to read, I have not seen any, but if the blurb tells the truth, then this exciting adventure of a story should definitely see some, and I trust the author can write it well. 

 Plot/Storyline (10/10)The plotline is solid and interesting, with it branching out in different directions, but all those branches clearly belong to the same tree. It is not hurried, and it is not too slow, either. It is, in the words of Goldilocks, just right. 

Overall Enjoyment (15/15)The anticipation in this story is constantly high, yet not enough for the reader to tire of it. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story, and will likely get back to it after this contest of my own will. For a story of mystery, it is wonderful and fitting for the genre. 

Total (68/70)

It is a tie with Yuthika2002

Title: A fox in the snow* 

 Title: 5/5 

Cover: 5/5 

Blurb: 5/5 

Grammar/Punctuation: 10/10 

Writing style: 10/10 

Character development: 9/10 

Plot: 9/10 

Overall enjoyment: 15/15 

 Total: 68/70 

 Review: I love the way you have imagined the whole story including the kingdom, location, costume and the fictional characters. There was no logical mistake since you have a very good idea about history. Description of each character and the relationship between them was so adorable. Grammar was on point and the selection of words were perfect. Overall, it was an amazing book, keep it up!

Third place goes for OutgoingLoner_7


 Title (5/5)I do not wish to be rash, but this title is frequently seen plastered on books, but it is in no way a bad one. It leaves the reader wondering many things by a simple glance at it, and many succumb to their curiousty. 

 Cover (5/5)If a myseterious aura was wished to be conveyed, that wish was certainly fullfilled. I have always personally preferred covers in muted colours and greys to bright ones. It is simple, even minimalistic, but it appears perfect. 

 Blurb (4/5)It definitely spoils some matters for the reader, especially the naming of the person 'Chris'. I believe it would do more good to keep him nameless in the blurb as a surprise for the readers, but it otherwise does leave the reader aching to know more, which is a blurb's purpose. Very short and direct, I must say. 

 Grammar/Punctuation (9/10)Upon first glance, the story seems to have not a problem with grammar or punctuation except for the occasional human error, yet there are some missing commas, though most would not notice those, therefore it is not much of an issue. 

 Writing Style (10/10)It is quite unique, the author uses expression and analogies one would never expect, and otherwise there is nothing specific about it worth mentioning. 

 Character Development (10/10)In the five chapters I have read, there seems to be not much of character development, except for the main character fleeing from her aunt, and it is clear there is a build up for a blossoming relationship between her, and the bully Chris. 

 Plot/Storyline (10/10)There seems to be a lot of build up for something major, yet the plotline remains solid with no loose and fraying ends, and it seems all will come together at a point in time. 

 Overall Enjoyment (14/15)It is a rather enjoyable story to read, with many new plotpoints introduced early on in the story. I do not see anything that should be really changed in it, for what may be seen as an improvement may actually worsen something. 

 Total (67/70)

And the honorable mentions are:

First Honorable mention:

 Flawless Facade by SpinAroundWords

 Title: 5/5 

Cover: 5/5 

Blurb: 5/5G

rammar/Punctuation: 10/10 

Writing style: 9/10

 Character development: 8/10 

Plot: 9/10 

Overall enjoyment: 13/15 

 Total: 64/70 

 Review: I loved the first chapter so much, especially the way you have started and ended it. The phrases you have used were amazing, literally every paragraphs were written very beautifully. At the same time it was also the only mistake you made in the book. You have written the phrases all at once, maybe you can reduce them. Otherwise it was a greaaat book! I imagined every sentence as I read :)

Second Honorable mention goes for

Frozen Grimore by A_K_Villanueva

Title (4/5)Whilst the title is certainly unique, it is far too long and overwhelming. Upon first glance, the reader instantly gets confused and even misled. My advice is to perhaps shorten it, and make it less confusing. 

 Cover (4/5)The colours are very bright, therefore successful in drawing the reader's attention, though it is slightly overwhelming, but otherwise nicely put together. 

 Blurb (5/5)The blurb is incredibly interesting and fascinating, so if the reader was drawn to find out what was behind the title, they would definitely stay because of the blurb.

Grammar/Punctuation (10/10)The grammar is certainly spot on, as well as the punctuation, I see no issue in it, except, as always, the occasional human error. 

 Writing Style (8/10)The style is certainly unique and unmatched, but there are so many details, it leaves many readers confused as to what is actually occuring, and many long paragraphs can be skimmed, and be understood in the same manner. I understand the wish to make the world of the story hyperrealistic for the reader, and it certainly fulfills it, but there is such a thing as putting too many details, for sometimes it is best to leave some matters for the imagination. 

Character Development (9/10)I saw no character development in the five chapters I have read, or perhaps I have simply not noticed it. I did not get the sense of a build up for one, yet once again, perhaps it is there, and it has escaped my attention.

Plot/Storyline (9/10)A solid plotline exists, but due to the overwhelming details, is commonly overlooked. The storyline was clearly thought through, and the author clearly knows exactly where it is going.

Overall Enjoyment (13/15)I believe I have said all that is off with this story, and if it is fixed, it would be absolutely perfect, for the author has a vast vocabulary, and an equally vast imaganiation. I would say I enjoyed it, but I was left baffled at points with the details, so otherwise, it is well written. 

Total (62/70)

Don't be discouraged if you didn't win midst the top 3 or at least the honorable mentions! Don't stop writing and improving yourself! Just because you didn't win, that doesn't render you a horrendous author at all! 

To all winners and runner-ups, don't forget to PM/DM me, in order to obtain your sticker. Congratulations once again! <3 

Last but not least, the other mystery/thriller participants can pm their judges to acknowledge their final score and feedback. :)) 

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